I live in New Hampshire and our lead ban was spearheaded by the Loon Preservation Committee. They claim that the loon population has been severely hurt by loons eating lead fishing weights. I can see how a split shot could be swallowed but the pictures they circulated of an x-rayed bird with a jig head in its throat doesn't seem possible. I think that picture was a staged fake to get the sympathy and support of the gullible.
The law does not ban lead 100%. Jigs over 1 inch long are still legal and lead weights over 1 ounce can be used too so I have to admit there was some thought behind the ban. But, in addition to the ban, they also rope off loon nesting areas which prevents fishermen from fishing, in some cases, prime fishing spots. They also patrol the lakes and tell you to get away from areas not roped off because a loon is nesting in the area. I find this to be a form of sportsman harassment. Especially when they don't mind of a non-fisherman comes close to the bird to snap some pictures.
What do I think of the ban? It was an un-necessary law put in place by a group of self serving people want to force their views on the rest of the lake users. The substitute materials are very expensive, especially when you need a weight that is not twice the size of the lead weight you are substituting and have to use tungsten. If I want to split shot in the rocks, I can lose 5 dollars worth of tungsten in an hour instead of 15 cents worth of lead. This is more than slightly more expensive that the anti-lead brochures stated.
Here is a cut and past from the brochure.
Use inexpensive and ecologically sound
alternatives to lead fishing weights. Sinkers and
jigs made from non-toxic materials, including
steel, tin, brass, tungsten and bismuth, are
widely available.
Obviously, they played to the sympathies of the uniformed who naturally would think if the substitutes are inexpensive, why not support this. That is how all the special interest laws like this lead ban and the lake speed limits get passed. Oh, and don't forget the limits on how many trailer spots in a boat launch can be taken up by bass boats and at a few launches, no tournament starts before 8am. I guess I shouldn't be negative because it is, after all, their lake.
Oops, I am getting sarcastic so I will get off my soapbox.