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Everything posted by MaddoxBay

  1. MaddoxBay

    Tapp Copy

    A tapp copy in a splattered version of a horton color.
  2. A search for "Createx" will get several hours of reading... http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/search.php?searchid=9169 "Acrylic" search http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/search.php?searchid=9176
  3. So where are all the blood stains. I just know you cut yourself before you got it finished. BTW it looks great, cant wait to see it painted.
  4. Try Coleys trick... The bottom of a aluminum can works great.
  5. I think you have to be in it for the long haul and have a desire to make a bait that is well above the normal standards of a mass produced bait. There has been a higher demand for custom baits in the last few years and if you don’t believe me take a look around. The big guys are trying to get their piece of this pie by making their version of a Wood Bait but they still fall short in the custom bait category. This is where we fit in… Like many others have said you have to work hard and make a great bait. I also agree that word of mouth is the best thing we have going for us. It doesn’t happen over night also, you have to get a few baits out and let the bait sale itself. If it is a premium made bait that catches fish it will sale itself. Word will slowly get out and you will start selling more baits. For me it’s a hobby and a passion that I enjoy and I would like for it to continue to grow but at its own pace. If it grows great, if not I will still continue to make the best bait to my ability.
  6. MaddoxBay

    Handmade Balsa

    Thanks guys. rjbass, Yes it is .031 or 1/32"
  7. MaddoxBay

    Handmade Balsa

    Handmade through wire Shad bait painted in Gizzard Shad.
  8. MaddoxBay

    Handmade Balsa

    Handmade balsa crankbait with rattels.
  9. MaddoxBay

    Handmade Balsa

    Handmade Balsa shad bait painted in a Small Mouth pattern.
  10. MaddoxBay

    Handmade Balsa

    Handmade round balsa painted in a Horton color.
  11. MaddoxBay

    Handmade Balsa

    Handmade round balsa painted in Gizzard Shad.
  12. Have you tried looking at the news magazine stands in Wal-Mart? Our local store carrys the magazine...
  13. MaddoxBay

    Brown Tiger

    Handmade balsa square lip. Still in the process of making, it lacks a line tie and a clear coat.
  14. MaddoxBay

    KB II repaint

    Repainted Killer B II. yellow and purple pearl back.
  15. MaddoxBay

    Chug Bug repaint

    Chug Bug Repaing. Yellow and purple pearl back.
  16. John also gives TU a good plug in the article.
  17. I like to use 400 wet dry or a scotch bright pad.
  18. MaddoxBay

    Gizzard Shad

    Gizzard Shad on a Tapp reproduction.
  19. MaddoxBay


    Repainted rapala DT-6's.
  20. Do what maximusgunn suggested. You will get better results that way.
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