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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. Ok...I searched and got these results... I think some were lost when the servers crashed. Old backup tapes???!!! http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=735&highlight=excise http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=609&highlight=excise http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=224&highlight=excise You do also need to have the appropriate certificates/license for manufacturing from you specific county/state/city. Especially if you plan to try to use your business as a deduction for tax purposes. If you don't give them theirs, you won't get yours!!! Jim
  2. Well that would make me want to go after the overseas companies then!! The bad thing about the whole deal is that the bait doesn't really catch fish in the swimming mode. I know dozens of guys that have bought them and had "0" luck across the country. If you look hard at the website the Javallon is on, they catch most of the large fish using the bait on the down shot (drop shot)... I think LFT will have a hard road ahead getting a patent this many years after the fact. They really did the bait an injustice by putting an unpainted ball head jig on the front. It really cheapens it up!!! Doubt many will buy them as they are packaged.. Jim
  3. Definitely need to pay the 10% tax.... I am sure there are a bunch of previous posts on this in soft plastics and hard baits.... I don't think sued is the correct terminology Jim, FINED by the IRS is what might happen... They gotta get theirs!!! Jim
  4. Ran to Wally World for a few things and breezed by the fishing section... WHAT!!!!????? I almost had to buy one to get a picture!!! There is an EXACT copy of the javallon bait called the Majic Shad for sale by Lake Fork Tackle!!! They put it on a SORRY LOOKING, UNPAINTED round head jig and low and behold..... the lower portion of the packaging says... PATENT PENDING!!! You have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to RIP OFF another company exactly and then try to patent their design!!! I am boycotting LFT for good!!!! They did not even try to change the bait one bit!!! Even used an exact copy of a picture of the javallon swimming on their packaging!!! Jim
  5. Yes, I think it is an ornamental patent like the sweet beaver.. i had found it once but can't put my finger back on it!! LC sells the exact mold copy though... Jim
  6. GB GONE

    Hybrid jig trailer 2

    Nice looking trailer Dan!! Will give great bulk to a jig for sure!!! Jim
  7. GB GONE


    Man...Now everybody knows one of my secrets!!!! Doug is the man and I have worked with him for a couple years now!!! Nothing but the best and I promise you, his scented/marinated baits catch fish!!! Glad to see such a great product catching on and could not happen to a better guy!!!! Jim
  8. I just said that exact thing to Jeff in an email!!! I got some Get Bit Lures yesterday and WOW!!!!!!!! Just like most of our baits, the pictures do them NO justice!!! Put them in the water like DJ said and MAN THEY ROCK!!!!!!! Can't wait to fish them Jeff....Thanks a bunch for a top notch product!!!! Jim
  9. You can buy the molds from LC with a rigging station incorporated into the mold. This guy (Ryan) does them...Real well I might add!!! http://www.mymomisbecky.com/ Check out grandad's noodle!!!! Jim
  10. GB GONE

    Jointed crankbaits

    Great looking bait and super photography!!!!! Jim
  11. Using USPS flat rate envelopes/boxes + click-n-ship is a no brainer to me!!! You get free delivery confirmation as previously mentioned AND a free online address book so when you ship to previous customers, you just click to submit their address. The great thing is you can access that address book from anywhere you are!!! Rates are great and in 4+ years, I have not had a lost package!!! Makes it easy for accounting also as you can print out your postage use for the month as well... Jim
  12. Yep James!!!! They do have GREAT action!!!! Super on my new standup headz also... jim
  13. I have a color called watermelon pro blue in my line of colors that is that exact color. It is close to a part of the Aaron's Majic color without having to pour 2 colors... Very popular color for my customers!!! Jim
  14. I have made these several times now for customers... It was a tough one at first. Here is the recipe: Magic Crawl Swirl 6oz plastic: 2 drops black (LC), 25 drops california blue, dash of blue highlight (BLUE PART) Regular green pumpkin for green pumpkin part I wish I still had a picture as they looked perfect!!! I was using my one sided mold then. I'll make some in another 2 color tonight that I am doing and show you the results. Jmik26 is EXACTLY RIGHT on the process. There will be minimal cracks in your baits if you heat the green pumpkin well!!! Jim
  15. Shawn Collins makes a 2 piece Saint... Del's trick worms are a bit thin to me. Just my opinion though and I do own 2 of them. I made some 2 piece from pop and they work nicely!!! Check that color recipe in the sticky but also check out GARVIN's as mine could still use a little greenish' tint to it.. I added more lime green now!! Jim
  16. GB GONE

    curl tails

    Use a piece of "old" plastic from the inside or side of your cup. It is nice and thin and prevents the mold from sliding or moving!! Jim
  17. OR buy one pre-made @ www.ozarktackle.com/pouringpot.html Ready to go....
  18. Mine did on a couple too Nil... OUCH!!!!! Jim
  19. I just never have a problem with my beaver molds guys. I never warm them, just pour. Even when we had the 20 degree nights, just heat my plastic and pour away. Seems pouring directly down the center of the mold at a good pace is the trick for me. Frogs are the same way for me. I just heat and pour... Maybe I am holding my mouth right!!! Jim
  20. Here is what I use and I have never bought a blue fleck bait to compare. Everyone has been happy with the color I have sent to them... 12 drops Del’s blue fleck/oz of plastic + 3 drops black in 8oz (2 drops of black in 4oz) 2 dashes small blue flake Jim
  21. I have to agree with Del on this one...350 degree plastic is 350 degree plastic...doesn't matter what brand it is.. I think it is in technique personally. As you practice more you will find that you can get perfect baits everytime!!! Poring straight down the center and pouring at a nice consistant pace is key. I use 1 cup pyrex cups and I use the 1 cup Anchor Hocking cups. I prefer the Anchoe Hocking brand actually. If you have enough molds, you can easily run through 8oz of plastic without re-heating but you will have to stir to keep the flake even at least once. Pouring with salt (at least the amount you are noting) should not really change things much. You will have to stir more (which cools the plastic) and you will have to re-heat due to that. I have used the mic/glass cup method for years now and like it over everyhting else I have tried. I have 1 four cup pyrex and 1 2 cup pyrex dish that I use maybe once a week, the rest (22) are all 1 cup. Practice is key and you will be a pro after a few more cups. PS..get a good oven mit to handle the cups as they are hot as Jeff stated!!! Good luck and fire away with more ???'s as you get rolling!!! Jim
  22. Del is right!!! You have to add enough drops though and I use the tiny blue flake from Micheal's craft stores in mine. It is dead on!!! Jim
  23. Nil is correct! Be sure to re-coat around the inside upper edges of your mold cavities. that is where mine always seems to have a bubble generating area!!! I guess the sealer runs downward sand leaves a void!!! Jim
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