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Everything posted by bladesandbaits

  1. I love em all.Gotta admit magnum spots have me hooked.Living so close to Laniesr/Russell/Keowee cant resist them.Caught several 5 and 6 lder's this year. 2nd is Largemouth when schooling 3rd Smallmouth only because have to travel long way to fish for them Personally I have caught smallmouth and Spottty's same size range and spotty's wins the prize. Big spot like a run away train.There greedy,eat when full,follow bait every where.You find bait/you find spot's/they can be caught. Blades
  2. bladesandbaits


    Welcome Dark Star,I hope you find this furum to be a place you often visit as I have.These guys here are sharp! I mean really sharp! I have been painting and building custom lures for a long time.I found myself stuck in a rut with it.One night I was surfing around and found this site. I started reading the post's on different subjects and quickly realized I wanted to be a part of it.I joined and the rest is history.This site has been a blessing to me and hope it will be for you. Drop in for chat one night and join in.There's usually someone in.Cullin/Siebler/Markell/Count/Lapala/Travis/Coley and anyone else there will surely make you welcome. Blades
  3. I purchased an 800 gallon (new not used ) concrete septic tank,sealed the inside and filled w/water.I put a circulating pump in it mainly to keep the water fresh. I primarily use it for tuning crankbaits and testing baits I have modified,ie wieghting and lip changes.The cost was around $700.00 and I wish I had done it a long time ago. his may sound a little extreme but depending on how many lures you will be testing it might be worth your while. It is perfect for spinnerbait and jig design also.B&B
  4. Awesome!!!!!! Took a look at the site.I'm very impressed.The video tells it all. I've spent 1000's of hours w/lures in the test tank.This lure will "HUNT". Guarantee you spotted bass will swim across the lake to eat this plug. I'm ordering some. Can I get some unpainted pleeeeeaaaaase!! Blades
  5. Jim those were available from Fangaurd Specialty Tackle in Ca.Mine came from them.Got a few as pro staff package. Caught a few fish on them but nothing outstanding.To me not as effective as a Little George. Dont know the cost because mine were free but if were guessing i'd say $17.00. The action is pretty cool and quality is very good.Unless using it on schooling fish in open water,you stand a good chance of hanging it up.Little George is cheaper to break off. [www.speacialtytackle.com] Blades
  6. F-R yes am current customer.Pretty sure the price break is 100 pcs but even below 100 prices are a heck of alot better when you become the "middle man".There is no minimum order quantity. Call and get a catalogue and see what you think. Good Luck,Blades
  7. Cast Industries,Inc 580 Springfield,Illinois 62704 Tel:217-522-8292 Email:castind@eosinc.com From past chat discussion some have ask me about alternative supplier for s-bait/b-bait/jig components.This is your man.This guy produces the stuff your buying from Stamina/Jans/Barlows and about everybody else your buying pre-cast heads from.He cast's the vast maj.of heads for the major bait company's Strike King/Mann's/Hawg Caller and more(he wont sell there cast's)All casting is done by centrifugal molding process.Quality is perfect. He will design and make a custom mold also. He keeps the mold because it fits his machine but will not sell your design to anyone else. If you by stock items he will cast the wire and hook you prefer.Powder coats with eyes also. Will send you a cat.pronto if you will call and request one.No website,dont need one with amount production this guy puts out but cat.is pretty good. Hope this helps some of you B&B
