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Everything posted by LaPala

  1. Beautiful carving & colors. Details on the wings is amazing too. 10++ here. One question though, the wings will be alot of wind/air resistance, how will it cast? or it's more for flipping?
  2. I've have searched high & low for #00 ball-bearing swivel but to no avail. Anyone know where I can find them? I have looked: Stamina Jannesnetcraft Sampo Luremaking.com Spro (they all carry a smallest of size #1 = 1R) Thanks guys
  3. Definately a killer job. Beatifully proportioned lure body. Even without the photo-finish, the body shape alone is splendid. Keep up the good job Stefan.
  4. This is depends on answer The more intricate (finer/tighter curves) scroll saw. More graduated curves band saw. A band saw is faster too, but watch your fingers. There are other considerations but I'll base my first evaluations on the these criteria first.
  5. Thanks for the clarification Husky. Your tissue paper sounds like what we refer to as tracing paper, there are the architecture grade stuff too but it's thicker. No need for me to experiment then, these stuff can definately go thru the hot stamping process. see links below of hot-stamping: holographic: http://www.hlhologram.com/hologram_hotstamping.htm It is refered to as printing foil as well http://www.techspan.co.nz/TIPS/hotstampingfoils.htm
  6. I did mean your method is inexpensive; I know your style and it's in my heart too. Maybe you confused it with my mentioning of the expensive manufacturing process. One question though, you started out this foil printing with experiments on direct printing on the foil. Now you're using gift wrapping tissue so this would be the tranfering medium for the print just like using water-slide decals then. How much of the foils reflective quality is affected? Or the gift wrapping tissue is really translucent or made translucent with plastidip? (Excuse me as gift wrapping tissues I use usually are just old newspaper bunched up , I am cheap too) I can already see an extention to your method if the tissue can go thru a hot-stamping machine (actually a laminating machince). We usually print the letterings (or whatever) on namecards that needs gold (or other available hot-stamping foils) in black, place the foil over the black ink & run it thru the machine & the foils would adhere to the black printed part. I'm going to get some tissues (if I can get them) & try it out, let u know if it works.
  7. Cool one Husky. 4 thumbs up - including the ones on my feet that is. Looks like the expensive hot-stamping process of some manufacturers on electroplated "foil"/holographic surface have to make way for the "Husky Process"
  8. Cool, it's confirmed then. I'm IN. As for consent for sending to Europe, I've no problem with that. I'm evern further than Europe PS: As for logistics of sending overseas, I suggest we do the passing without the hardware (hooks, splitring)? Makes a slightly lighter package & I hate to see the beutiful works get scratched Just include notes on what hardware was used.
  9. Oops, I was away for a few days & missed this. Am I still able to be IN? My Addy is as follows: Anthony Ooi (aka LaPala ) 188, Taman Tunku Tabor 05150 Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia. (Now my addy is in the open I wonder if I'll be getting spam mails too )
  10. Me too, but I'm one expensive guy to send to whoever it is that has to send me the package. I'll understand if you guys cannont include me
  11. Jed, I did post about a "thingy" that I used to scale my jointed minnow lure. Perhaps you can think along that line to make "custom" scale patterns. Alternately, see the " seluang for DeVery" in TU galery also sometime ago which had the scale on foil pattern pre-printed with a dot matrix printer. This would be the most versatile method but a bit messy to set up but once you get the pattern done it can be accurately reproduced. Only complain I have about this method is the finest line a dot-matrix printer can produce is still too thick for my liking. But with your muskie sized lure it might be just nice or even too thin (this you can just adjust your line thickness in your graphic program - I use CorelDraw) Have fun tinkering. (Sorry I'm no good at finding old post, but a copy of the seluang lure I have it here: http://www.pbase.com/sebarau/seluang scroll to the end, last pic, click on pic for larger view)
  12. You're welcome Skeeter. If you wanna use that foto, jsut click on the "original" link & after it loads right click on the pic>save as... and it's yours loyaty free BTW, what's the name/model of that lure?
  13. Couldn't wait for the next insstalment Any idea how to determine the temp for my snakeheads?
  14. LaPala

