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woodieb8 last won the day on March 10

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    lake st clair
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  1. we still build. cedar baits. many on lathe,s or bandsaw.all are wire thru.up here on l.st clair for toothy critters.
  2. yes as above stated. otherwise the stregnth issue becomes very real.
  3. for years we used automotive clear coat. lo baked for 3 minutes at 125 degrees. .hope this helps.
  4. another note. constricting the sprue and vrnt hole will create a harder body using urethane foams..
  5. you can use a wood filler like lepages. sand off with 180 and primer. easy fix.
  6. we use 0.51 aircraft tie wire. can be purchased in 1lb spools. excellent for bending. .its actually easier to use then screws and being wire thru,awesome for larger lures for toothy fish,
  7. we also build wooden shallow lures. we use wood lathes or bandsaws. what size are you wanting to build?
  8. r.i.p. i am sure he is in a better plce. its amazing what he shared.im in my 70,s and only wish to achieve a small amount what he achieved.
  9. jigs are easy. buy a do-it mold . crankbaits will require a bit more things to build baits.
  10. what styles. jigs, crankbaits, topwater etc?
  11. on crankbaits the top choices seem to be . cedar,mahogany,basswood. personally i use cedar.
  12. hi the lip is set too far back in the body.look at other cranks you will see what i mean dont stop keep going .
  13. unfortunate . when we started molding baits they did help us thru the learning curve. we use many gallons yearly.
  14. sealing is key. we use envirotex epoxy. then primer. color and envirotex. some argue weight issues. but theres no actual weight problems ever created.
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