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Everything posted by bojon

  1. Thanks for setting me straight on the time line.I knew it was a while back.My first mold was using fiber glass resin used for car body repair.My first batch of Plastinol was from Herters.Couldn't let it get below freezing. I think it was shipped in metal containers. To get back to how much sand ,you will,like a lot of things in pouring lures,have to test the amount out.Make sure the sand is dry.I didn't use much at a time,and it sank well.
  2. Many,many years ago,before the Senko people even had a buisness(I think),best guess it was the late 1960s,the CREEPY CRAWLER period. I was pouring in a homemade open mold.I used very fine sand to weight my worms,Later switched to craftstore sand,called scenic sand.I lived out west in the dust and sand,so sand was easy to come by.All I did was use my fingers to sift a small amount down the entire length of the worm as soon as it was poured.Don't plan on it being suspended in the middle of the bait it sinks to the bottom.This worked very well,but I never used one wacky style,back then I doubt anyone did.I wished I did.Like the Senkos,they tore up very easy. Does anyone out there know when the Creepy Crawler toy came out?
  3. My best guess is that it is a mixing problem.By stiring really,really, well at the first opening of the new container,and each use,as well(when the level goes down)a good shaking prior to each pour.I always use one gallon containers,and found that a drill extender(12 inch)powered by a electric drill,works great,and fits the small opening.I like the idea of switching to larger mouth jugs,something I will look into. The extender is not connected to any devise at the end.The set screw holes seam to get it done. I hate mixing large batches of color,because I know glitter can bleed color into the plastic,one of my favorite colors depends on the fadeing of the copper glitter.
  4. bojon

    Sea Salt

    I used sea salt,imported from France,many years ago for dipping tubes.It worked just fine,but I never noticed a bubble problem.I've been wanting to make some tubes with bubble in,so I might try the sea salt again and stir it fast,and see what happen.I heard many years ago not to use salt,with the inoized additive.I never used it,because there is a lot of different salt out there,why take a chance.I have been using LC salt.
  5. For small lots,like a dozen or two,you might consider horozantal dippimg.This might do the trick for messing around.For large production runs this is not the ticket.
  6. The book is still in progress.The problem is me.I keep wanting to add to it,and for the last month I really didn't do much.Sad but I get a bit depressed during the holidays,if that is a excuse.The gentleman helping me putting it in the proper format has been great,and has had a bunch of patience with me.I have a lot of pictures,and movies,and captions,I only hope it won't be too amuterish.The data is good and plenty of it,because I'm trying to be as complete as I can.This is my first effort.I haven't given up,because I feel I have a lot to teach.Do I add how to get bubbles in the tubes?See what I mean,it never ends.
  7. I will give a batch a good wipping.I'm always stirring slowly.No doubt it will work.As always,thanks guys.
  8. I bought the LC bubbles but I was not happy with them,and was afraid of the breathing hazard,even when wearing a mask.I got it all over.Of course I was using a lot of ventilaton in my dipping area.Most of the problems were caused by this old man,I figure.I will try stirring hard before each dip.
  9. Even when using wood?I might give the fast stirring a try to get a bunch of bubbles. Has anyone tried to make a bubble loaded tube???
  10. When stiring plastic,when using the microwave,I put my stiring stick(tounge depresser) into the Pyrex cup at the very first and leave it in,thruout my dipping process,even in the dipping pan.I have not had a bubble in 20 years.In fact I would like to make some tubes with a major bunch of bubbles.Any suggestions would help.
  11. MERRY CHRISTMAS from Colorado!!!!!
  12. Sorry,there is no way that the volume you do could be done by my way without a bunch of modification.That is high volume.I forget I'm geared up to the guy who wants a couple of dozen for the next days fishing trip,and if it works,then make a couple of hundred. Horizontal is still better for three color dips,like green body,brown back,and white belly.ECT. SORRY
  13. What problems do you have?Maybe I can help you through them.Of course you can save the plastic for next time,but why not use all you have down to practically no waste,or put asides.I always thought two tone and different colored tails were easy.Never could I understand using so much plastic to dip tubes.Depending on the pan size you can dip three or four at a time till you get down to the last ounce,then switch to the single rod.You should be left with such a small amount of plastic,less than a tube dip,that you can trash it and not feel guilty.Just my humble opinion.
  14. Horizontal dip down to the last 1/2 once.Why end up with 3 1/2 inch of plastic you cant dip in.Three and a half inches will get you a bunch more tubes.What a waste.
  15. I have been hooked on soft plastics for 50 years.There is no cure.I would have it no other way.It is a great hobby,and a learning process.ENJOY!!!
  16. No it is not string glitter,but is long like it, but not curly,but flat,probaby ranges 1/4 inch long and is about 1/16 inch to 1/8 inch wide.It seems to be cut at a random,the pieces vary greatly in size and shape.
  17. The flake is random elogated pieces that I have seen in some lures.It is not hex or round.
  18. Where do you get the large plastic flake?I would like to try it in my tubes as a replacement for the large black glitter.
  19. Nice scoop! For years I used a small plastic hair roller retainer,shaped like a very shallow spoon.Worked great,but I lost them,so I'm using a small craft stick,and it works fair.Looking for the retainers in the hair roller section.A lady friend said they had them at the Dollar store,but no luck so far.
  20. I use these a lot for my tubes.I use a whole bunch to make a pearl with a high light,and also add a small amount to 4 oz of clear plastic,about the amount of a kitchen match head,with glitter only.Makes a nice effective tube. I like them,they allow a lot of color changes.
  21. Our Home Depot(Pueblo,Colorado),only has the 1/2 inch.I wanted 1/4 inch.Do they have it in other stores in different areas?I wanted to menton in my book where to get the rod. Any help guys?
  22. I tried twenty years plus ago.The answer is yes but it was so slow that I figured I had to come up with a better way.Dipping is at least 50 times faster.
  23. Thank you, It is now making sense.Sounds like I could use this setup.I'll buy a few jigs with the weed guard and play with them and figure it out. Do you pour your own jigs with the guard? I have never used a weed guard in all my fishing before,but it looks like I will start. Any luck with the coffee? Thanks
  24. Sounds good!Where does the wire come out on the tube?Thru the body,or at the tail filements? I always insert my jig internally,and I can't see the wire as a help.Does it prevent more snags?Does it tear up the tube body.I'd like to try this method because the lake I fish has a lot of young cottonwoods that grew up when the lake was low.Great cover,but a lot of snags now that they are underwater. Sorry the rig you use would be new to me,that is why the questions.
  25. Great post.A good start for a rookie.This will save a lot of time,and plastic,while getting into the hang of it. Might add that pouring plastic can be addictive.
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