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Everything posted by bojon

  1. I also used a bunch of utility blades enclosed in a tight fitting wooden box,that was placed over the tube,and hit with a rubber mallet.I used JB WELD to set the blades.This method served me well when my home was out in the woods,but when my health got me down I had to move to a apartment,and no longer could make the noise that the mallet made.This type of cutter does very well,and the tails will come out as well as with the rotary cutter.I made many thousands of tubes over the years,and only used the box cutter.I may have never went to the rotary except for my move.The rotary may be a bit easier,and a whole bunch quieter,but a lot more costly. In my instruction DVD/CD-R,I show the steps I make in order to make the box cutter.If you request,a couple of photos of this process I will email the photos.Just request the photos for the cutter,and I will send some copyright photos of HOW TO.Send your request to kocron@comcast.net I will need your full EMAIL ADDRESS! My stupid photo program won't allow attatchments.The box way is cost effective,and when things are tough,would allow to make some tubes till things settle down.
  2. Cobra,Please let me know how the large amount of tail cutting works. I tried this many years ago,and couldn't get the tubes lined up right.Please keep me posted,because I have been asked this queston before.It seemed that less than 20 blades,and cutting one at a time was about right.It seemed the more blades on the cutter,the more difficult the cut,sorta like the bed of nails trick.
  3. I have a 18 blade rotary tail cutter that does a fine job,with a minimum learning curve.Email me your address to kocron@comcast.net and I will send you a photo,and details.
  4. The last time I needed a small circle of rubber,for a bobber rig,I cut thin sections from a rubber sling shot that had broken.I would guess surgical tubing would be the same.
  5. Polished steel rods will work just fine,but a piece of plain steel rod,or a large,bolt or a nail(head cutoff) will work just as well,if you are trying to keep costs down.Use Garlic flavored Pam type product to act as a release agent.Not too much or the tube will slide off as a nose dicharge,and too little the tube will be hard to slide off and wrinkle,or distort.This step is easier than it sounds. If you are planning to make more of the same color,by all means save the plastic waste for reuse.Just cut in small pieces and remelt.
  6. Thanks for the tips.I will be checking some of the places you mentioned.Thanks!
  7. I will be looking for some of them!!! This is one of those things that you slap your forehead and say,why didn't I think of that.I think I know a lady that works at a School cafeteria,maybe she can bring me one or two.This would solve my problem.Thanks a bunch.
  8. I always ordered mine by the one gallon jug.I dip in 2 to 4 oz at a time and like the idea of being able to shake the container before each pour.I use a drill bit extender with a cordless drill to stir if it has set for a long time.It would be a lot easier to stir with a paint mixer.Does anyone else have a way to stir in a gallon jug?I like the drill better than a dowel,but I sure am open to suggestions.
  9. Nice fish!You will find that now you are hooked to a lifetime of fun catching fish on your own lures.Good job!
  10. I also have that poblem,and after many thousands of tubes I still have.I ignore it,but I have heard of guys using a heat gun to smooth the nose of the tube.I have also heard you can prevent this by cooling with the nose up.I have not tried either method,but the heat gun sounds the most promising.Both of these metods were brought up here on the forum.I have used a special wood burning tool,that is for my wood carved birds,and it worked,but was way too slow.One thing I have noticed that if the plastic is a bit on the cool side the dripping will be less.Bottom line unless you are selling your tubes to a very picky person,I would ignore it and cut the flashing off as close as you can with a razor.I don't sell tubes,I just make them for my own use,and my fishing partners,I lose way too many a day while fishing rock rubble.I consider losing 50 a day as not a bad day,as long as I'm catching fish.What I hate is having to keep tying on a new rig all the time.
  11. bojon


    I see that people are having trouble getting thru to my e-mail.I'm sorry! I don't know what the problem might have been.Try again please at kocron@comcast.net I never ignore my mail,or ignore helping people.Again I'm sorry.
  12. bojon


    If you wait a long time between dips you can have seperation of the colors.You might try a pan set up for horizontal with the hot plastic then go straight to the second color,but this would mean both would be horizontal dips.I have had three pans and three colors ready to go,1,2,and three.Nice blend of colors. Also,if you have trouble with a second color sticking,just clean the surface with alcohol,or soap.Just get rid of the oily surface. It works for me.
  13. I always thought that it worked as a water tension remover,causing the paint to flow smoother.Years ago the acrilic paint line for art work sold a tension breaker for art painting.I checked a few weeks ago at a art store and didn't see it on the shelves.I always thought it was windex type solvent.Don't really know,but it worked great.
  14. bojon


    Mike,like you said horizontal dipping large tubes is tough.The largest I've done was 8 inches by 3/4 inch,and it was tough on my old wrists. I have to dip my colors in most cases.If it is a simple two,three,or four color,I just dip them.More complicated I use acrilic paints then dip a final in clear.I have never been able to use a air brush and I don't know why. As far as the tube colors seperating,I have never had a problem.
  15. When making a lure such as a floating Rapala I never use a weight,the balsa bait is weighted by the hooks alone. When making larger baits of this type,you will no longer be able to cast without problems.Two ton epoxy will protect your lure even if it is made of balsa.It really takes a beating. The tail as you show on the photo will cause you problems.
  16. My Son uses it with great success.
  17. bojon


    Mike,do you dip horizontal for this type bait? I expected a 10 inch tube. We don't have big enough fish for a tube that size,but it should work in your area.Let us know. Good fishing!
  18. Really nice baits Mike! Should get some nice fish.Keep us posted.
  19. bojon

    New to TU

    Welcome to TU!You will enjoy!
  20. bojon


    You are wecome,and thank you for your comment.Remember if you need help,just contact me.
  21. That is a really nice setup.Should give you excellent results for years to come.
  22. One of my favorite colors is made by depending on the copper glitter to fade into the hot plastic.Like Nova said it leaves a tint to the plastic that is really touchy to get otherwise.I add a very small speck of blue powder and dip my tubes,and the tubes look almost clear,but have a nice color to them in the outside light.My lady from many years ago named the color Coral Pink and if the lighting is right that is about it.Great color,and produces fish.My favorite over the years.
  23. Stay away from craft glitter.I can't imagine how much plastic I ruined way back when.When dipping I have the rod in the plastic for less than a second,and even then you may have trouble.I see it sliding down and distortig while cooling.Have you thought about painting with acrilics?This would solve what you are trying to do.Mix a non craft glitter with the clear acrilic and paint.You will have to dip a final time in clear to protect the paint because the paint film is easily destroyed prior to the final dip.Before painting let the tube cool,then wash and dry with hand soap,or alcohol.I use hand soap before painting because the tube surface has a oily surface.Send me a email and I will send some photos of the paints I use,and painted tubes.My email kocron@comcast.net
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