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  • Birthday 05/18/1963

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  1. I had further samples sent to me for testing. I sent results to Bruce. Got no response at all either. Jim
  2. I think it is a good choice if you use those. Using the mic and salt and eveything all at once will make doing other baits easy. I say go for it! Jim
  3. Also, try www.searsoutlet.com... They have some for $15 if you have one in your area.... Jim
  4. Check flea markets and garage sales or get ahold of guys that remodel in your area. They usually throw the kitchen exhaust stuff out and might be glad for you to take it. I bought my "old" one at a garage sale for $15. As long as you can live with the olive green color, you are good! Jim
  5. GB GONE

    Little shad bait

    Send me those molds so I can get a closer look!!!! LOL!!! Very fine work again Frank. The east coast fish will like those smaller offerings! I sure could use some carving tips on my upcoming project.... It is not a swimbait though.. I sure know some red fish that would like to chew on that size bait!!!! Jim
  6. True Jon. My example suggestes room air exchanges 8 times per hour only. Probably not enough for plastisol fumes. Also consider if you are pouring directly under the hood, your air exchange will be greatly increased. Jim
  7. Try this for a rough gauge: This method works on the assumption that the goal for room ventilation is 8 complete air changes per hour. Take your square footage x ceiling height to get the total cubic feet to be ventilated. Example: Room measures 10 feet wide and 12 feet long. It has 8 foot ceilings. So 10 x 12 x 8 = 960 cubic feet. We take the cubic feet and divide by 60 - which is the number of minutes in an hour. We take the result and multiply by 8 (remember, our target is 8 complete air changes each hour). The complete equation is as follows: STEP 1 10 ft X 12 ft X 8 ft = 960 cubic feet. STEP 2 960 divided by 60 = 16. STEP 3 16 x 8 = 128 So - we need 128 CFM of air movement to properly ventilate this room. Assuming there is not and excessively long or twisting duct run to the outside - we would select a fan that moves somewhere around 130 CFM or higher. Home Depot, Lowe's or garage sales for larger fans.... Jim
  8. Both make nice colors but different as has been described. I still have a quart of the "old" stuff. I use it every day I'd bet. PS Mike brings up a good and important point. The pigment is just mixed with softener so the more colorant you add, the softer your baits will come out. 50 drops of a colorant will impact your resulting baits significantly if you are already starting out with super soft plastisol. Jim
  9. GB GONE


    Outstanding again my friend!!! Your carving skills are so darn good! I'd cut a finger off before I carved a bit of clay. Keep up the 5 star work! Jim
  10. I may have hit on the partial answer as to why some have lots of micro-bubbles and some just have few bubbles and some may not report any. I had not used any Pourasol in a few days and wanted to get the soft pack mixed back up. Turned my jugs over and left them for an hour or so. Came back and there was a nice ring of plastisol on the shop floor. I know if plastisol can get out, moisture can get in. Stabilizer is made in a way that some "salts" are introduced into the plastisol. My theory is, the HIGH (80-90%) humidity, is getting into my plastisol, even though the lids are on as tight as you could get one. I have a way of evacuating the humidity (water) out via a buddy so I am going to take a sample to be de-aired. I do think the microwave still is causing some issue via the rapid cook but my hunch is guys are seeing this in places with very high humidity because the jug/lid combo is not effectively sealing out the moisture. Plus, Spike It is here in GA, where the humidity is HIGH. Another chance for contamination right out of the factory... Will update after de-airing... Jim
  11. Ditto... Plastic not mixed well enough prior to pouring into whatever before cooking.. Jim
  12. GB GONE

    Copy of a Robo Shad

    NICE!!!!! Very well done! Jim
  13. True story bud. I am going to do everything I can to test things and find a way forward. Unfortunately, the microwave is readily available and is such a common way to "cook" plstisol. I will keep updating as we move forward. I know there is solution. Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow, Lord knows I need it!!! Jim
  14. News on the Pourasol as I have recieved samples from Lureworks that are of a different formula. I liked the way it cooked but the micro bubbles were actually worse. Only had 4oz so I cooked the medium 1 minute, then stirred then 15 seconds, 15 secs, etc til done. Resulting baits were much stickier and softer. I have yet to try the hard version. Will tonight for sure. This is the start of working out a formula that will give far less or no microbubbles in the medium and hard versions of Pourasol. I applaud Lureworks for working on this as they could have left it alone. They are interested in the hand pour guys and hand injectors alike. I am going to try everything they ask in testing to see if there can be a solution for us "mic" users. Jim
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