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Everything posted by bojon

  1. I put a couple of spoonfuls of coffee grounds into a coffee filter,tied it up with string,then immersed it in canola oil.Let set for a month,then placed in a plastic bottle with a spout.Smells good but I haven't tried it yet.I see no reason it wouldn't work.It should take just a few drops.I havent been dipping,but next sesion I will let you all know.
  2. Try dipping the first dip in softer plastic,followed by a second dip(after a slight cooling)of the harder plastic,#500.If you dip vertically just dip the body section up to were the tail begins. I find that 14 blades on a rotary cutter is about right,The spacing is the thickness of a #10 flat washer.I don't know the exact measurement of the spacing.Some times the washers are thinner,the next time thicker.Lousy control of quality.I think some have rough edges.I bought some shim washers years ago,wow they cost a pretty penny,but exact thickness throuout.
  3. How many times did you dip the rods?I never had #500 do what you are saying.If you want softer tails,cut them thinner,or dip the rods first in softer plastic,then after cooling a bit follow up with the harder plastic.This might help,because the tail will split into double the amount of tail filements as the filiments seperate.
  4. bojon


    I have one kit left.Anyone interested?
  5. I used to paint my tubes using clear PVC cement and lure dye,about 15 years ago.Couln't stand the vapors,even with good exhaust.Thick and tough to apply,and dries too fast.Even though they looked good,I gave up.Couldn't see where they caught fish any better,and that is why I quit the process.
  6. bojon


    You can reserve a kit,by private messaging me.The kit is $48.00 priority mail included.I can send you recommendations from my other lure makers if you want. After these kits are gone,there will be no more.Too big of a hassele.I will continue to sell the Bojon tail cutter,but the price will be about the same as the kit.
  7. bojon


    Great job!I like to see people having sucess using this method.I have had a lot of requests for tube makers wanting the Bojon tail cutter.I have 8 for sell at this time and I'm waiting to get my PayPal account set up.Should be ready in the next few days.The eight I have include a small pan as shown in my illustrations,plus two samples of the type of rods I use,written instructions(with illustrations) how to dip the horozontal method,a tail cutter cleaner,some craft sticks(Important),the tail cutter has 14 blades.Not fancy stuff but the same Ive used for a whole bunch of years.It will work just fine.I'm making a bunch more of the cutters that I plan to sell without the pan and stuff.Private message me to get on the list.I don't know what the demand will be.I may have too many in stock right now.I'm only offering this cutter on the TU site.
  8. Could you add dye to it to paint eyes on soft plastic?
  9. E-book is very close to being finished.Checking,over,and over.This is more work than I thougt.I check it over,then family checks it over,and back to me,and I still find errors.It will be very soon.
  10. When I want a salty tube I add about a quarter teaspoon of salt in a Pyrex cup,with four onces of raw plastic.I stir it in well with a craft stick,place in microwave,and leave the stick in the cup while it is being brought up to tempeture,this stick stays with the plastic in the pouring pan,to help stir and,and act as a heat sink.This works very well while dipping.I always try to keep the dipping plastic,and salt,stired during each dip,by placing the rod into the plastic,and moving the rod sideways thru the width of the pan.The salt even then sometimes settles to the bottom.At the last of the plastic,when,I tilt the pan,to use the last bit of plastic,the salt will concentrate,making a very salty,weak,tube.I like these precious few,but they usually get one fish and are destroyed,like a senko.
  11. You guys are talking way more salt than you need.Even if you got a good tube,it would be so weak that they would tear up on the first rock it rubbed across.
  12. If all you want is a hundred,you can go horizontal.You can make more than double that.
  13. WD-40.My fishing partner sprays his lure just before casting with WD40.Would this work as a worm lub/scent on our tubes?It contains fish oil I think.
  14. If you are going to go into high production you should go with the vertcal dip with steel rods,but on the other hand by using a 1/4 inch aluminum rod horizotally you have much better control.I use this because a lot of my tubes,are more than one color,some as many as four.Example,say you want a shad type color,first you dip the body,let it cool down a bit,then barely dip it in a back color,cool,then rotate the tube one the rod 180 degs and barely dip in a belly color,then maybe a very light dip at the nose only in red.You end up with a nice looking tube like no other,and it won't be too thick.The steel rods may make the tubes way too fat,but at the same time it may be what the fish want,and thats the bottom line.
  15. SWO,GREAT TEST! Thank you very much.I have used steel very little.Nails and wire mostly.Looks like steel rod making time when I get time.Thanks again.
  16. My coffee scent is held in suspension by Canola oil.The Pam type spray also is made with the same stuff,and I use this to lub my dipping rods and tail cutter blades.I haven't noticed any problem.
  17. Get the 3 #500 formula,and thing will go better.I never tried a tapered rod,but with enough of the Pam type spray you shoul be able to remove it without damage.Let me know how you make out.
  18. I've always thought it might be the tempature of the rod causing the plastic to congel on the rod.I always keep my dipping plastic on the cool side.Seemed when I dipped in my garage it seemed the rods that been setting in the cold garage gathered the plastic better.I guess it is the same as cooler plastic.
  19. Sorry about a second post,but what material used in the constuction of the dipping rods makes the best single dip,not counting salt,and temp?I use mostly aluminum,and have since the beginning,but that don't mean it is the best.
  20. I agree with Charkins here,as well as the rest of the posters.Most of my tubes are for my own use,so I worry not if I have some tubes that may be too thin.They do tear up easy but they do great at catching fish,and after all,that is the bottom line. I have in the past dipped the main body, which will become the tail, in softer plastic,then a second dip,of much harder plastic for the main body(the 60% of the tube).This would make a tougher head,but I really didn't see the need.As far as the Gitzit goes,I still think they were the best ever,and I think we should all thank Bobby Garland for his inovation of one of the finest bass catching soft lures. I give away a bunch of tubes every year to my fishing buds,but the tubes that are at the end of a run that are so heavy with salt that the become fragile are the ones that I keep.I care less about them tearing up,they seem too fish best.
  21. Nova, That is true.You have to be careful.If the seal gets twisted,you lose the seal,and this happens often enough to be a pain.I don't really know how to glue it in place.Not much sticks to silicon.
  22. For years now I have been using the containers that have a silicon seal.They keep the tubes fresh,and keeps the oder out of the car,or house.The garlic was so strong I couldn't handle it.I have a bunch of these boxes from small to large,some to store bulk,some to put in my fishing vest.
  23. Buy a gallon of #500 formula from Lurecraft,and you won't need to add anything,unless you want to. The only time I made a soft tube using the soft formula,was when I made some tubes for drop shoting.
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