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Everything posted by Smallie

  1. This is the injector. It is made of plastic:
  2. This is one of the injectable molds:
  3. It is for scent. They like coffee for the same reason they like garlic - I just don't know what that is.
  4. Which area seems to be too thick?
  5. http://anglersmfg.com/grubs.htm has them - #71. Also found this picture of the color in case someone else recognizes it.
  6. That is one of the many benefits of search function - you have access to posts for over 4 years.
  7. Click Here: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=643
  8. You can get a infrared thermometer on eBay. The nice thing about infrared is it is non-contacting so you don't have to clean it and it give instant readings. Here is a link to an eBay auction with the one I have. http://cgi.#########/Raytek-MT4-Laser-Temp-New-Free-Shipping-NR_W0QQitemZ260212622055QQihZ016QQcategoryZ42291QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. This thread seems to be saying the MF microspheres give better results than Lurecraft's. Is this correct?
  10. Baja California is Mexico. San Diego is on the border and the factory is located 1 hour south of that. The production managers telephone number. It starts with 011 so you know it is out of the country. 52 tells you the country it is in is Mexico. The only thing that hinted at being in the states is the salesman telephone number being in area code 920. That's Wisconsin - a long way from the production site.
  11. Looks like their production facility is in Mexico. Don't know what ramifications that will have.
  12. It's clear with blue, red and silver flake. Here is a 2 inch: http://www.southerntackle.com/proddetail.asp?prod=BAS-CSA35414
  13. bojon - Are you talking about the stuff you paint pixture with? How do you mix the oil pastel with the plastic?
  14. Which way does the microwave door open? It seems like you would be better served with the microwave duct on the opposite side of the microwave or maybe centered above the microwave opening. I know when I open my microwave door, I get fumes going up above the microwave.
  15. If the color is changing with each reheat, you must be getting it too hot. How do you monitor temperature?
  16. [snip] Make certain that you email him to let him know that you want the scents for pouring your own plastic baits. His formula for custom pouring is different than the field scent.[snip] Last time we discussed this, Doug posted the following:
  17. The way I have seen bidding on eBay going lately, he will probably get 75 dollars!
  18. I don't see that mold on Bob's website. It looks like Del's but it is textured on the side.
  19. Like dsmblack said "add drops as needed". Once you get it the way you want it, write it down because you won't remember it next time.
  20. If I see it puddling after I tilt it to pour the excess glue out, I take a Q-tip and blot it to remove the puddles.
  21. If you put a piece of steel about 1/8 or 3/16 thick on the hot plate, it helps distribute the heat. You still have the heat being applied to just the bottom of the pan but it is better than the 1/4 inch wide (guesstimate) heating element.
  22. Try this thread: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8994 or http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8632&highlight=senko
  23. Check out the stickies at the top of the forum list. Lots of info there.
  24. I don't make tubes but it seems like 4 cups is a tremendous amount of plastic for 20 baits 4 1/2 inches long and hollow. What kind of wall thickness are you getting? I would think that the thicker the wall, the more it would clog up a tail cutter. Take a knife and slice a tube to see. Your plastic may not be hot enough.
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