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Everything posted by vishezfish

  1. I am using Lure crafts!! i'm also using Lurecrafts plastic too>>> I don't kow if that makes a difference? Thanks for all your help! Dave (vishez fish) www.geocities.com/bitenbass
  2. I sent Senko Sam a pm and hopefully he can send me some samples!! I am interested for sure...!!
  3. What is the best way to take a picture of your product so that it will show the color well and flakes? I checked out alot of the websites on here and they look very good! Some of my pics don't show up good... Like the darker colors. I have a junebug bait that is on the website and it looks almost black. I'm using a good digital camera and put them on white paper for the backround before I take the pic.. Thanks again for your help! If anyone would like samples, pm me!! Anytime! Vf www.geocities.com/bitenbass
  4. Thank you woodsac, I gonna try the less plastic method and see how it works, I usaully pour a 1/2 cup of plastic. But i do reheat, it when it starts to cool... Thanks again for you input!! To all, I got a nice package from Ghost baits, nice work!! If you haven't checked him out yet, do so! Thanks VF www.geocities.com/bitenbass
  5. So what do you do when it gets lighter? Add more color? But doesn't that make it darker then the others that poured first? To make matters worst, my customer emailed me saying he got my baits and the color was lighter than some of the other baits... *&^%!! So I said I would send him a new batch asap....! What do you do to stop this? The color is watermellon, and I made it pretty dark! Thank you all for your help!
  6. I am making a worm in watermellon/ red glitter and my first 5 pours are great, but toward the last few pours the watermellon is lighter then the first five?!! I don't know what i'm doing wrong? HOw does the color change? Maybe after I warmed it up in the mic again? Thanks, any help on this would help! Vishez fish www.geocities.com/bitenbass
  7. Anyone interested in swapping with me? I would also like to know if anyone out there would be interested in making aluminum molds out of my baits? I can't seem to find anyone!!! You can check out my lures here... www.geocities.com/bitenbass Thanks Vishez fish
  8. I never tried it yet, you might be able to. I know they are made with fish oil....
  9. Kick N Bass for me is great! I got a nice package from ken myself, 2 bottles for the price of one!! Cosmo is a great guy, and the scents are strong!! My wife won't let me bring them in the house!! I have not caught any fish yet using them, but I only tried them once! I'v been in the lab!! Vishezfish www.geocities.com/bitenbass I have a few pics up now, Let me know what you think!!
  10. I was going to buy it the first time but at the time the shippng rates were too $$$, BUt since then I think the shipping rates are cheaper depending on how they ship it... So in that time I ordered a qaurt of Zeiners plastic... So it's my first order of plastic... I like it so far, but I am going to order calhouns when I run out.... most definitely.... I'm also looking for a senko 2 part mold. Some of them are way out of my price range, I have to try to find one used...
  11. I been using both mic and the portable burner... I actually like the burner better then the mic, I keep on scorching my plastic on the mic... I been trying to use the 3o second method, but for some reason i still manage to get alot of bubbles like I boiled it in the mic!! The double burner i got is cool, it hasn't burnt or boiled my plastic.. I did get some bubbleson a few pours, but it works prerry good. In the mic i usaully remelt old baits as a test...
  12. What is your opinion on them? What do they do?? I never heard of them... How well do they work? Are they better than using the Mic and Burner?? Thanks again!
  13. I'm going to try it, I do have red glitter... this weekend for sure. Thanks!!
  14. I have it now, thanks alot!! I will be in touch!!
  15. I'm trying to get in the pm.... Tm is trying to help me but I'm not getting it.... I am totally interested in checking your bait out!!
  16. Top left corner, your acount where??? On my first post, on your post reply?? Sorry to be stupid with this!!
  17. Thanks, I have a stupid question, how do you check your pm?
  18. The color i'm getting looks like mountain dew.... That can't be right, right?? I thought motor oil looked like a like gold/brown color am I wrong??
  19. Is this correct?? I used the moter oil colr that I got from zeiners and it looks like a transparent green...? I'm not sure if this is right... I put 2 drops in the plastic... Can someone post a pic of the color for motor oil?? Thanks again!!
  20. Forgot to mention the 2 I have to offer are flat on one side... One looks like a slug, my first bait that I caught 11 bass... I might name him the slugger... The other is a worm flat bottom.... I call him the craw worm.... I don't have much colors, some are a mix... I do have motor oil and red glitter... Thanks
  21. I'm ready to get some feedback... I haven't been able to post pics yet, but I will! But I would like to send some out and see what you guys think! Thanks
  22. I'm thinking of calling my little company Bite N bass lures... What do you think?
  23. I checked your lures a while ago, great website and name!! That must feel great having a kid catch a 10 lb bass on your lures!! I'm trying to make my own jerkbait, still working out the bugs!!! But I might order some of your baits, are the jerkbaits you make a 2 piece mold or one piece?? And would you consider slling a mold? I going to try durhams water putty, I'm tired of using plaster.... I know u been using it, it must be good. I can't seem to find it around here, lowes doesn't have it... I have to check home depot.... Thanks for the post. I'm hoping to post some pics of my lures soon!!! Thanks
  24. Thank you guys for your posts.... I'm happy witht the amount of fish I caught, just thought that maybe the plastic was too soft. I'm using Zeiners.. I'm not crazy about the xxx baits, I like my baits to sink a few inches.... And when I want them to come to the top I can do it using my rod ya know? Thats what i'm trying to make.. Man it's tuff too!! I went through six molds I didn't like and designs!! I'm getting closer though... Trying to make them a little more thicker but not enough to lose fish on... and not get a good hook set. My father tore up a bunch of huge pickerel on my bait that I thought was a srap idea.. That was cool!!
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