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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. If your flake is settling in your molds when you pour, then I would guess your plastic must be extremely hot. Even when I pour a mold like a trick worm where the mold is not very deep, the flake is dispersed well and not all accumulated on the bottom of the mold. I am wondering if the heat of the plastic AND the rate of the plastic going into the mold are the variables here. I.e. If you pour a slow stream, I have noticed the flake does not suspend in the bait as well as if I really pour it in fast. Again, flake is heavier (or maybe has a higher specific gravity) than everything in the plastisol so it will sink given enough time. The hotter the plastic, the slower the cool time...the longer time the flake has to fall to the bottom or side. Jim
  2. How do they work Javier??? Can you get good, round coverage without being able to turn or spin the rods/bolts??? Thanks!!! Jim
  3. I do keep records for the power, computer, website costs, etc. for deducting as I have had a few businesses in the pat and know that all of that is eligible for write off. I was mostly curious about inventory record keeping because if you incorporate you have to designate the type of business you are in. If you designate any type of manufacturing, you have to report and keep records of your inventory. Maybe I will classify as something else and avoid that all together. All costs of doing business including business cards, labels, bags, shipping, office expenses, copmuters for doing business, eBay fees, etc. can be written off as deductions if you are incorporated. Jim
  4. My glitter settles every time if I don't stir...pot or pyrex!!! As a matter of fact, don't stir, pour a few cavities and then re-heat for 20 seconds and you will have a few globs of burned flake in the bottom of your cup... You must stir well for consistancy of flake and/or salt. If I am making sticks in a pyrex cup, I stir between EVERY cavity. It takes a bit longer but ensures perfect sticks every time. If I am using my pot, my drill is running the whole time I am pouring and in between when I am de-molding.... Glitter has to settle in plastisol, it is heavier than anything in the plastisol so gravity is going to do its thing .... Jim
  5. This might be a little broad of a question but how is everybody (if you are), keeping an inventory, FIFO, etc. for business purposes or do you just write off supplies and the cost of doing business... Maybe I am actually asking how you have structured your business. I am listed as an S Corp. My boat mechanic asked me if I write off all my tournament fees and expenses associated (gas. lodging, meals, etc.) as that is essentially advertising as I have my logo on my boat and give out samples at the ramp and to the bait shops close by. I do keep records of all... He even suggested my repairs and upgrades on my boat could be considered expenses towards my main "vehicle" for my business. I might get some interesting responses and I am not a tax preparer or attorney but would like to maximize my tax advantages if possible as I am not making it rich pourig yet !!! Thanks all!!! Jim
  6. Here is an estimate a friend did a while ago on this forum: Just for fun... 6 worms per oz. x 128 ounces per gallon = 768 worms 768 x 5 gallons = 3,840 worms $100 (5 gallon bucket, shipped) / 3,840 = 2.6 cents per worm by Joel "Mojo" Jim
  7. That color looks like a green pumpkin pepper and your standard electric blue with blue hi-lite added... The "swirl" part looks like the challenge to me!!! If you have more skill than me, you could probably pour some green with your right hand...wait a few seconds and pour some blue with your left hand OR load up a pot with one of the colors and pour part of the bait with one color then drop the other color in from the pot... Have fun with that one!!!! Jim
  8. Just got LC's 4" the other day...Pours nice except the sides of the baits are "cloudy"... Had to add some "lube" to the molds to get the bait to be clear through the sides. I can tell they are going to be fish catching baits though as the softer plastic really gives the bait more action!!!! Jim
  9. I use them and pour them all the time. They are great baits for jig trailers, texas rig or even drop shot rigs. Roadkill is a great color for up your way along with the watermelon green, ren flake... Jim
  10. Why aren't you going to use it???? Just curious how it did/didn't meet your needs?? Jim
  11. Check out this tutorial also... http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=42 May give you some ideas as well. Jim
  12. M-F super soft is just regular plastic with softener added... You could buy regular plastic but you would be adding more softener to it for sticks and that will cost you more $$$.. Regular and super soft are the same price I believe... The softness will be determined on how much salt you use vs softener. Less softener = less soft stick. The salt is going to be close to a constant if you want them to sink well. Just play with the amount of softener until you get the desired stick "feel". Jim
