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Everything posted by vishezfish

  1. I saw that Del mart sells salt for like $1. 50, does anyone know if the salt needs to be grinded? Thanks again!! VF
  2. Thanks guys, I will check them stores out and I will try to work with the pots I have too!
  3. Anyone know of anyone on this site who is selling trout swimbaits? Please let me know or pm me!! Thanks you all!!
  4. Thanks Nova, These are the cups and not the pots right? I looked on there website and did not find them, do you know where it is on the site? I have the pots and they are too messy and drip all over my heating stove!! Thanks!
  5. Where did you guys get the tin cups for the burners? I been looking in many stores with no results...
  6. That is messed up/.... I had a day out fishing with bullets wizzing buy our heads, some guy was shooting the geese on his property... The bullets went across the lake, where there are other homes... We told the Law Man who wanted to check our license, and he didn't seem to care, but he was more concerned with our licenses. Whats next bullet proof fishing gear?? Don't patten that Del or senkosam!!
  7. Hello Tubeman, What kind of pot?? I been looking for a small pot that I can put on the burner but haven't found it yet.. Where did you get yours if you don't mind me asking??!! Sorry I couldn't help your question!~ vf
  8. The dental stuff I think your talking about is called Alginate. I used it for making lifecasts of peoples faces so I could sculpt masks... This will dry up after a while, and it needs backing, depending on how much you use. I use to back it up with plaster bandages... Never tried it for plastic molds... I use plaster and Durhams putty... VF
  9. Try coating it with engine paint, or I forget what its called.. I'm sure the guys will correct me.. Somethnig 2 ton? Sotty. I use engine Paint! Then I take a small brush and brush the mold with a worm oil!! Vf
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you !! VF
  11. Thanks Jim/Pop I will try the plate first and see howthat works... Jim what aluminum cups do you use and where do you get them?? Thanks!!
  12. Ok, I read some of the guys use bolth .... So how do you do it?? You heat the plastic in the mic then pour in the pot on the burner?? Don't you still get the smoke when you pour from the pot to the mold?? Or do you pour back into the pyrex cup?? I been trying to figure this out! I know the pot will leak on the burner, almost had the fire dept. over my house for smoke off the burner Thank u much! VF
  13. I do the same thing, I don't bake the clay, just pull it out. Then I pour about 8 t0 16 plastic samples, put them all in a aluminum container, tape or glue them down and then I pour the plaster or durhams water putty.... Vf
  14. Jim, The 4 inch fat bait I sent you should do well!! I sent some to someone in NY and they told me they were catching alot of smallies on them,,, The color was watermellon/red flake... Hopefully they will catch them for you! VF
  15. Thanks everyone, that answers my question!
  16. Yeah, I was checking out my sons toys too!!! Some can also be used for texture on the baits!! A spiderman bait?? Hmmmm...... Just kidding!!
  17. Man you guys got my wheels turning!! I found a straw my son was using and it has nice ripples and If i cut it down it would make a nice senko type bait! Thats cool what the guy did in the tournament, a T huh? I thought about a bait molded in a U shape, like a senko or something?? I have to play around with some clay!! Vf
  18. Thanks GABASSNErd, Glad you like them! If you take pics that would be great!! I will do the same with your baits when spring rolls around.... I'm done for the year! Too cold for me!! I wonder why the burner gives off more smoke then the mic?? VF
  19. Hey ghost baits! So you did it indoors? Did you use the Microwave or burner?? And the wife didn't get upset? So there was no burnt plastic? Only KNB scent?? Cool.. I got your baits and they look great! Can't wait to try rhem, my father already stole some! Let me know when you get my stuff! VF
  20. Welcome spinner8, I have to say that all these guys on this website are truly nice and very informative! I asked alot of crazy/dumb questions and they have helped me many times!! They also make great, great baits!! Vf
  21. Hi Chris, I was thinking of doing it in my kitchen or basement... I know it should be air out area, but if some of us are pouring in the kitchen with calhouns, why not the basement? I put calhouns plastic on my christmas list SO my wife knows what I need!! Thanks
  22. Thats a great idea... welding different baits together!! Thanks!!
  23. I read in the a recent post that some guys melt in the kitchen... with calhoun plastic... So does this mean I can do it in my house and kitchen and not have my wife kick me out?? I live in NJ and its getting cold! I melt in my car port, but I imagine that when we start to see some really cold weather I won't wanna be out there freezing... BUt I also don't want to smoke and smell up my house... I kind of like my marriage... :oops: I got a few sample packs of glitter from senko sam, this stuff looks great!! Thank you VF
  24. I usaully make them out of clay... You can buy clay that when you bake it in the oven it gets hard and make your molds out of that. I never had luck with it, for me anyway. I make a bait out of oil based clay. Then pour plaster or water putty over it. Some guys use rtv, maybe thats why they use the oven clay?? I don't know!! VF
  25. Thanks BIG Z and evryone! I wll give that a try!
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