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Everything posted by bojon

  1. I use Lego blocks on the base that they sell.I like that you can adjust to make the size of the mold fit what you want.
  2. I have in the past,taken fresh caught shad,and cut them into small pieces.Head guts and all.Then I dried them out enough to grind the mess into a fine powder.I added this ,and salt into a batch of white plastic to dip some tubes.The color turned out to be a light tan.They did catch fish,but I really couldn't tell if they were much better than just white with shad scent added.They did have a good stink about them.
  3. During the early 70s I was pouring a whole lot of tri-colored grubs.They were the split tail grub and had a flat bottom.The colors were a black back,chateuse main body,with a fire tail belly.I poured these by the hundereds,and never had a single one come apart.They were placed on a large cookie sheet and cured in the oven(not micro wave)for a short period of time.They took on a higher gloss,and the colors stayed put. When dipping tubes I sometimes delay a dip in a second color so that the tails come apart and have a nice two tone color.I alow the first color to cool down completely.Bottom line is if the plastic is too cool it will come apart.
  4. bojon

    garlic Pam

    Thanks guys,I was able to find the store brand (kroger )at King Sooper food store here in Pueblo.Thanks again.
  5. bojon

    garlic Pam

    Does anyone know where I can buy garlic flavored Pam.? I have ran out,and can no longer find it in the local stores.Last batch I bought was in Alabama,but now I can't find it Colorado.I wonder if it is still around.I like it as a realease film. Thanks.
  6. In the past I have used oil based pastels.They are for art work and don't look a lot different than kids crayolas.I needed some brown one time and ground up piece added it to the melted plastic,and it gave me a great color.
  7. Hello, I sure would like the soft plastic paint.Let me know also when it might be possable for sale. Ron Kochevar,2216 7th ave apt 5A,pueblo,colorado,81003 Thanks,Ron
  8. Thanks for the reply jrav.Some good things to think about.I always dip as you said,but cut the tail end with a razor so I can turn it on the rod.It works well enough on the 4 in X 1/2 in dia.,and they came out well.But the size is doubled and my concern is that the plastic won't adhere to the previous dip.I have had this happen before,but used it to my advantage and had a two color tail.The lamination's came apart,but the tube looked good and worked.These were the smaller tubes.There was a way to heat treat the lures so they would fuse.I did it a lot on tri-colored grubs but forgot the time and duration in the oven.I'd hate to mess up the large tubes(a lot of plastic at stake).I might be worrying for nothing.Ether way I will post my results. My dipping rods are already made and I have a bread loaf pan set up with,a wooden handle, to dip in.The rods are of copper pipe.The rod handles are of clothes hanger wire double back in a "U" shape.This will fit in between a spacer made between two plastic,(pvc) fence pcs.E-mail me and I will send a picture. These tubes will be used for lake trout,and tiger muskies.I will add a strip of sucker meat to the trailer for the lake trout.
  9. I will be dipping a large tube, 8 inch long X 1 inch Dia.It will be a rainbow trout,which means I will have to make four dips.Body,belly,back,then clear overcoat.There will be cooling between dips.This will work on a smaller scale,but this is much larger. Back in the 70's I used to put multiple pour lures in the oven to get the pours to adhere to each other.NOW THE PROBLEM ! I forgot the temp,and duration of the process.Help needed.
  10. Wished you would state how large tubes you want.Remember you can use any metal tube,it does make a difference what diameter you want.You can buy ridged galvanized conduit,you have a choice of what dia. you want.Remember if you dip a bunch of times your diameter will increase greatly.You could end up with a tube the size of your forearm. If I can help,let me know. My e-mail kocron@comcast.net
  11. First of all,if you are going to make really long/thick tubes in small amounts in different colors,you might consider to make them the way I have been for years.Dip horizontly,using a teflon coated bread loaf pan to provide the container for the plastic that has been heated in the micro wave.The loaf pan is on a heat sorce. I use a 2 burner buffet heater from Wal-mart. I have used wood dowel covered in Devcon 2 ton epoxy,and it was not near as effective as metal rods.Actually a bad idea.stick to metal.A friend that I helped with large tubes came up with a really good find.He uses copper pipe stub outs(various sizes)from plumbing supply stores.They are made at a 90 deg bend. I'm always looking for simple cost effective ways to make lures.This gives the kids a chance.
  12. Does anyone know how to finnish brass spinner bades to get the color similar to Mepps black of the 1950s.Sort of a back coffe color(the hint of brown) Thanks,Bojon
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