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Everything posted by vishezfish

  1. Nice Jim.... Good for you... Its tough in this buissness... I did it for a lil while but had to stop,,, I take my hat off to all of you guys making these baits.. and I have to say all of your work is outstanding to say the least! Keep goin don't give up! Dave Zak www.geocities.coom/bitenbass
  2. You can make your own... I made mine out of plaster and it works great and the bass still wack em even if there not dennys pro chunk or mike ikes They do the job... And its cheap!
  3. I was pouring some stiks and took them outa tiny bit early before they totally cooled and stretched them out and they held and geled that way givin me a cool skinny senko/worm... porb like the skinny stiks del sells....
  4. vishezfish


    I have guys who love the salt in the baits i make... In fact they taste em for themselves to make sure... It in there... I wonder if it make a diff in the bass holding on longer... But they been working with my senko type baits, regular worms.. beavers so who knows!
  5. I use Kick N Bass..... I add it in my baits before I pour and man does that stuff kick bass!!! You have to keep your eye on your line at all times or elase you will gut hook a bass.... They swallow it whole .....
  6. Nice, thanks..... I might have to get in touch with senkosam... I forgot about that stuff he sells..... Thanks jmk26 for that info too!!
  7. Thanks Delw... That sounds good.... Thank you again for your help and service with my custom molds!! vishezfish (Dave from NJ)!
  8. i cannot seem to get a good clear junebug color using salt.... anyone have the same porblem? I imagine i will not get the nice clear color do to the salt.... anyone have the same problem?
  9. how do you guys add your color charts?? Some are just a part of the baits.... looks nice.... I have to try to do this...
  10. You can sculpey clay... Don't know if it shrinks, ... I make my own baits out of it.... You can also bake it in the oven and it will get hard... So that might work when you use that silicone stuff... I usaully make it out of clay and make a plaster master maold... Then I pour junk plastic into the master mold (thats called casting)amd make as many master casts... Then I can make more molds off of that.. Hope I didn't confuse you!!
  11. Guys I know Delw is very busy.. And Bob has alot on his plate if anyone is looking to sell any aluminum beaver molds or 6 inch jerkbait molds please consider me!! $$$ Doesn't matter... Well it does a little!!! Pm me or write here! Thanks you All
  12. Hello Delw... Great post, very imformative on how much time it takes making our molds! I forget how many of us are out there asking for so many molds! I apologize if I offended you in anyway!! I will wait like everyone else for my molds! And WOW, It takes alot of time tp program them things!! Jeez.... Man ! Hey... put mine ahead of those other guys!! Just joking!! Dave NJ
  13. I hear ya guys... I'm waiting too! Been a few months what scares me is some of you guys mentioned years ??? I hope not!! I also am waiting on a custom mold and some stock molds he sells! They are very nice... April is cool and Delw is great but I sure can use my molds!! If anyone buys a CNC machine let me know!!
  14. Thanks guys that answere my question... They look great.... I have some customers that are looking for some!!
  15. Thanks again guys, My customer got the baits yesterday... Just the holiday heavy load of mailing! I am going to do the ups online thing!!
  16. Has anyone used them?? Not sure if I want to try em due to them having not tops just a one peice mold.... But I'm looiing for a good mold... HAs anyone used delws and if so can you post a pic .. Thanks you all!! Dave
  17. Thanks Jim !! Nice baits by the way!! That smallie is huge on your baits !! WOW!
  18. Thanks guys for all your input... I'm going to check out the ups online shipping that Jim was talking about... Jim what do you do... ?? Does it print out the label ? I'm assuming I need to by some sort of mailing stamp for my computer?? Thank you all agian, I'm going to check ups out right now...!
  19. I sent out an order last week and the customer did not get it yet... I think they should of gotten it by now! Does anyone spend the extra $$ on the insurance on the mailing if so how does that work? What do they do if the customer does not get the package? Thanks!! Vishezfish
  20. Great advice... Thats what I was thinking!! Thanks you guys for your help!
  21. My brother in law owns a tackle shop in NJ and he wants to sell my soft plastic baits there.... that sounds great but.... I'm not sure how that works?? Would he buy them from me? Or do i put them in his store and split all $$$ from there?? Thanks for your help on this matter!!
  22. This is how i do it... I would pour my first color in first ... you have to to make sure not to wait too long before you pour the next color or you will get a crack... Then pour your next color... Have the 2 colors you want ready to pour its as easy as that... just like pouring in a 2 part mold without the other part. Hope that helps...
  23. Can someone post a pic of raodkill?
  24. I made mine out of plaster.... U might be able to close the split in the middle with a candle or other hot device.... Mine came out good.... I catch bass on em!
  25. I just got my senkosam glitter in the mail and I have to say it is great.... I had no problems heating and reheating in the microwave....
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