  8. Lapala,read alot of reviews about the live pointer.Amazing how the ss wire retains its form.
  9. Pretty sure its Titanium,very small gauge.Had to dig one out of a big spotted bass this year.He had it down pretty far.Thought I might distroy it by pulling on w/pliers but it held up very well.I was impressed.I doubt that ss wire would have took that abuse. Blades
  10. F/M, if you painted the baits with acrylic laquer,then you can certainly use clear laquer.Coley and Richoc are right.You cannot manually brush the clear laquer.The reason is the Clear Laquer "re-wets" the previously painted surface of the bait and brushing will only pull the paint off. If you dont have an airbrush then you can use Sparr Urethane and brush it on.For the best results with Sparr dip the bait and hang to dry.(I advise dipping)The dis advantages to Sparr are that it may turn a slight yellow tint after a while. If you are using Clear Acrylic Laquer it will dry enough to set for clear in about 20 minutes depending on humidity. You can let it dry for a year and if you attempt to manually brush the clear it will ruin the paint job. Oh yeah,you can buy Sparr Urethane at Lowe's/Home Depot Helmsman is the best. Good luck and God Bless Blades
  11. Todays 2 stroke outboards(and yes the 97 150's)are equiped with remote 2 cycle oil tanks.The purpose # 1 is evolution.Most boats that will rate for an engine that large will also have more fuel capacity.More fuel capacity = more oil consumption.It is not practical to mount a 4 gallon oil tank on an engine. Second,it is much easier to fill the oil tank without pulling the engine cowl because thats were it would have to be located if mounted to the engine. Larger 2 stroke engines (new and old) are equiped with an auxilary tank mounted to the engine that holds about 1 quart of oil.The purpose for this is so if for some reason the oil stops flowing from the tank,it can be fed from the auxilary and prevent damage to the engine. VRO pump failure is rare.As with anything mechanical,regular engine maintenance and checks are important and can prevent alot of problems.
  12. I'm with Skeeter.If I were just going to fish for fun and not the tournament trail,I vote EFI or Carburated no matter the make.I personally like Merc but thats the only brand I've ever run. Ran 225 Opti 2000,2001,2003,New 520 Camanchee pro team boat each year.had plug problems,burnt a cylinder at the big "0",Rod thru the power head lake St.Clair 2002,Just minor problems 2003. I know guys with Evenrude-Bobardier fihct / Yamaha Hpdi,that have had similar problems.It's just a matter of when or where. The problems with all these motors is they run lean oil to gas mix along with extremly high pressure injection.This is where your burnt cylinders/power head failure/and burnt plugs come from.The high pressure burns the gap out on the plugs.In 2003 I wised up.I started running about 2 quarts of oil in my tank along with full tank of gas (56 gal).Kind of like when you break in a new efi.Only had to deal with occasional burnt plugs. The fuel mileage was unbelievable with the Opti. The oil was as "high" as a set of Giraffes n?ts(you know the tall animal with a long neck) The headaches and up keep were alot Feed back from anglers (touring pro's)I know Evenrude is the fastest (unless run Opti racing engine like Roland) Yamaha Hpdi is good but after mid range no more power. I went back to 225 Merc efi 2004,can't go as far on fuel, oil is cheaper,runs like a striped ape,and most important,CRANKS FIRST TIME I TURN THE KEY every time,no matter what the weather is. Oh yeah,I carry one spare plug just in case. You can still get efi and carb motors,the mfg's cant produce any more after 2006 Blades
  13. I wouldn't if I were you,spar urithane maybe but it will turn yellow after a while,I know it needs to be used but I would use it on something else.
  14. Rebooted and same thing.I get the picture now.Getting late I will attempt to fix it tomorrow.I dont really understand the procedure concerning the cookies.If you dont mind would you try to message me on how to do this so I may follow instructions in the morning.At least tonight I was able to catch up on whats happening.When the kids are in the bed and Me and "Mama" are in the family room,I very much look forward to sitting down and surfing the site.It's become a part of my nightly ritual.Thank you for walking me through this woodsac.
  15. Thanks woodsac.I will try to reboot but listen to this one.I logged off and logged on.A pic of "rome "was at home page.When I clicked on the Pictures tool bar the panel came up as usual but I noticed that the date minder was set to Oct 31,and told me the last time I visited was Oct 31.Sorry for the worry I'm causing.Know you had rather hang around the site and see whats happening rather than tutor me.
  16. Thanks woodsac but not completly there yet.When I go to each forum page I have to hit the GO button next to all topics.If I leave that forum for another,have to do the same.Then if I go back to the previous Im stuck on Nov 2 again.Once I went to home and saw nathans mouse,backed out to surf around and came back home.There was vmax cbait.
  17. I cannot read any post later than 2 november 2004.From my veiw it looks like time has stopped on Tuesday.I posted a message here at (The Docks)Tuesday night.I am getting notification of a reply via Ms Outlook,Can veiw the reply but cannot see the post from my Laptop.I have checked and dont see the post anywhere else.The post was about a trade show.I also made a post on hardbaits and it doesnt seem to be there either.Have I been banned to?If this message reaches anyone please reply.(sounds like I am stranded on an island somewhere and desperate doesn't it) Redg8r throw me a raft/float /something,I feel left out.
