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  1. Does anyone know where I can buy some good quality IM7 or IM8 casting and spinning rods to buy for a slightly discounted price in bulk?...Don't know if this would be possible to find, but figured I'd ask...Thanks in advance Catch em up Brian
  2. Holy Mackeral!!!!!!!!!! 10%!!!!!!!!......lol......Okay, that's pretty tough but oh well.....Thanks for the replies.......I can still handle that...>At age 16, I don't have to make a ton of money.....The business is just so I can have a free hobby Catch em up Brian
  3. Is there a Federal Excise Tax on the baits sold....I am almost sure there is and was wondering how much money they want for us per sale....>Say you sell each bag for $3.99...How much would the tax be....Thanks in advance. Catch em up Brian BTW, how is it that the gov't takes all our money and the country still has a debt.....lol....just kidding
  4. Awesome, some more great help......I just have one last question for the time being....I keep hearing of Bob's molds, but can't find a link to his site.....Could someone hook me up with an addy to his site so I can check out some of his molds?...Thanks in advance Catch em up Brian
  5. Awesome, thanks again...i think I will be able to get the money together in a month or so. Thanks again for the help....Anyone else, feel free to reply with your words of wisdom as well.....I'll take all the help I can get.... Have a good one guys!!!! Thanks again, Brian
  6. ok, I think I am starting to put 2 and 2 together here. So, if I choose to get the Super soft formula from Calhoun's, I don't have to get the heat stabilizer?...And how much softener needs to typically be added to the plastic to make it, say, the softness of a tiki-stick or something fo the smae nature? Just 2 more questions here....1st: How do you pour a plastic bait so that it is round?...soundn't it always be flat on one side?..... 2nd: I stunbled onto lurecraft.com and noticed their selection is far larger and cheaper that Del-Mart's....Is their quality very good?....B/c again, I wan to have the best tools I can.... Again, thank you to everybody for all the help...I am starting to get antzy and am ready to begin pouring. This sounds like a load of fun and can't wait to catch some fish on my pours. Lastly, what do I pour the plastic into for pouring?....is that the pyrex?...and where can I get a pyrex? Thank you very much...Your help is greatly appreciated.....You have made me a very happy camper Sincerely, Brian Dolne
  7. Thank you very much Woodac and BassnG3.....Woodsac, I've read a lot of your posts and tutorials, you have a real talent for writing.....Have you ever considered outdoor writing to make some extra cash?......Anyway, appreicate the help.....But.. What is the hardener, softener and heat stabilizer for....Also, can I use a measuring cup to heat the plastic with?....and Can I use Pam for worm oil?.... Also, could you please verify this for me... 1. Pour plastic into pyrex and stir extremely well 2. Heat the plastic in the microwave at 30 intervals until temp is correct. 3. Pour palstic into molds 4. Let set for 2-3 min. 5. Take out and keep straight to not deform the bait. Please, tell me if I am leaving something out...It seems much easier than I thought it would be ....I'm pretty excited. Thank you very much for all of your help...I really owe you one. Catch em up Brian
  8. After making crankbaits and topwaters for wuite a while now, I figure it's time to try my luck at pouring my own plastics. I have looked through all of the tutorials and previous posts until the point of exhaustion and unfortunately am still confused at what supplies I will need. For the purposes of this post, let's just say that money is not important at this point. I do not want to do this halfway if you know what I mean. I am going to go big or go home :-D :grin: If someone would be kind enough to give me a list of the best supplies I can purchase to begin my pours, I will be forever in your debt. I am very anxious to get pouring for several reasons. First, I just love catching fish on lures I made...it is so much more exhilarating......Second, I would like to eventually make a business out fo my soft plastics. Lastly, I am always thinking of new colors schemes that would be better for MY specific area. So any help, anyone can give me would be great. Like I said previously, I want to go big or go home. BTW< I need to know every little thing to buy b/c you guys have me thoroughly confused :-D :grin: :oops: ..... Finally, FREE BAITS TO ANYONE WHO REPLIES TO THE POST ONCE I START POURING.......lol.....MAYBE SOME INCENTIVE WILL GET MORE POSTS.,.....lol Thanks in advance guys.....This is just an awesome site and I am glad to be a part of it. Catch em up Brian
  9. I like what Blades and Baits said ......That would look awesome....Anyway, it's a nic crank.....I bet it will catch ome good bass. Catch em up Brian
  10. RiverMan, that's the cleanest desk I've ever seen......You should see mine, I knocked half the stuff off of it yesterday, and you still can't even see the table itself Catch em up Brian
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I think I was just not paying close enough attention to the 1:1 ratio and that pretty much solved it. Thanks again. Catch em up Brian
  12. Thanks for the replies. I will try all of these things and see if they help. Any of them seem like they could be the culprits. Thanks again. Catch em up Brian
  13. I am having some trouble of late of my Devcon being sticky on all my baits. I am rotating it by hand for a half an hour just like it says to do. Any idea what is causing this??? Thanks in advance. Catch em up Brian
  14. Got a question for you guys. What is the best place as far as quality to get crankbait bodies? I have been looking around at some different sites and it is just so hard to choose which is the best. I also need to make sure the bodies already have the clips that hold the hooks and the thing on the diving lip to tie the line to. (don't know what it's called). Thanks a bunch. Have a good week. Catch em up Brian
  15. I have tons of FasTracs that I would definately be willing to part with. They are not craw though. Send me a pm if you are interested. Catch em up Brian
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