    no action

    If lure is swimming straight with no wobble, I'll look at 2 things: 1. Lip angle (or size but if lip is almost as wide as body of lure it would usually make the lure wobble already. I have made lure with the lip even narrower than the body & it has nice tight action) 2. tow-eye position: Moving tow-eye forward, up or down just a bit (or combo) in some cases will make the lure wobble nicely. Sorry I can't be more specific, if u can post a pic (& give lure blank weight, weighting position/amount and wood type) maybe I can diagnose it better
  15. Swede & Skeeter both sent me one of their finely crafted lures. To hounour it, I bugged a friend for some studio equipment & took some beauty shots of the lures. I've put it up in a sepcial galery here: http://www.pbase.com/sebarau/tu_member_lures click on the thumbnails in the gallery for full view, and for those who like to examine it in more detail click on the "original" link under the photos for a full resolution (big big) photo of it. (I hope the creators don't mine me displaying it, but hell the lures are mine now , I have the right to show off ) Anyone else wants to send me lures to include in the gallery? (I hope no one sees thru this as a way to get free lures )
  16. Hopefully you guys don't get it on your clothes & forget about it. Poof, goes a talented lure maker
  17. LaPala


    I like what Jed said. (I'm adding to the digression here ) I have been toying with many hardbait designs and all I can think of are action & profile which I consider to be the main fish catching ability of a bait. Colors come as an after-thought. I'm not trying to say guys who are just painting bait are not doing a good job nor help increase the fish catching ability of a bait - imitating Jed's words, "action speaks louder than colors". We should concentrate our priorities toward making a fish catching lure fisrt, then put in the colors to catch the fishermen I've read post when prototype lures with just a primer coat that has caught fish, I've had my share of it too, so to make a lure that catch a fisherman and his/her heart too; the lure has to be able to perform. The colors and beautiful finishing is to appeal to him so he'd buy more than one.
  18. LaPala


    I've been making some from Devcon but it's quite a chore. Here's the layers: 1. holographic round stickers (punch out to size with belt puncher) 2. Decal print of a real fish eye 3. A small clear glass bead over the pupil (black) area, paint the back portion black, bead is embeded half-way thru hole in middle of holo sticker (to create a different reflective index part to represent eye lens; the black will show thru) 4. Drop of Devcon over all the three layers. (to get it even more realistic you can do some concave molds where you can press the layers into) Hope this helps.
  19. OnlyBass: I gave up making lures I'm starting all over again by learning how to carve a fish, next will be the taxidermist way of painting fish. What I really meant is: where do you find the ultimate satisfaction? If u try to be a perfectionist, you'll never reach the end. Like I've said before; "it's the journey that counts, not the destination." end note: There's no way out; you only sink deeper. Have fun guys and don't forget the purpose of a lure is to catch fish; not how good looking it is.
  20. LaPala

    A mess?

    Hope this can can convince your wife that you're TIDY!!!! Point out to her the stuff that has overflowed to the chair. And this is just one area that I've taken over; the only place that doesn't have any of my lure making stuff is the bedroom but she's gotta put up with lure catalogues in there (my bedtime readers).
  21. That's cool Mallard, glad to see your experiments have come to the production stage. Wish I can say the same thing for my lures --- I'm still tinkering with mine & couldn't really make up my mind yet. Personally I like the #5 profile and shape,, looks more sexy to me but it's just my opinion, you know what works best for ur creations. Congratulations on a job well done. Hope you'll be selling tons of them
  22. Hey man, maybe a change of tag-line is called for now: "Even catching ONE is Scccary"
  23. Cool stuff!!! Now where's PART 2 or maybe even a PART 3. Trilogies were the in thing (LOTR, Matrix...)
  24. Now the Cabela link is broken. I've found the makers though, I found it much earlier, when woodsac mentioned a similiar stuff from Hidebrandt, I just have to see who's done it before I did. Here's the link: http://www.hildebrandt.net/products/Glass-Master.php.
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