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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. What is the best paint for bass jig heads?? Liquid vinyl, liquid epoxy or powder??? Curious as there are just so many choices.... Jim
  2. GB GONE

    UPC codes

    Ryan: I have a lot of shops. I don't use UPC codes at all. none of my shops have asked for them. They are relatively easy to print with the proper software as we us bar code labels at work for inventory. The store should be able to give you insight on what format to use. If the shop has their own system, you can creat any type of label that is read on their system. If you are trying to go to Walmart or a large chain. They will tell you how big the lable must be, what it must contain, etc... Good luck!!!! Jim
  3. Nil is right on the avoid the wood thing....If you have to use wood, coat it well with Devcon 2 ton. A metal rod is the choice between the 2 for sure. Jim
  4. I forgot Roadkill camo...duh!!! jim
  5. My friend has one he bought off Ebay but it was pricey !!!!! He has only thrown it in a pool so far as he is saving it for a trip to Mexico. What an action filled bait!!! I'm sure it would have to be a 2 peice mold and it will be hard to duplicate those joints well. My buddy's biggest fear is that a smaller (less than 12lb) fish will rip the back end off before he gets his trophy !!! Jim
  6. I also talked with some guys that were ripping them up on the drop shot rig. They were using little 2 1/2" reapers... Mostly in green pumpkin/purple flake and motor oil/red flake... Jim BTW: I have some REAL nice spider jigs (Thanks Softworm) and I happen to know a guy that pours zippers if you need either !!!!
  7. Just came back from WI and the lake I fished for smallies was so clear you could see a pebble 40ft down and the fish at 25-30ft. I tried all kinds of colors as you could imagine. By far and away, the best colors were watermelon/red flake, watermelon pepper, green pumpkin/red flake and salt and pepper (smoke/black flake) The best baits were: Sticks, zippers and beavers with the bigger fish coming on 5' sticks of watermelon and salt and pepper but more fish on zippers. Good luck!!!!! Jim
  8. Even if you can find it on the net somewhere, post a pic. I think somebody could get close for you. If you want to drop one in the mail to me, I'll take a stab as I see it as a challenge and a good diversion from just working from my recipe book!!! Jim PM me...
  9. Goes ditto for me Nil. My orders have been filled quickly and I have been quite happy with the colors and other products I have purchased in the past. Jim
  10. Welcome aboard Kim!!!! Definitely was not knocking the bait as I have seen them in action...A little flash doesn't stop the smallies from crashing those baits!!! Look forward to any insight and working with LC again in the future!!! Jim
  11. Welcome to TU!!!! The first topic in the Soft Plastics area is a "Read This Before You Post" subject. Read and re-read this information that has been compiled!! You will get almost everything you need to get started from these 2 areas. Next, go to the the How-To area in the toolbar above and get to reading the tutorials. After all your reading, you will either be overwhelmed into submission OR ready to be addicted to one of the coolest "hobbies" out there!!!! Have fun and also don't forget the TU Search area. Any other info you could ever want can be found by doing a search in this area!!!! Jim
  12. I would send them. D. D. (can't say his full name per our agreement) is a guy that ranks in the top 75 and uses some of my stuff. He said if he scores in a tourney he will give me a shout out right from the stage...He didn't make the classic so you won't here my co name shouted out:D!! Guess you never know as I think many of the pros might give you an acknowledgment if they remember where they come from and how they had it coming up through the ranks. Flip side is that many of them will fish what got them there and may not take any chances on something new come classic time... In the end, sponsor's money talks and "you know what" walks.... Jim
  13. Whats up Derek...I'm in Valdosta...Welcome to TU!!! I think I would attempt to mold my own worm as most of the molds in that size that are mass produced are tough to pour to me. I would be glad to help you get some going out of resin or plaster. Blast me an email or give me a ring...I'll pm you my cell... Glad to have another GA boy aboard!!!! Jim
  14. Try this link to get a good look at colors!!! http://www.specialtytackle.com/new2003/products/poorboys/poorboys.html I have one of the Golby goby colored baits and it is a very light green pumpkin with a good bit of large black flake on top, a thin vein of pro blue and a small amount of white on the bottom..... BTW..I think this is the Poorboy company that has bought or merged with LC... Interesting to see other hand pours as there is a LOT of flash on the bait I have. Kinda like old school hand pours, but lets not go back there !!! Jim
  15. GB GONE


    I routinely use popcorn salt in my "salted" baits and would not switch back to floured salt. My colors are far more true and the popcorn salt stays in suspension as well as floured but way better than table salt. I also use the "flakes" from Senkosam with my salt for a far softer and easier poured bait. The reviews have been great from out in the field and have had several side-by-side "in the boat" knockouts of original senkos. The latest was a 15 to 1 catch ratio of my sticks vs GY senkos... Additionally, popcorn salt takes no further flouring or other manipulation, just open the pack and go... Jim
  16. Here is a real close one to Zooms: 8oz plastic... 12 drops grape (M-F), 30 black/grape (LC), 5 black (LC) loads of medium green flake.....add some red for a great look Heat stabilizer will help with color deterioration from repeat heats... Jim
  17. whew....I thought they were hand poured. I was starting to feel a little slooow .... Jim
  18. I'm in Northern WI fishing and guess what....goby colored baits!!!! It is great to see a different selection of colors and all types of soft (and hard) baits from a different part of the country. Gave me some great ideas and I will be working on a goby color soon. Looks more light pumpkin with a little watermelon to me. Jim PS Fishing is AWESOME!!! Pictures soon!!!
  19. Might want to check the traders forum also here on TU and...don't forget about Ebay!!! Jim
  20. I never use stabilizer and have never had this problem of fading. I regularly use LC Strawberry red and M-F red.... If you seal the plastic well in a tupperware container or like 2 or 3 bags, does it still change??? I think something is reacting with either the oxygen (or something else) in the room air causing the change....
  21. Saint brings up a must have for all that pour soft plastics...The measuring spoons from Walmart that are labeled smidgen, pinch and dash. You can use these to measure flake, salt, powder, etc in very accurate amounts. All my recipes have them listed now. BTW Saint...Do you add softener still to your sticks??? Do they wiggle like the senko does??? Just curious as I use a lot of sticks down here in GA and like you, the water is shallow. I've had a problem getting the characterstic wiggle with little or no salt.. So far, they catch fish better than average and are WAY easier to pour without the salt... Jim
  22. Practice is the only cure for the color down the side. You are correct in that if you don't pour straight into the hole, one side will have a streak down it. BTW...some of the best producing sticks I have ever poured had a black streak down the side. Smoke blue pearl with the black line gave a great shad looking bait with the appearance of a lateral line in the stick. That was when I was first starting to pour, now I can hardly make myself pour down the side !!! Jim
  23. Hey Saint...not sure how others do it but I just go down my mold and each hole count to 5 pouring (Thanks Joel!!!)...then go back to the first hole and finish the stick.. Seems to make a decent size tip and pretty consistant in color. The "parts" will fuse together no problem without blending. Jim
  24. I do add a few drops of worm oil to stop the baits from sticking to each other so bad but definitely do not soak them.... I have found that even the ones that are left for months do not discolor or bleed. I use worm oil from Del with some added "scent" from Upper Hand Scents to flavor the baits even more than just the amount I put in when making the baits. I guess experimenting by pouring a few of those baits and storing them with no oil or just scent might give you a clue. Any chance there was any water on the baits or in the bag you stored them in?? I have seen the humidity + worm oil dull colors up pretty bad. Jim
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