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Everything posted by GB GONE

  1. Chartreuse has always been a great murky water color for me...Post up some pics in the gallery of your baits!!!! jim
  2. LOL LL.... I have used a wood mold before and if it is coated well with 2 ton, you will have no problems at all. I fact, the plastic bait will cool quick as well. I tried mine uncoated and plastic found its way into the wood... Jim
  3. OK jm....you have just invented a new lure...the mood lure!!! Like the old mood rings that change color but these will change with the water temperature!!!! I use LC's strawberry red all the time with no problem but I also use M-Fs red and do notice that when I initially use it it is red but after a nuke or 2, it is starting to have a tint of orange in it. The M-F red doesn't change after a couple months for sure as I have some baits poured with it still in my box... Better get a patent on that mood lure...you never know !!! Jim
  4. I don't think I would throw it away...Either Dave from Lurecraft may want it back to see what is up OR you have some nice "orange" for some baits... If red isn't working that day, wait a couple days and you will have a completely different color! !!! Just messing as I know it is VERY frustrating, especially if you have a customer telling you this!!!! Jim PS...I know Joel from BigPig lures had this exact same problem. I don't think he ever figured it out. Probably just ordered red from another manufacturer...
  5. GB GONE

    worm oil

    Just like it says on Del's website, "A little goes a long way!!!" I use a few drops in each bag...no more!!! Jim
  6. Perry: Sounds like you are not heating your plastic quite enough. I usually use 4 to 6oz (sometimes 8oz) of plastic in my cups. Usually, I heat for 2 minutes, check out the plastic and heat again for 30 seconds. Then I add flake and coloring, then nuke again for 30 seconds, add scent and pour. Of course, you want to stir between each time you heat. I pour the beaver body first, pouring the stream into the "head" area until the body cavity is full but not running over to the tail or flaps. Then, I go up to the first flap, down across the body to the lower flap and finally to the tail. If you pour a little stream as you are crossing from the top to the bottom flap, the body will be full... The only baits I pour from the tail first are my jig trailers. All the rest, I go from the body to the tail. If there are legs, etc. like a lizard, I will fill the body first, go to the top legs, fill a little more in the body and then do the other legs before the tail. The only way for you to get comfortable and to get what works for you is to practice. Trail and error will get you there!!! Soon, you will be a pro!!! Jim PS The only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked!!! Also, remember to use the search function under TU search and Search Forums. You could read for months on most topics as there is some great info that has been posted by the real experts in soft plastics!!!!
  7. GB GONE

    worm oil

    I use Del's worm oil also and found some bags of baits I had but in a box from several months ago... They were junebug with lime green tails. There was no color change or bleed from either color. The baits were also still nice and soft... Jim
  8. Nutty...The plastic may eventually eat through those jugs but your biggest concern will be making sure the inside of those jugs are super clean!!! please go to the TU Search and search forums....Do a search in the plastics forums for storing plastic as this topic has been hit many times before. I'm sure that Lurecraft has the bottles you are looking for. Jim
  9. Unbelievable !!!!! Either the fish are REALLY biting on lizards or you have got some place to send them (I hope!!!) Cool rack!!! Jim
  10. If you can post a picture or a link to a picture, that would help..I've never used either color.. Jim
  11. GB GONE


    Have you tried Doug's scents at www.gobassin.com Look for the Upper Hand Scents page. I use his shad scent in all my colors except pearl white. It is a little amber in color but it doesn't affect even chartreuse... He is a TU member so give him a shout!!! Jim
  12. Awesome!!! Won't be long until you start kicking those "high dollar" worms butts!!!! Fish on!!!!!!!!! Jim
  13. GB GONE

    2000th member

    Welcome Eric!!!! Please let me know who does your web site!!! It is fan-tas-tic!!!!! Either PM me or drop me an email!!!! Look forward to hearing some tips from you!!! Jim
  14. I'm working on it....maybe I'll get a chance to get after it on Monday. I will post my results in the recipe sticky... Jim
  15. I have noticed this color in the stores a lot now. Just a matter of time before someone wants some baits in this color. Anybody fishing this color in any bait style???Does not look like a color I would use!!! I'm going to play with a recipe tonight!!! Jim
  16. After using all types of molds, I would recommend you save for aluminum molds IF you want to pour a bait that is a standard amde bait. The difference in baits from aluminum to other types of mold materials TO ME is significant... If you are making your own style of bait, resin is the mold material of choice TO ME, with RTV being second. You will have to see how your baits come out from each type of mold material and decide what YOU like. You also have to take into consideration if you are going to be selling baits or just making them for you and your buddies. Remember, that might also change as time goes on!!! I have gone to mostly aluminum baits, even for custom baits, and am very pleased. Yes, they cost a little more but if you want a Kodak moment just get ready for when you drop that plaster of paris mold you've spent hours working on and it breaks into pieces !!! Jim
  17. Try here Saint... http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=5647 this topic has been covered a BUNCH of times so do a good search....There are varying opinions on it!!! I'm in South GA so I tend to add less salt to let the stick sink slower but when I head up to Northern WI in a couple weeks I'll be loaded down with heavy salt sticks!!!! I also use SenkoSam's flakes in my sticks...Here is just one comment I've gotten recently from a customer.."I?ve also started throwing your ghost sticks and I must say they are by far the softest bait of their kind. I?ve tried some other brands (Tiki, Yamamoto, Berkley,etc.) do nothing worm?s and they are not nearly as soft and flexible as yours. Great stuff!" CS..Kansas State U Bass Fishing Team... The flakes really kick these baits up a notch!!! Mine are definitely softer than Senkos and a bit more durable. Plus they are easy to pour with the flakes added!!! Colors really stay true also. Just more food for thought!!! Jim
  18. Welcome Tinmar.... You need to take some time to look over the site and read a LOT of posts. Most questions have been answered here a few times. The TU search function is GREAT!!! Just go to search forums and you will be off!!! Try these links to get you started!!! This tutorial is super!!! http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=22 This will talk about recycling baits!! http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=4468&highlight=remelt+baits Good luck and have fun!!! Jim
  19. Take Scott up on his offer...he pours a great bait!!!! Like my grandad used to say "It's all good fun til somebody gets an eye put out!!!!" Your baits will go out tomorrow "conman" ....You got me for a couple jigs also!!! Jim
  20. GB GONE


    Just got back from Wally world and bought a big one and small one!!! Perfect for what I was looking for and the price was right. You can screww them down or just stack them in!!! Thanks!!! Jim
  21. OK..but what about cranks!!!! It doesn't look like the Cooks System handles them very well... My boat has plenty of storage area but does not have the integrated slots for 360/370 boxes... Jim
  22. Try here Tim... http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=4781&highlight=soldering+iron Or should I say Wermie Ernie :-D !!!! Jim
  23. Cool...He might want a new side job!!!! Jim
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