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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. Exactly what I was talking about Nil. They do have them available down as far as South GA, but just for a limited time. I had some left from when I lived in Illinois... Think it will work like a dream.... Jim
  2. I was the one that did that sometime back. Works perfectly. I use it for keeping the plastic warm when I am dipping baits. Sahne may chme in as well. I know he has made a warmer. I may try to embed some warming strips into the next one I make. Jim
  3. LOL Richard!!!! I basically was like you... The stirring system made all the difference. I still do not use mine very much but when I do, I love that thing!!! Jim
  4. Ditto Gary. That is just another reason I like M-F so much. Doubt that it is caused by anything added as I use the same colorants and have for years. M-F's formulas are set up so that there is no real need to add hardener os softener. I have to guess the plastic "oil" that is exuded reacts with the plastic bag they were stored in and caused the noxious smell. Jim
  5. I agree Richard. I am going to send some info to Jeff and Robert as this will be of interest to them. I LOVE my M-F plastic but worry that something in the formula has changed slightly to give these undesirable results. I have also noted that baits with salt do not give these results.... Jim
  6. I am getting the feeling it has something to do with the bag they were in. There were at least 80 baits in the bag. I have noticed that M-F baits seem to get a little slimmy after time where as baits I have poured with LC or Calhoun's. Jim
  7. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this. I had some old baits, maybe 8 months old, in a regular freezer zip lock bag. I opened the bag up to grab a few and the baits smell like chemicals. Pungent odor and the baits are real sticky feeling. I had no worm oil or scent in the bag and the baits were stored inside in a closet. I have other bags of baits in laminate bags and they have faired better with no smell. Plastic was M-F super soft. Just curious as I think the baits are "breaking down" chemically. Any ideas or similar situations out there?? Jim
  8. True Saint... M-F's is not close to Zoom's... I actually like it better, straight out of the bottle... Jim
  9. Dave........ Third color from the bottom list.... Jim
  10. M-F makes bottled chartreuse pumpkin..... Great color... Jim
  11. Good one Mike!!!! Seems a good sense of humor is good for the business as well!!! I still need to talk with you sometime soon to see if you can shoot some baits for me in the NEAR future.... I'll try to get you as I am driving to pre-fishing for my team tourney.... FLW Federation Top 6 Southern Qualifier this weekend on Lake Seminole... Go Lowndes County Bassmasters!!!!! Jim
  12. A valuable piece of knowledge that I gleaned from the money I spent was to look at copyrighting your directions on rigging and using your unique bait. Then, the bait may be copied but if any rigging instructions are given that resemble yours, you have a copyright claim against the other company. Much less money to copyright and much less to hold another company/individaul accountable when your copyright is infringed upon. Jim
  13. The other side is this Pit Bull. Say you spend some money (and a lot of time!!!) and develop this new, fantastic bait that nobody has thought of. Your going to put Pit Bull Lures on the map now...right!!?? You name it the Fastball lure. Then I see it and say, nice, I'll change the design just a little and start making those baits. I name it the CurveBall lure. Others all quickly do the same. You developed the bait, tested it, named it and then we just swooped in and did a look a like to make money off of what you did. You make a few bucks but could have cornered the market IF you patented your idea. If you put yourself in Zoom's position, you might understand slightly why they have to at least make attempts at defending the baits they have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars getting patents on. I am still not taking Zoom's side but they have the patents and we do not. In case folks do not know, patent infringement is an automatic 3 X's award plus all legal costs. Anything you sold would cost you 3 x's what you made back to the company you infringed upon plus all other damages. VERY EXPENSIVE... Advice is still best taken only from a legal expert. Jim PS I definitely want Mike to succeed in his endeavours guys. I have talked with him about producing baits for me. I also have been to the patent attorney and had my wallet lightened. Until you have gone down that path, you really don't know what it is like.
  14. All that I have tried deforms when it hits the hot plastic Shane. Can't even remember where I got the larger stuff it has been so long. I do remember it folding up quick though. Did not give me the look I wanted at all. Jim
  15. The Bass Assassin baits are one sided. The guy that pours them for Bass Assassin "borrowed" a few from several members on this site and made thousands of molds.... Bob made the original molds and you still see some on eBay in aluminum and resin. Jim
  16. Guys... There are several companies in Mexico that pour for American companies. Many larger swimbaits are poured there at one company.... CA swimbabes is a great example. All made in Mexico. I have spoken with the owner of such a company. I doubt he uses a system like this with the big swims but he does import and export back to the US. I suppose the bait companies that paint do the final touches here. I will ask him about the process but am sure that a trade secret such as this would not be divulged. I have used a similar process though with larger swimbait molds. You can pour the tails over and use a razor blade to just trim the end of the bait flat. Works perfectly every time in an aluminum mold. We could go on and on over the politics, tariffs, etc. but we are all joined here at TU because we are creators and do-ers. Guys like us and other like minded folks will pull our respective countries out of our problems if our governments would just get out of the way and let us do our thing! Jim
  17. Well...... I started a thread like this a looooong time ago. I hate to say it but I kind of see Zoom's side in this. They pour hours of time and r & d $$$$ into these baits to sell them. We look at their bait, change slight things to the design and usage then start selling them. Maybe years ago a few guys dipping into the pot was tolerable but now I see everybody pouring baits. My designs and colors get copied every day. Of course, I have no patents or lawyers on my side. Zoom does have a right to defend their products, designs and patents. Everbody using the "trick worm" name is infringing on Zoom right now.... And there are a LOT of guys hand pouring doing that!! You also cannot use "slick worm" or something that implies their name as well. (This is Trademark infringement, not patent infringement.) Guess I'll get off my soap box and tell you that I heard from Zoom a long time ago as well. I do see their side. Seems if we want to play in Zoom's world, we need to hire and pay a legal team to reply and defend our products. That all costs a lot of money and adds significantly to the bottom line. I would also say to NOT take advice from anyone but a lawyer on these issues. Anyone can tell you that you are not infringing but most do not know patent law and YOU will end up being the one sued, not the person you get advice from! Please don't take this as taking sides as I am just playing the devil's advocate. Jim
  18. Do the swim baits have ribbing? Air traps in the ribs and will cause bubbles in the final product. I dip many swimbaits and only see a rare bubble or 2 when the plastic starts to cool.... Jim
  19. Can I ask what release agent you use between the mold halves when producing the mold? Jim
  20. No.... I made some molds myself. I was looking to thin the body a little. I fish frogs A LOT!!! Missed some fish last season as I didn't get as good hookset through the thick body. Just me changing things up. The baits has won me sooooo much $$$$ I can't even tell you... Mid life crisis change maybe :-) Jim
  21. Be sure you are stirring with something metal as well. Popsicle sticks and the like will cause bubbles. Give us more details so we can get to the bottom of it!!!! Jim
  22. These molds are all sold. In a couple weeks I may liquidate my remaining frawg molds T. I have about 10 so I'll mark 2 with your name if I decide to get rid of them. Jim
  23. I would say try some hardened urethane. I have some molds made from this material and they are fairly indestructable and require no coating in the cavity. Here is a pic..... I did NOT make these molds so I am working on what material was used but will have info soon. I was told the material costs are low and easy to use. As said earlier, if you master the material, I am certain a 2 piece mold can be obtained. Jim
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