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  1. If it has been over a year since you first brought it to market and sold it, you have no rights as far as patents go, and anyone can make it. You must apply for a patent within one year of putting it on the market. If it has been less then a year then you can apply. If you are running short on time for the 1 year limit then you can complete a provisional application, which will buy you more time. (correct me on this Rockhopper if it is wrong) I have never done a provisional. That is the way I understand it anyway. When you come up with an idea, you can file a disclosure with the patent office with a small fee. This is proof of the date you came up with the idea, and what the edea is. They will keep it on file for 2 years. It is in no way a patent application.
  2. I have read through most of what you guys have been discussing and agree with rockhopper. I think the point averyone has not talked about is the difference between a design patent and a utility patent. A design patent application is basically a drawing showing your design, no claims as to function etc.. I don't know of a utility patent that would cover the design (shape) of a soft plastic bait that is in effect now. Salt impregnating was a utility patent, just like the new super plastics, meaning it would cover any design of plastic baits. If Reaction Innovations has applied for a design patent on the sweet beaver, then you cannot make an exact copy of the bait, but you can change it only a little bit and sell it. If they have applied for a utility patent on the bait they must prove there claims as to its functionality. I don't think there is anything on that bait that would justify a utility patent. Also remember that a patent isn't forever and alot have expired, meaning anyone can copy them. If one of the mold makers was making a mold of a patented bait design, they would get a letter and stop making it. A patent is only valid if it is enforced. Don't let myths and heresay cloud your judgement as far as patents go. Keep an open mind and remember that if you think you know it all, you have reached the pennicle of your success in life.
  3. Does anyone have a recipe for Zoom's Merthiolate color?
  4. What is the reason for not using iodized salt?
  5. go to the hardware store and buy a piece of 1/8" X 3/4" aluminum flat stock, some 5/32" X 3/4" and X 2" bolts with lock nuts and a bag of small washers. Then go to a fabric/craft store and get 10 round razor blades. These might be found at Wal-Mart too, they are about $3 each. Cut the aluminum into 2 - 8" to 10" pieces. Place the aluminum together and mark 1" and 3" from one end. Bend the aluminum out at the 3" mark and back in at the 1" mark so that the 1" ends are parallel and about 1 1/2" apart when the 2 pieces are put together. This is the frame for your cutter. Drill holes for the 5/32" bolts, two in the handle and 1 in each of the 1" ends. Bolt the two pieces together using the smaller bolts and lock washers. Then insert the langer bolt from the outside into one of the holes in the other end put on some washers to space the first blade from the frame, and alternate blades and washers spaced however you like, fill the other end with washers to space it from the frame, push the bolt through the other side of the frame put on a lock washer and only tighten it to take out the play in the blades but they should move freely. If I get time I will attach a picture when I get home.
  6. I have only been on this site for a few months now and it is the most informative lure making site I have ever seen. Now I am looking for a source for plastic packaging similar to Eikens Jig packages and War Eagle spinnerbait packages. Thanks for any info.
  7. I am looking for a company who can produce injection molded plastic baits to my specifications in fairly large quantities. Any contact info would be greatly appreciated.
  8. I am looking for a company to mold custom jig heads to my specifications and can handle large orders. Any contacts would be greatly appreciated.
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