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Everything posted by bojon
Many years ago,I was able to get good,and lasting color with oil pastels,but seems that the newer ones,are not as stable.The colors can change almost over night,and not just a little bit either,but drastic changes.I have quit using them as of late.I have no idea that twenty years ago they were stabel,and not now.Go figure!
I do the same thing,except I leave the tubes on the dipping rod.I'm not a fan of the the thick bodied tube,but always want a thinner tail.I do this when I paint my tubes using acrilic craft paint from Hobby Lobby.Cheap,and water clean up.The film of paint is very delicate,and can be easily damaged by the smallest touch.It becomes more durable when dipped in clear,I really don't find that the paint job makes much difference.
When I first started the plastic was shipped in one gallon steel cans,with a warning label do not freeze,and I stored it inside.When they started to ship in plastic containers there was no warning.I had it in very cold temps.and didn't see that it was harmed in any way.I know that it had to be frozen,but never checked it out.The temps were down to minus twenty,and it poured OK after bringing it out of storage.I wonder now if it thickened.Of course it was warm where I was pouring.I poured in the basement at that time,not a good idea,but I didn't know better.
I do have a DVD/CD set that covers horizontal dipping of tubes in great detail,but I don't advertise any more.I feel that this site is not the place to sell my product.All I really want to do is help people.I can help you with enough info that you shouldn't need to buy my DVD..Send me your email address,and I will send a few pictures and movies.Keep in mind that the process is very simple.I have help a great deal of people get started,and I will help you. RON kocron@comcast.net
Mark, Do you have a Kroger store in your are?The last garlic store brand spray was there.I called Pam,they said it was not selling so they discountinued that flavor.
Mark, I have used Pam for many years,and mostly their Garlic scented.They don't make it anymore in garlic scent,but I did find Store brands that make it.King Sooper,Kroger.I use the Pam to lub my cutting blades,and the dipping pans.I make a lot of my tubes with a contrasting back color,and sometimes,a third color belly,so the tube has to be rotated on the rod.This works for me.
I will take you up on your offer.Can we use a 20 minute movie that I have made for instuctions?I could send you a copy of the disc by mail.If you could post this on this site,it would answer almost all questions on horizontal dipping,from the start to the finished tube.This is part of the instuction DVD/CD that I sold several years ago.Maybe someone who previously bought my DVD/CD set can post it.They are coprighted,but I could send a release.I really don't have any secrets that I have held back,and I have helped hundreds to get a start.This could kill a bunch of birds with one stone.I would still help with any other questions,on a one on one basis.Let me know what you decide.
I have tried posting my method on this site,but I just can't do it.My computer skills are lousy.There has been a few short movies over the years that were avaliable showing me horizontal dipping.Maybe I will find someone to walk me thru posting a few short movies,or someone can help you with your search on this site.I'm always willing to help others,but hate bothering others to help me.
OK,another wild idea from me.If I was going to make skirts as you are planning I would affix a handle at 90 degs to a sheet of flat aluminum,maybe 1/8 inch thick,and the length of the filements plus 1/4".Then dip,and cool,as many times as you want to get the wall thickness.Then use a rotary cutter,and cut the tails as if it were a tube.Unless you want to make a massive amount for sale this will get you by with minimum costs. Just food for thought.
My computer filter is not allowing email to get thru.I can't recieve your message.Sorry.Can someone help this gentleman?What about private messages?I must be doing something wrong.My hands are tied.
I will help you if you decide if you want to dip tubes.I can send you a few photos and you should be able to get an idea if you want to horizontal dip or not.I find that it is easy to change sizes both length,and diameter,and dipping more than one color.Dipping allows the tube to have a thinner wall at the tail section,which I prefer,but tail filiment cutting is another step.Fast and easy once you make your cutter.
Prayers sent.Hope things work out for the best.Trust the Lord.
eric001,Drop me a line at kocron@comcast.net and I will make a effort to help you.
