Many,many years ago,before the Senko people even had a buisness(I think),best guess it was the late 1960s,the CREEPY CRAWLER period. I was pouring in a homemade open mold.I used very fine sand to weight my worms,Later switched to craftstore sand,called scenic sand.I lived out west in the dust and sand,so sand was easy to come by.All I did was use my fingers to sift a small amount down the entire length of the worm as soon as it was poured.Don't plan on it being suspended in the middle of the bait it sinks to the bottom.This worked very well,but I never used one wacky style,back then I doubt anyone did.I wished I did.Like the Senkos,they tore up very easy.
Does anyone out there know when the Creepy Crawler toy came out?