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Everything posted by bladesandbaits

  1. I Told this before related to another topic. Hooked a moving Jet Skier in the back with a 3/4 Ounce Rattle Trap.
  2. LOL BRB I am going to search some more post from 07!
  3. Search out your local PPG Dealer. You aint gonna buy it on the web.
  4. Rob- Who the hell needs an airbrush anyway Ha- Ha! Absolutly Top Notch my friend! Regards, Blades
  5. I picked up the last load I have from these guys BulkTungsten.com Affordable Tungsten Bullet Weights I had a great experience with them. Regards, Blades
  6. bladesandbaits


    Over the top Kelly!!!!!! Regards, Blades
  7. http://www.worthco.com/fish/pdf/finerings.pdf I think they are about $7.00 Per Thousand. Regards, Blades
  8. I couldn't disagree more. I have 3 Badger 150's and 3 Iwata's and I'll take the 150 over the BCS any day of the week. I shoot 100% solvent base to the tune of 2000 or so baits a year. I am absolutly brutal on my airbrushes and for the money my 150's take the abuse better. There much more versatile IMO as well. Parts are easy to get from Dixie for either one.The only parts Ive ever needed for my 150's are check valve needle and "O"ring- and I soak my guns in lacquer thiner quite often. I have 150's that are 8 years old and have yet to have to replace an inner seal (if there is one) I just recently got one of the Knock Off's Pete Put the info up for and i have to say i am pretty impressed. Regards, Blades
  9. Welcome Glen. Logan martin is one of my favorite Alabama lakes. Regards, Blades
  10. Happy Birthday Roger! Regards, Blades
  11. This is over the top man !!!!!!!!!!! Probably one of the best pieces of work I have ever seen. Regards, Blades
  12. Very Nice! For what it's worth you can use a fabric softener sheet (used in the cloths dryer) and get a very simlar effect. Once agin --- Super Nice Job. Regards, Blades
  13. Those are Sweet Man!!!!!! Regards, Blades
  14. Oh Yeah !!!!!! I Love em ! Regards, Blades
  15. I read somewhere a long time ago of someone buying Xacto Knife Handles in Bulk. Search came back nothing. Anybody got a source they would share? Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! Regards, Blades
  16. These are about the nicest Photo Finish Lures I have ever seen. Awesome Job! Regards, Blades
  17. bladesandbaits

    Three Hook Spook

    Traded Mr. Rowland out of a bunch of these. Regards, Blades
  18. bladesandbaits

    Three Hook Spook

    Traded Mr. Rowland out of a bunch of these. Regards, Blades
  19. bladesandbaits

    Three Hook Spook

    Traded Mr. Rowland out of a bunch of these. Regards, Blades
  20. bladesandbaits

    Custom Paints

    Alabama Craw. Thanks to Bobby "Maddox Bay" for giving me the techneque. Sorry about the dust on the baits but the wind was blowing crap everywhere the day I took the pictures. Regards, Blades
  21. bladesandbaits

    Custom Paints

    Alabama Craw. Thanks to Bobby "Maddox Bay" for giving me the techneque. Sorry about the dust on the baits but the wind was blowing crap everywhere the day I took the pictures. Regards, Blades
  22. bladesandbaits

    Custom Paints

    Alabama Craw. Thanks to Bobby "Maddox Bay" for giving me the techneque. Sorry about the dust on the baits but the wind was blowing crap everywhere the day I took the pictures. Regards, Blades
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