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Everything posted by Smallie

  1. Smallie

    New Site

    Am I the only one that is finding the new site to be agonizingly slow. It is worse than I remember dial up being. I don't have speed issues with any of the other forums I frequent and TU was fine before the "upgrade". Am I the only one experiencing this?
  2. I would be interested too. Maybe someone has the mold and could make a few baits to be used as masters.
  3. Smallie


    Apparently, the new forum software won't allow you to cut and paste hyperlinks. Copy the URL above and paste it into the address bar to see the posts on ventilation.
  4. Smallie


    Ventilation is very important. Check out these posts for more information. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=quick_search&search_filter_app[forums]=1
  5. Smallie

    Cnc Molds

    Maybe Kim at Lurecraft can give you contact information.
  6. My experience with multiple colors is if you don't allow time for the first color to set up, the second color mixes with it. Then you have a bait without a clear defining line between the colors. After seeing this happen, it is hard for me to understand how an injector shooting two colors in at once can keep the colors from mixing together. Can someone explain that to me?
  7. I find the colors and lack of contrast hard on my old eyes. I was surprised Husky said just the opposite. I also find the pages load extremely slow. The new eBay system is painfully slow as well so I am wondering if both of these new formats are memory hogs. I only have 512mb ram and I know if I open 25 or 30 ebay auctions, I have to close Explorer to clear the ram. So far, this is my second thread on the new TU and it was doggy from the start.
  8. I think the reason the Presto pot is not recommended is because of the volume it pours. It holds something like 6 quarts of plastic. You don't need to get a quart of plastic with a mix of colors and glitters that you don't like. Presto pots were developed for the guys pouring hundreds of baits in the same color. Someone is going to chime in and say they do 8 ounce pours all the time but when you are just getting started and are going to be going slow and trying to get it right, a small cup of plastic in a microwave or on a hot plate makes sense.
  9. Machinist - what ever happened to your mold making venture? Are you making molds and selling them through someone else or ????
  10. I will take: 1) 3.5 INCH SWIMBAIT MOLD WITH HOOK SLOT 2 CAVITIES ORGINAL PRICE = $95.00 ea. YOU PAY= $58.00 ea.
  11. Now that I am on page two of this thread, I see you went with the microwave. Keep the hot plate because you may want to use it for other baits with small appendages or to add spots of color.
  12. I posted a picture of the diffuser in this thread: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/soft-plastics/17845-start-up-colors-glitter-suggestions.html When I used the hotplate, I put this on it and three small pouring pots and it worked well. I think it was under ten bucks.
  13. The hook slot insert is not shown but you can see the pocket milled into the mold to hold it. Look carefully at the belly area.
  14. Thanks guys - I never noticed the sinking plastic on their website. Sounds interesting.
  15. The sinking plastic comes in medium and soft. Which one are you guys using?
  16. From what I can see, the up front cost is about the same as Smooth-On. Don't know how shipping will affect this. If you want a quick mold to pour time, the Oomoo 25 will beat the 2 hours quoted on the web site.
  17. Who makes that mold Jim?
  18. Paca Chunk style baits are in the 2009 catalog but not on the website. Net Bait must have raised a stink. Reference 5x841 and 5x819. Give Lure Craft a call.
  19. I keep reading about baits taking a set if stored improperly so I figured I could use this property to make my own flick shake baits. I poured a mold full of sticks and took them out as quickly as I dared. I put them on a granite counter top with a curl on each end. The next day, I picked one up and it went straight. I left the rest on the granite for a week and they still didn't take a set. So, is the deformed bait an injection plastic thing and not something that happens with soft handpouring plastic?
  20. Here you go. Mad Man Lures 614 N Polk Street, Amarillo, TX 79107 (806) 331-0030
  21. I use the Oomoo 25 and I have not found a cheaper place to buy it than Smooth-On. I have bought several of the trial sizes over the last few years. Unless you are going to make several molds at once, don't buy the larger sizes because this stuff has a shelf life. I started with Micro Mark and then tried Oomoo. I left half a container of Micro Mark sitting on the shelf while I tried the Oomoo. When I went back to use it up, it had hardened. I like the Oomoo because it cures quickly but I didn't see a difference other than that.
  22. Acuna - what is even funnier is this line from Stanley's website. "Legendary lure-maker Lonnie Stanley, known for his jig and spinnerbait designs has loaned his expertise to Stanleys newest innovation, the Sidewinder." Makes you wonder if he designed anything that he takes credit for in his advertising.
  23. You can use vaseline but if you are going to the expense of using RTV, I would by some mold release. You can spray this over the first mold half and the master so you know everything will release right up to the cavity. I found two cans on Ebay at a great price several years ago and I am still using the first can.
  24. Email sent to richard@152ndstreetbaits.com
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