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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. Ditto on the Diamond!! Hard to beat the performance and the price!! Jim
  2. GB GONE

    Senko rename

    Never ground up fish but did use some scales one time.... NOT GOOD!!! Jim
  3. GB GONE


    Very nice!!!! You'll get some hawgs on that one!!! Jim
  4. You could devise a new bait or color to give them something they have never seen before. Hand poured plastics will catch fish when other baits simply don't!!! Jim
  5. Haven't poured any myself Craig but know a few guys that have. Easy to pour and awesome bait!! Should be a killer bait for flippin' down our way... Jim
  6. And the original bait is: GY Flappin' Hog from ICAST 2006 The "hand poured" ones I have received from Del's mold are FAR superior to the GY bait!!! Jim
  7. A lot of information will tell you do try the opposite as Nova stated. If you are fishing fast, speed up for a reaction bite. Sometimes wacky colors will trigger a bite when the normal green pumpkin won't. Sometimes much larger baits will cause a bite vs a small bait. Getting to know the forage for this time of year would be a key thing for me and then "matching the hatch" would be high on my list. Guess that is why it is call fishing and not catching!!! Good luck!!! Jim
  8. Just curious on the upgrades...why sink that kind of $$ into those reels? Not htat there is anything wrong with the advantages but to me they are just so-so. Just curious really as maybe I am missing something or is it just something you want to do... I had a custom handle done for my Shimano Scorpions and spent some $$$ doing it also. Didn't make the reel any better, just wanted to do it... Jim
  9. Dy-na-mite!!!! What have you tried so far? Try to be specific so others can make specific suggestions. Jim
  10. I like some M-F watermelon brown in mine. Sub a few drops for the watermelon and it will give you that green brown you are looking for. Jim
  11. If isn't wasn't for the porn and Viagra emails everyday, I would not know what to do!!!! I'll hit you up at the shop Del tomorrow. Just need some 10" worm molds. Jim
  12. What about Georgia (USA) ?
  13. That is the correct email address but email may not be working properly as I sent an email as well about 5 days ago. Del may see this post and get with us from TU.. Welcome aboard!! Jim
  14. Sounds like a job for my 7yr old!!! He might take a bite though!!! Jim
  15. While you are at it, put some of that Crackle stuff up in there or Alka Seltzer!!! Heck, if the fish don't bite, you might get one to laugh so hard at what is coming out of the tube, you might be able to lip him without a fight!! :lolhuh:Just Kidding!!! Good ideas though Ron! Jim
  16. Funny you should mention something like this Ron. I took 3 of the tubes I made and poured them to about 3/4 full (inside the tube) with plastic/salt and bbs. I left just enough room for the hook/hook point to be free of the plastic. I'll let you know how they fish as I was able to pour down 2 successfully but one I slipped on and poured everything all over!! They sink like a bullet in the pool!! Cool spiral on the fall also. Jim
  17. GB GONE

    messing around again

    Sock: I was in WI not to long ago and we killed the largemouth and smallies on sticks but only rigged wacky style.. Weird!! I actually favor the green/brown combo but bet they all will boat you some nice fish!!! Jim PS I am digging the "spots" also! Let me know if they do any good!!
  18. Thanks Sock... b75nweav...Normal pricing on my site.. or maybe we can trade for some baits?! :-) Jim
  19. Bojon: Just a question about that wooden "stick".. It doesn't cause bubbles in your plastic? Thanks for all the info on this post from all as I actually dipped a few tubes for a tournament I will be fishing this coming weekend. Seems they are as nice as anything I have gotten from BPS!! Jim
  20. I think I would ask the customer if he has a preference of the gourd green he likes. The one on Zoom's site (http://www.orderoutdoors.com/zfinesse.html) looks like a motor oil with amber brown and green flake. Real light though compared to other I see and hardly any green to it but the flake... Hate to have to do them all over again!!!! Jim
  21. I was to "pour" to afford the dumb thermometer when I started out!!! JK!!!! Jim
  22. Anybody used or seen one of these?? I got a pre-release on some ICAST winners and this was one of the products. Nice idea!! I understand the owner/inventor was hurt in an accident and basically has one good arm to make skirts so he devised this little ditty. I don't have one or know the guy, just seemed like a cool deal. http://www.nakedbaitco.com/products.html Just scroll down the page a bit to check it out. Jim
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