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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. GB GONE

    Crawflash Copper

    Smoke with tiny gold and black flake, copper vein runs through body but not claws. This is also nice with a purple vein, orange vein and chartreuse vein. Jim
  2. Lots has come to be that I thought I would never see with recent legislation!!!! Anglers Unite!!!!!!!! Jim
  3. Thanks guys, I never looked that close!!! Sure looks like u could make some sweet baits with that style mold! Jim
  4. +1 I'd like to know how you rig that bait? Doesn't have an insert for a line through. No hook slot... I'd guess you would really need a weighted hook for inside the bait. Don't know... Jim
  5. Other forum sponsors have items available. I noticed very competitive pricing on grub molds and hand injectors. Look at our sponsors sites and the links provided under resources. There are some great looking new molds available!!! Jim
  6. I send thousands up your way every year!!! Guys are using them, they are just keeping them low. The smallies eat the hollow belly ones great also. They use them in Canada a lot as well. The "e" type is just a type similar to the California Babe e swim. Guess I should have said in-line swim. There is an insert of some sort in the swim that you run you line through and attach a treble to. You can see the insert well in the first photo I put up. Sounds like its time to head over to Swimbait Nation and get some more info! PS I caught 3 largemouth in the 6lb range in Northern WI on the hollow belly swims last year. I fish Hayward, WI almost every year. Couldn't get away this year!!! Numerous walleye as well. You need to do some research on the types of swims I think to look at where you want to go. Many are grouped as paddle tail swims also... Jim
  7. GB GONE

    Avocado Dirt

    Started a new promo... 30 new colors in 30 days... Just to get myself motivated to start doing more veins, laminates and coreshots. Trying to do colors that have caught in the past or look to be fish catchers. Here is the first! HUGE thanks to Chris of AL's Worms... Many of these were inspired from colors he did on ebay not that long ago!!! Thanks BUD!!!!!! Jim
  8. Andy: In an hour, I can make at least 100, maybe more. Depends on the lateral line or different head color. They do take way longer than most hand pous. Jim
  9. Just remember that some of us on the East coast might have smaller prey to match than the west coast guys. Matching the hatch matters sometimes, maybe more with sizes of baits than with colors. I fish swims a lot in my tournies. The 5" seem to produce best for me with the smaller baits catching numbers of smaller fish but the 6" producing the same size fish as the 5" baits but just less. Still not sure why except our main forage rarely get over 5". I don't expect swims to produce a large fish. They generally produce good keeper fish though in the 3-6lb range. Bigger fish come on jigs and flippin' baits. Eyes are a major factor I believe as well. Go for 3-D so they look realistic and over-size if you can. As Del said, confidence is huge so start fishing baits early on and you will get a technique and bait you grow confident in. Jim
  10. Mods can take mine down if needed. No sweat here! When the previous post had examples, I included others plus fish pics cause I can show you bait pics all day long! mainbutter.... If you would like to check out samples of the type I pour, I'd be glad to send you free samples so you can see up close what the molds can do. Better than putting out the $$$ and not getting what you want! PM me... Jim
  11. PSS The hollow belly type have been catching really well this year. Here are a couple of results (I know how you guys like to see the BOTTOM LINE!!!) Here is an 11.02 on a bluegill hollow belly: I guess what I am saying is, the fish seem to like the action of the hollow baits. Also, I have pics of walleye, pike and stripers that SWALLOW these baits. Makes me think the fish are really being fooled. Jim
  12. Del and Bob make a nice baby e type mold. They are outstanding for all species! My favorite are hollow or hollow belly swims. They swim very natural! Jim
  13. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Jim
  14. I have used it without issue. It heated the same and was the same when pouring. I'd get with Jeff directly. Jim
  15. Hard to add anymore than what has been said really. Table salt is your problem with tyring to keep the salt dispersed. It is not as fine as other salts and will fall fast in your plastic, espcially if your plastic is overheated. I would also give the mic a try. A Pyrex or Anchor brand cup will work. Get a 1 cup deal first. You can heat an 8oz cup of plastic for 2 minutes and then look at it. You are looking for the plastic to still be clear, no yellowing, plus some white on the bottom of the cup. If you see this, just put your cup back in for 15 seconds, take it out and stir good. Nuke for 15 more seconds then add color and flake. If your plastic is yellowed after 2 minutes, back down to 1 min and 45 secs. Doubt it will be though. If you are adding salt, try adding the salt in the beginning so you can cook the moisture out as you are cooking your plastic. The consistency you are looking for when doing your sticks is around pancake batter. More on the thick side vs the thin side. The salt you ordered will help tremendously!!! Keep at it!!! Jim
  16. If you add softener, the hook will rip out much easier. If you add hardener, you will the bait a lot tougher and the hook will hold better. Many times with super soft baits, if you try to fish them right away, you cast the bait right off the hook. Jim
  17. Your both welcome!!! Good fishing!!!!!! Jim
  18. Wher in FL? I lived in St. Pete for 12 years but my house in about 10 miles north of the FL/GA border. "Winter" here sure is nice!! I grew up in IL and I do NOT miss winter!!!!! We fish all year round and never winterize our boats!!! Come on down!!! Jim
  19. Email Jeff at M-F (or call) and tell him Jim @ Ghost Baits sent you. He will get you out something to try. That boy LOVES when I send potential customers over there for FREE samples!!! Sorry Jeff!!!!!! I have used their tube or saltwater plastic before and it is very tough. We made large topwater frogs for Musky fishing. That stuff is firm but musky teeth are SHARP!!!! Jim
  20. I can make you feel better as I am going to borrow that great recipe and send soem baits to my buddies in a warmer climate. I'll get photos to post so you can ALMOST feel like you were out there!!! From 80 degree South Georgia, I had to go there!!!!!!!! Jim
  21. Jay Del can probably speak to this the best but the hardness of the plastic on the durometer is the bottom line on hardness. Not sure that makes sense!!! Del will jump in and answer maybe. Anyway, the firmer/harder plastic does allow for longer hook holding. Take the Mann's Hardnose products for instance, they use a hard plastic in the nose for hook holding and then a softer plastic in the body and tail areas for action. Jim
  22. Here is an example of a curl tail reaper bait from M-F from last night.... GB Bloody Shad.. Red core in front portion of bait. Rest of bait has tiny silver holo, tiny black and 2 drops of iridescent pearl (M-F) If the sun comes out, I'll get a better shot!!!! It is crystal clear except the flake... Jim
  23. Jay, Unfortunately, my experiences are with super soft and a few medium (regular) strengths only. Maybe other saltwater users can chime in. Jim
  24. I have all the brands but Calhoun's in my shop. I can cook a single clear worm of each and post them all up without attaching a name... BBCP is very clear also. As a matter of fact, I can't tell the difference between BBCP and M-F in super soft. Jim
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