The plastic has a scent with or without adding scent and salt.I contend that feathers,hair,and fly flotation oil,plus line floatation,silicon or oil,all have oders,so really it is a matter of amount of oder.If this is the case then the use of flies(heaven forbid)should also be banned.All metal spoons,spinners,would have to be sanitized too eliminate human oder.This should allow the trout to die of old age.Can you imagine tying on a flie with rubber gloves(Oh wait,Latex has a strong scent) O'well???
It is a stupid law.and I have faith in our DOW that it will change.This is a law that was pushed by the pure fly fishermen that can't compete,even when using a $500 rod,$300 dollar reel ,and $50 line to throw thier precious little smelly ball of preseved hair,and feathers,dripping in the scent of all types of oders.
This is much the same way that warm water fish were almost put on the back burner for many years.The attitude,in Colorado,if it was not a trout,it was a trash fish was held by the DOW,or at least the public, for many years.Thank God they finnaly came around.
The only way that this whole issue can be resolved,would be if warm water fish can survive the water temp,then trout shouldn't be stocked.They would be in the high country only.I really wouldn't like to see this because when they stock the rainbows,the bass,and wipers go on a feeding frenzy.The really get fat on stockers.
Sorry about the long post.