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Everything posted by LaPala

  1. When you post a new topic(or reply-use the go advance not quick reply), look below where it's a button that says "manage attachment" a new popup window will appear where you can upload your pdf file from your computer orthe web to there. Note file size limit applies pdf is 19.07MB.
  2. Some very interesting concepts there. I would forget about the weights and throw them with a fly rod
  3. LOL Spike, just showing you an example of what lure makers should do instead of drinking beer. Sniff something!! If the President does it too, then it must be right thing to do?
  4. Come on boys, beer???!!! Click... and follow the leader here.... (you may substitute with your favorite liquid, but beer). This is what A REAL ONE do
  5. Best case scenario --- no one in this world produces fire arms anymore. Got a score to settle --- use your fist, knives, bow & arrow and spears. You can still hunt with a bow. IMHO, we are already too advance with development of fire arms when we can inflict a lot of damage without any training.
  6. I find Dean's is the best answer' date=' nothing funny!!!Fishing is entirely relative and which fisherman is equipped to observe where the lure lands, records the splash as big or small. Then count the fishes that ran away Vs the one that came to the splash in both condition for mildly a statistically valid number of times. Say 10,000 times each way (we are ignoring other variables such as spawning period,water temp, clarity etc etc...) BTW, which fish species we are referring to? I'm quite sure a minnow would run away if my lure did a big splash. An overly general question deserves a grossly general answer. You get what you asked for
  7. Hmm, Is this a mass migration from salt guys? Anyway, a warm welcome to all of ya, maybe TU will turn you guys away from your lathe? Some cross fertilization is always good
  8. The_Rookie does that mean most of the suspending lure you paint will end up slow sinking eventually if you don't like the color a few times? Darkman, Paint recipes are kinda useless unless you wanna follow even the brand to the letter and probably buying the same batch of colors too. Manufacturers produce their colors with different pigments and dyes so there will be variations btw brands and batches of paint. High $ paints will be more consistent. Learn how to mix and your life will be much easier down the road. Try to stick to a brand and type of paint too. What I do with color matching is use the color wheel (Google it, lots of good resources on the web). Color wheel and color theory tells you what and how to mix to get a certain color and adjust the hue. Once you understand the theory and principles, any color u want is within your reach. After mixing my paint, I test paint on drawing paper OR a white PVC pipe OR a piece of clear plastic if I'm going for glass or ghost look. Hope this helps.
  9. You fins may be the problem too. Don't you think they will be acting like rudders there at that size.
  10. Haha yeah Finnish, when are we gonna break that puzzle lol.
  11. Yeah get a duplicator or DIY one. Eastendlu is the expert on CNC here, I think sometimes he sleeps with them
  12. Look to your left guys, there is an icon that says "report post" like this: Click to report a post to the Admin of this site for further action if you deem it inappropriate. Decision is in the hands of the admin and not a public out cry. I'm sure that feature is meant to be used to avoid incidents like this. Isn't learning how to use the forum and respect the admin's right part of being a good forumer anymore?
  13. LaPala

    Shrimp (prawn here)

    Nice pattern Pete. Are you hoping they will reproduce in that position?
  14. Pete, just keep one thing in mind when you study planes over lures. Air is compressible whereas water is not and much denser. The other is the speed at which the effects will take hold. Enjoy your discoveries and long quest to understand all this hydro stuff.
  15. A good practice would be to use white PVC pipes for practice paint. Cut a bunch of them and have it where u paint and try out ur paint schemes on that. Don't like it, just pick up another piece. Or u can base coat it white for use another day. How long does it take from start to finish for my lures? Maybe 1 week at the very least figuring in the drying and curing hours I prefer.
  16. I said this in another forum, "there is no best wood". Even for a lure like a popper it has different action that you are looking for and how it should perform. Target species whether it's toothy or not is another consideration. Best way to go about it for lure making is look for wood that has tight consistent and even grain patterns. Search the web for wood density chart which will give you an idea of its floatantentiallity, some woodworking sites has a lot of info on the workability of a particular wood species too. Then design your weighting around that. So best wood is "builders choice". The fishes will let you know if you've made a bad one
  17. Talk to your local hair saloon and ask them what they use to turn a brunette to platinum blond? They do bleach dark hair b4 dying it with a light color, since I haven't seem many bold women walking around I would assume the product is relatively hair friendly. --- at least for as many fish as the fly will last.
  18. will not work exactly, hacksaw blade will give the mask cut a jaggy edge, jaggy edge paint line is what u'll end up with. Should work however if u use a sharpened hacksaw blade without the teeth. I prefer plumbers Teflon tape or liquid mask.
  19. Another source of learning will be to take a class on fish carving. Once you can carve a fish carving a lure be easy or you can carve a realistic lure too. Just search the web for fish carving there is a lot of great craftmans/artist out there offering classes in basic fish carving. Once you've done that or concurrently just search thru TU for the what, hows and whys that makes a good lure. Ask questions as you go along, you'll be on ur way in say a year or 2?
  20. That is cool Nathan. I have a hammer at home....
  21. From the looks of the link it's a 3:16 signed version of their new Real Deal swimbait. Won't spoil the fun, you guys check out the price it's at now.
  22. Real interesting how you guys build Daymon. Keep em coming, good reference for when I build my shop
  23. It's just a cycle, I make lure, fish because i need to test it and the cycle repeats. I think fatfingers has a support group running. Introduce urself there, "Hi my name is socerer and I'm a lure making addict...."
  24. Thinking about all the cutouts from the project you'll have. You gotta be kidding if you are not bringing at least a whittling knife to work I'll still expect a few lures from you this year Daymon. Keep the house progress coming too. After all lure making is an extension of good woodworking. Psss...Spike gettin delirious thinking of all the wood available for that project? 1 board foot makes how many lures? Total board foot used for the house...
  25. Hmmm, what type of epoxy are u using? What i use is chemical cure hence the 2 part, UV won't help curing. UV cured epoxy usually comes in one part.
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