  13. Raising a "stink" and trying to help others avoid an issue I have experienced are two different things jm.... Bags hardly are a controversial subject... You all know you will hear from me when I raise a stink!!!!!! Seriously though...a forum is not just for nicey, nicey all the time...sometimes tough subjects bring out great insights and I, for one, am not worried about taking on a nickname over something like that... The forum has rules where you can and can't go...respect those and let everything else fly..... As long as it relates to making baits!!!! Jim
  14. Zoom's Chartreuse Pumpkin.... 4oz plastic 4 drops pumpkinseed (LC), 7 drops chartreuse (LC), 2 lime (LC), 1 pinch of medium black flake and 1 smidgen of large black flake.. Real nice color!!!! Jim
  15. Here is that formula for the chartreuse pumpkin...Keep in mind that it will be more transluscent than Zoom's bait due to no salt. If you need the bait to be cloudy, you can add salt but you may have to add more color as well.. 4oz plastic 4 drops pumpkinseed (LC), 7 drops of chartreuse (LC), 2 drops of lime (LC), 1 pinch of medium black flake and 1 smidgen of large black flake... I didn't have any green chartreuse or I might have subbed it in for the lime and chartreuse.... Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jim
  16. I like M-F's red and really like LC's bright red!!! Jim
  17. Can't give a good judgement on my Calhoun's as it is total frothy bubbles when I cook a cup.... I just use that for junk molds or negatives only.... Jim
  18. No as I put the worms in without any scent at all added into the plastic or on the plastic.... Jim
  19. I stand while doing difficult pours but have a raised area for my molds so I am working at a level perfect for me. A counter top at 33" is way to low for me and my neck and back hurt quick. I sit using my pot and doing other baits as at the counter top level, the pot is raised perfect for sitting position. One thing I did invest in was a mat that helps ease and cushion the hard flooring. We use them in the hospital all over for employees that stand all day long in certain places on super hard floors. Jim
  20. Yesterday I packaged up a bunch of baits to marinate in my favorite Upper Hand Hawg Sauce in a ziploc bag. I had bought a box from Wally World and got the generic brand to save a few $$$$$. I went to throw a few extra baits in the bag and could not believe my nose!!!! A pugnant, ammonia type odor from the bag instead of the great crawfish smell : !!! I immediately took the baits out and transferred them into some smaller ZIPLOCK bags I had... No problem a few hours later with any smell. Soooooo..I took a few baits and threw them into these NEW generic zipping bags and waited until the next day....YUCK ...smelled like an old baby diaper .... So beware if you are bagging in the generics...Something from my baits must have been reacting with the plastic in the bag to give off the nasty odor... Jim
  21. 2 hrs for 1 cup would piss me off also!!!! I would be back to my mic and pyrex loooong before all that though !!! I use M-F super soft plastisol and the salt I use is popcorn salt.... Think about the cost of teh flakes also as they add cost to making the sticks. I won't do mine without them but many have great sticks with just salt alone... Jim
  22. I'm not sure about all the weights etc as I never have fished a yammy senko but I can give you my recipe for my sticks that I use: Stick formula 4oz plastic, 1 ? oz softener, 2 tbs + 1 tsp salt, 4 tsp of ?flakes? This makes a real soft stick that is still pretty durable. Might give you something to work from. I have had numerous reports of my sticks outfishing "senkos" 15:1 from boater non-boater teams in tourneys. One of my best customers went from 245th in the Northern Bassmaster Series to fishing the Bassmaster Open (top 6 in his REGION) on East Toho this year fishing just my black/red g-sticks at all his tourneys... I have tried the sticks without the flakes and my customers said they are just like all the other sticks out there without them.... Jim
  23. Let me run through the "sugar flakes" deal again for you!!! Sugar flakes are just a name that Senkosam (Frank) came up with and they are just clear glitter. They do smell a little like sugar.. You just add them like you add you glitter into your plastic. no difference. You can add it instaed of salt or with salt. I have exchanged them 1 for 1 before but you have to add a little more softener. I use mine with the salt as it seems to help my flake and salt saty in suspension better. I am not sure about the translucent change in the bait but I am sure Frank can chime in here. I only make sticks with these flakes and have never made a batch without to compare. Senkosam is the place to get the flakes and he can tell you the pricing.. The flakes help make you sticks softer but still more than a 1 fish bait. My customers have thrown their "senkos" down and put my sticks on in place. You can fing Senkosam here on the board....Or his email is postcard@frontiernet.net Jim
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