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Everything posted by Smallie

  1. Smallie


    We have Canadian members on this forum. They can advise if there is something better on your side of the border but I believe they use the sites Jmik26 listed. I am sure someone will jump in once they read this post. By the way, the rest of the information in Jmik26's post is very good too. Follow his lead to get your feet wet then explore the site with the search function.
  2. There are all levels off players in every game. In bass fishing, you have the entry level guys who think 50 bucks for a rod and reel combo is getting the good stuff. These same guys would never think about spending 15 or 20 dollars for a crankbait like Lucky Craft or even more for the high end baits. This is the market these poor quality sticks target and it is a big target. I am sure the people who buy these cheap sticks catch fish on them so it encourages them to continue to buy them. When the seductive wiggle of a properly poured stick is all the fish will bite, they don't catch fish that day and go home saying they weren't biting. Even if they don't repeat often or at all, there are many people looking for the cheapest price and eBay reaches a lot of them.
  3. Smallie


    I have rigged them on a jig head, nose hooked them on a drop shot or texas rigged them on a carolina rig.
  4. Nice sticks Shane - I like how they are more like a laminate with the black having finger like droops onto the white. Reminds me of a yellow perch.
  5. Braveviper - No need to change the divider - you want to mix the colors in the end and I wouldn't think small leaks would be a problem.
  6. What size is the "size for swimbaits"?
  7. How about detail - Does the Hydrostone capture more detail?
  8. If you don't bake the Sculpey, can you still glue it to the bottom of the mold box?
  9. Sounds like wax could be the new sculpey with the bonus of being able to melt the master to get it out of the mold. You could make a mold to pour the melted master into to get a block of wax for your next master.
  10. Vodkaman - it has been mentioned a number of times. Here's one: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8006&highlight=glass&page=2
  11. Cthulhu - I buy Ultracal30 from the same place. Do you know how Hydrostone compares to Ultracal?
  12. Does this mean we shouldn't order off the site using the shopping cart? IF so, what is the best way to get the right stuff for cooking in?
  13. Bruce - They are hollow glass spheres that are very crush resistent. Real glass as in made of silica.
  14. I would think the catylist will work with either base but Smooth-On would best be able to answer that one.
  15. There's a tutorial on this site: http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10677 Here's some video's from another site: http://www.tapplastics.com/info/video.php
  16. The original post said Chemical Concepts - that is what through me. US Composites has a lot of great products for mold making. They are big with the guys making carbon fiber parts for cars. They also a good source of material for making repairs to the gel coat on your boat.
  17. Is there a rule of thumb for diameter of the eye versus the various common lengths?
  18. Fisheye56 - If you read the sticky at the top of this forum, you are going to be told that Calhoun, Lurecraft, MF and Ozark make the best plastic. Why? Because everyone has their own preference. The only way to get to where you want to be is to try them. You can add anyone's softener to anyones plastic pick a vendor for plastic and so buy some softener with it. If you need some additives such as glitter, colorant or hi-lites, that may push you towards a specific vendor. If not, place an order and get your feet wet. Only you know what you like.
  19. Oomoo is great stuff. As redg8r said, it mixes one to one so you don't need to weigh anything. The Oomoo 25 cures quickly and Oomoo picks up details very well. If you are looking to go RTV, either Oomoo is the way to go.
  20. Who are the 3 big companies that Zorn builds molds for?
  21. Then again Pyrex beakers are thin walled.
  22. I bought the ones pictured at the top of the thread at Walmart. The bar code said they were made by Anchor Hocking. They seem way too thin walled to be tempered. I use them to measure RTV.
  23. Smallie


    912 - green pumpkin and watermelon laminate.
  24. Opened for me too. How long is it and what type of action are you looking to achieve?
  25. Thill - what is the part number of the Dremel stone do you use to grind aluminum? What product do you use from Chemical Concepts? They seem to be all adhesives, nothing on molding or resins. Thanks, Dave
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