I think that this may coat our lungs as well.It did come right off the truck in a car wash,but the lungs would be tougher to clean.A good thing to remember is to use plenty of ventilation.
I vented to the outside from my garage to my carport window,this removed the fumes,but left a film om my truck.This is the stuff we want to get rid of.I reworked my venting system,using a box type hood,and passing the fumes thru a activated charcol pad type filter of my own making.This worked great,and it was still working up to the time I left Alabama.I was worried I would have to change the charcol often,but it was good after many hours of use.The end vent was a flexable dryer hose with the end cap facing up.No problems,because the carport had a roof,but open sides.
Lurecraft Paint. New Can Of Worms For Potatoe Fat
bojon replied to MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF's topic in Soft Plastics
I don't use a hair dryer for my dry bush method.It dries almost as fast as it hits the plastic.I agree that using a airbush finish will look better,and with an investment,and a lot of practice,and with the trouble of constant cleaning of the airbrush.If you are making a few,or a pilot model,the dry brush method will get you by.Remember to clean the project to remove the oily film on the plastic.I doubt if a fish will care how the lure was painted. -
Lurecraft Paint. New Can Of Worms For Potatoe Fat
bojon replied to MR KNOW IT ALL KIND OF's topic in Soft Plastics
I also use a Q tip,and the small sponge eye shadow brushes.Using them very dry makes a pretty good blend of colors.Takes some practice,but cheaper than an air brush,and a whole bunch less trouble,plus the added feature of just throwing away when finished.You can also use El Cheapo acrilic paint sets from the hobby store,but you have to handle them carefully,after painting,to protect the paint film,till they are dipped in clear.These are for my own use,so I paint for catching fish,but not selling to others. -
Years ago I made rubber goose decoys,using plaster molds,latex,and a rotational molding process.Plaster of paris molds were used.This worked just fine with the latex building up on the sides of the mold.The decoy could be stored flat,but inflated with air for use.This was done in my basement one at a time.Seems with a little thought a person could use a similar process for the plastic we use for our lures. Many swim baits are dipped using a knife and a Colorado blade.Why not a frog shape,and a good plastic worm cement to seal any openings.Just food for thought.And if a two piece mold was heated to near 350deg then filled with a bit of the same 350 deg of plastic,sealed then rotated while it cooled.Should set up rather fast.The latex had to gel to the sides of the mold,then the excess liguid latex was drained then rotated for awhile longer.This took a bunch of time.A small item,as a frog and a heat cool down of the plastic,should be a lot faster.I never done this with plastic,but the process should be similar,and a lot easier than a life size goose decoy mold.The mold was really heavy.
Mark,Sorry,I don't know how to post pictures,or videos.A good buddy did it for me.Maybe he can do it agin,if he sees this.Get in touch with me at kocron@comcast.net and I will help you. The rotary cutter with the wooden handles,works the same as the paint handle one.I prefer the wood handles because I can use both hands.Either will work. The Harbor Freight bearing press set up looks real good,but I never used one.Should make tail cutting a snap.
Thanks JSC, Good job.Finnaly got some of my info on this site.I will answer any questions that any one might have about the pictured procedures.
I will have to reset my security.Your mail must be going to the junk file.I will be busy the better part of today,but will help you as soon as I can.I make it a habit to help all I can.
I will send you some photos.Send me your email address.I will help you.One picture will be very helpful.Better than me typing with one finger.
True,Ive been a bit slow.I will try to help you.I don't know why you are having trouble contacting me.For a short period of time I was dropped from the forum.It is ok now.I know how to dip tubes,and I have helped a bunch get started.The one thing I can't do is get a picture,or movie posted on this site.People have tried to help,but I still can't do it.I'm really bad with computers.You can contact me at kocron@comcast.net Maybe JCS,a trusted friend, could find a way to show one of my videos on this site.My work on the DVD/CD set is copyrighted,but I will give JSC permisson to post pictures,and movie clips from them on this site.That is if he is willing,and able.