  18. Chip,got the bluegill baits painted.Sorry I havn't posted pic like I said I would.No excuses just family and kids keeping me busy.Will post asap altough looks like you have gotten a lot of help already.Gonna be hard to choose. Blades
  19. Any of you cats attending the Fisharama in Perry or Atlanta (Feb2005) I can't decide on Atlanta or Perry this time.I need to get my booth reserved soon.
  20. Yes it did keep the action,you probably already know this but it even gave it more belly roll.Thank you again,if i can ever help you or anyone else just let me know. Blades.
  21. Bigfish,one of the best ways to get used to your gun and how paint goes on (no matter the kind)is to get some 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch diameter pvc from the retail outlet of your choice. Cut it in to 3 to 4 inch lengths Drill a small hole through the top (in one side out the other),and fasion a hanger of wire to the pvc. This will serve as a hanger to hang the pipe for drying after painting. The pipe will help you get used to airbrushing paint on a cylindrical surface (most lures have these features) Try out diffirent colors and exp. with how one blends with the other. Try to copy some simple paint schemes from some baits. If you foul up, then just wipe the paint of the pvc and start over.Pvc is white and thats the base that most jobs start with. To prep the pvc just steel wool it then wash it off with hot water and make sure it is dry If you use laquer or urethane base paints then clean the used pipe with thinner and start over If you use water base then steel wool and panit white again.You can figure it out I would not start out with Testors Paint,I would get some water base like Createx to start out with.(yes you guys,I did reccomend some water base paint ) Some Testors requires solvents to clean up and Ive probably "HUFFED" enough fumes for all of us. But seriously, solvent based paints are a whole nother ball game and require a lot of ventilation and personal protection.This can be agravating to try first. Finally search,search,search this data base here.These guys are the best you will ever get info from.When your sitting in your chair at home(if you have a computer)then read all the post you can concerning this topic.I promose you you can find something to build your knowledge.Dont be afraid to post a pic every now and then and ask for opinions.These guys are as honest as they come.Good luck. Blades
  22. Lee Sisson says that Tak. was using the BB2.He posted that info on his site not long after telling this.The bait was an old original and I believe it was re-painted by Hustler Lures.I feel like Lee is a straight shooter.He is taking a big chance to post a lie on his site.i dont remember the month's issue,but Bassmaster commented that Tak came clean to them about the lure and said it was a Bagley.Given this info you would think the truth was told. I have came up with several patterns in the past that pro's have used and wouldn't you know it,there sponsor put it on there pattern list soon after.I know this has happened to Tim also but what do you do? You just be happy and go make more lures because thats what you do. I gaurantee(sp) you one thing,I can spot one of my lures a mile away and so can any other guy.Tim and Jeff know if its there lure or not.They may just choose to not say anything and you know what?,thats there call and you gotta respect that if that is the case.As for me,You can bet your a?? if it were my bait I would rent a billboard and advertise it.There has been a ton of money won on my spinnerbaits,Jigs,custom painted lures.I have never been lucky enough to have a tournament won on my bait at Bmasters/or Flw.Just the smaller less known trails for my stuff. There in the hands of the right people but I can't count on them to give me alot of credit because I charge these guys just like I do anyboby else. Let one of these guys win a major event on my lure and everybodies going to know it cause I'm gonna tell it.Thats when it will be time to brag a little. Just my 2 cents on it. Skeeter,thanks for the weighting tip,it worked,I owe you one buddy.
  23. CHIP,i can help you but I can only tell you using laquer paint.I know that this is probably the least desirable method but it does work good.The blues and browns are achived with pearls layered over diffirent base coats and a few diffierent stencils.I have to paint some this weekend and would be glad to post the pic and instructions for you and anyone else.God Bless.
  24. I was talking with the guy that owns thundershad.I am playing around with a new shallow running balsa lure that I want to get running a little more flat than nose down.I dont want to change the bill angle or the bait profile.Paul was telling me about weighting the tail to do this but he cant tell me the whole process.I understand why,but he did tell me tail weighting would do the trick.Skeeter/Chip/Coley/........anybody?I am sure that I will figure it out but I would like to cut down on the r&d as much as possible.I have custom painted 275 plugs this month and am still behind.This guy I am trying to modify this bait for is a good customer.Thanks in advance and God Bless!!!!!!!!!
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