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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. That does work. You can even do it later. Some comes off when you dip though. Putting the powder (blue pearl or highlight) after you dip and before the next dip works good and gives a nice effect. You can also add the flake into the plastic you are dipping into... Paints are a pain though and most need to be thinned/mixed and shot with MEK from what I am reading. Dealing with that stuff is way worse than plastisol!!! Jim
  2. They are extremely nice in person but they still need a little something I think.. Guess I'll play with the colors a bit. The body is light green (M-F's new baby bass color), head is olive colored and the markings are black/brown.. Tried to give them to a friend that fishes but he says.."I can't bring myself to use a baby to catch a big one." WHAT!!!! Weird friend...right!!! Anyway, any suggestions OR let them roll as is??!! Jim
  3. Thanks guys. I got your note Chris but eBay slammed that auction for having Basstrix in it so I couldn't respond back.. I'll just make the poured ones and see if I can keep up with those other guys. I just might have them on the baby bass!!!! Jim
  4. You might try some as the bass seem to really love the color, especially on bed in the spring. Not sure what it is but they will eat that color when they will not others.... Jim
  5. It was like the 3 stooges Swamp... My machinist friend, my engineer friend and I all trying to figure something out on these. Surprising what Moe and Larry thought of. Getting the input of other anglers is really helpful!! Took a good long time to get it right but these swim great and I can make what I want without painting, just pouring as the red you see is in the bait. Jim
  6. I think they are using tube plastic AND they put paint on their baits so that will stiffen them up a good bit. Trial and error is all that works for these. I did notice that tail not being thick enough when using a colorado blade. I would not give enough resistance in the water to swim properly. Jim
  7. Might be but I matched mine to a Zoom cucumber french fry. I think the thin legs on the lizard are throwing it off. If you look at the body, you see the green though. I wish I had a shot of one of mine but the recipe is very close to Zoom's bait. Jim
  8. Hear you go... You may have to adjust the flake slightly to your liking as you can add the shaved black flake also as pictured Cucumber 6oz plastic 3drops of Green Pumpkin (LC), 1 drop of white (LC), 1 drop of black (LC)pinch of large black flake, pinch medium holo silver, smidgen of lime green Jim
  9. Had to upload the top and head shots on these as well as the final pack. What a blast to make!!! You can rally let it all go on these and so just about anything. I am trying hard to stay away from the paint with these but a nice scale pattern might catch a few more fishermen!!! Jim
  10. Had to upload the top and head shots on these as well as the final pack. What a blast to make!!! You can rally let it all go on these and so just about anything. I am trying hard to stay away from the paint with these but a nice scale pattern might catch a few more fishermen!!! Jim
  11. Who you calling old man??!!! I still play with those monkeys with my kids sometimes!! You are correct on the plastic hardness as well. some of the silly rabbits were very tough and hard. Those didn't swim at all. I took the eyes off and boiled one and it swam better as it got softer but the tail angle still requires a quick retrieve. Jim
  12. Createx won't work as it can't stick to the plastic. Sharpies work but will bleed after a short time just like the dye pens for baits do. LC's paint is good but seems to dry up and is tough to shoot through an airbrush. It needs to be thinned way down. I am with rr316 on this one. The scales etc are to catch fishermen/women and not necessarily fish. You will get bit on these baits from the action almost irregardless of what is on the bait. They are that good in the water. Just my 2 cents!!! :-) Jim
  13. Hang tough bud and protect that area from infection. As an Infection Control Practicioner, I can tell you the tough part now begins (believe it or not!!). A staph infection can really make things a whole lot worse so be safe and be clean!!!! Be a pefectionist when you change your dressings, just like the baits you make and all will be good!! Speedy recovery my friend!!! Jim
  14. I can post you one in the a.m. as I have it at work right now. It is close to Zoom's. Jim
  15. Seems the angle of the Silly rabbit baits doesn't give it enough resistance to the water. If you slow down, they just push water. If the tails were at a 90 degree angle, they might work better. The basstrix are supposed to wiggle back and forth and resemble the swimming action of a bait fish. They really do catch fish when other baits do not. I like the looks of your bait. aslightly wider tail and you are in business and saving $10-$20/bait!!!! Jim
  16. Bait is 6" long... That does work better Nil but what a pain to clean them off. Seems all are having that issue... Has to be somebody that makes them without the sticky stuff, just need to find them! Oh yeah... That is a pop mold the bait came out of... Fishes real nicely with the big tail throwing off a nice thump in the water!! Slim profile as well... Jim
  17. I think Tru Turn. The guy that invented them is a TU member. Most Walmarts carry them and so does BPS. Your hook is always in the "up" position on your line!! Jim
  18. I have done something similar to Nova in that I used a small metal rod when I poured into my 2 piece molds. Let the baits set up, remove the rod and pour the core color. You will get a small air bubble this way but it was at the end of the bait where I wanted it. You have to be dead on the small whole as well. Swamps description is the traditional way to do it and works quite well once you get the hang of it. This does take some practice though!!! Bad part is, hard to recycle as you have mixed colors.... Jim
  19. I really like the StandOut hooks. They cost a little more but your hook up ratio is near 100%... Jim
  20. I did exactly that Mike. More so to let her know what was coming out than to complain. I know I would appreciate a heads up if something was going on with my stuff. Jim
  21. Sounds good!!! Tensile strength is another good gauge for properly mixed plastic to me.. Jim
  22. I did as well and alerted Kim as to the issues. Mine were full of hardened super glue... Landbigfish.com is useless!!!! I got mine via Jann's. Best chance is to just wipe them clean and re-glue the eyes... Unfortunately, the rabbits do not swim well at slow speeds (I guess due to the 45 degree angle of the tail?) When mine slow down they just push water instead of swimming. Jim
  23. Ha..Ha!!!! You guys are crazy. Starting and ending bid !!!!! I will say though that a little recognition starts a snowball effect. I am doing some baits for a VIP right now and in return am negotiating a little face time/photo time with KVD, Greg Hackney, Mike Wurm and few other Strike King pro staffers. I just want to go talk some fihsing with those guys and to meet KVD would be a dream come true for me. Who ever said..."Get a hobby" was right on!!! Now about that Dog House fund so I can go full time!!!! Jim
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