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Everything posted by camrynekai

  1. Thanks Senkosam, Woodsac, I guess its depends on the scanner....I have no problem seeing two or three color pours with the High brightness HP scanner....It beats most others, especially the LED driven ones. There are only a couple of baits you may be better off using a camera....but 90% of the baits out there can be done with a scanner. If you want to see other baits with multi color pours from a scanner I can also post them. Tom
  2. I just bent a piece of sheet metal with a roofers hand brake. It works great at keeping the plastic from coming out when I turn the mold on its side. I'm sure that you can find some C chanel at your local hardware store if you dont want to make one yourself.
  3. I had the same problem with the bait not having any wiggle. I fixed the problem by pouring my plastic colder and it eliminated all the shrinking the bait had and they now have plenty of wiggle and the ribs are much more pronounced. I also made a snap on plate to cover the fill holes, so as soon as I pour the mold full I snap on the plate and turn the mold flat.........now I don't have baits that are heavy on one end.
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