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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. woodieb8


    bondo may fill pinholes. personally i wont use it. lepages nail holr filler is better. then use a sealer. years ago we tried that and fiberglass resin. they failed.
  2. lacquer sanding sealers best. wood absorbs and it dries quickly. then the primer adheres to the sealer.
  3. from the 1950-1989 era a 50 fish year was great on st clair.using flatfish and ccpikies. fast forward explosion zebra mussels came. clean water. musky exploded more guys target them. but with cleaner water fish see more no doubt. wobble/actions first.. eyes look cool no one wants a perch color without eyes. humans/musky guys love pretty sh/.t. were all there right. lmao.
  4. eyes appease our thoughts. pulling musky baits at 4-5mph equates a lure travelling 8 ft per second.
  5. you will possibly be charged for the importing from your courier. if the products u.s. made theres no duties just the shipping ripoff.. the company that makes the products has no control.
  6. 4by4 cedar deck post. remember when sorting. many lumber sellers have the misnomer kiln dried.then the dummies store it outside in the weather/rain.
  7. we use red cedar daily. its excellent for rot and it holds paint/screws well. just seal it.. redwood is very close to cedar. availability is hard to get..
  8. the clear coat???/ lacquer primer will stik on them. i have done thousands of small raps for handliners in the detroit river. the lacquer prime etches in.
  9. the other thing is your trademark or copyright is only protected if you enforce it thru litigation,in the country your in.we were approached years back. ,on a cease and desist. it was a waste of time and effort on the others part. its a cruel ruthless world when hobbies become money ventures. grow thick skin man,you will need it.
  10. jed. you need ventilation. we have used lacquers over 25 years.. it sparays well,dry,s fast and does excellent when covered with automotive clears on plastic baits.
  11. hi. we use racks for blades. use rabbit wire clip the wire. that gives a hang spot every few inches or use a board. put finish nails to size. we use automotive clear coats. spray and let dry. i just finished a few hundred nu10 colorado blades. its fast and a rock hard finish.
  12. me too. urlshortcut is a pain fer sure
  13. sounds like the createx not biting or its not dried before clear
  14. epoxy as etex. does a fish truly inspect a little drip on the end of a musky bait lol.. seeking54 has a solution.. one thing to remember a lot of clearcoat can affect buoyancy/swim actiom
  15. scuff at most. get paint that bites into whats on the lure. it can be trial by fire. lure co. paints differ
  16. for the sharp edges on cranks. we use automotive clear coat. ya need ventilation though. its superb
  17. i get some weird pop up,and yes its slow here
  18. hi we have done lots of salmon stuff for l. ontario. the best is plastics or metal. woods shrink expand due to water temp variances.we always use automotive clear coats on plastics and metal spoons..you are dead on though. fishing from top to bottom can vary 40 degrees..
  19. wow. i have been at it for 30 years. i dont know how to take your post. i will agree thru the decades i have learned thru ruineed wood and paint failures.i build for a living,have tried to help folks. man im puzzled but maybe in just old and dont understand tyhe meeee world it is
  20. good post. question. when buyingwood why is so called kiln dried a joke left outside at stores to absorb moisture lol. just a peeve i guess
  21. for shaping round baits a lathe. a compresser is for painting.
  22. merry xmas from us at woodie baits. we truly hope for peace and prosperity. thank you to all..having family and friends amongst us is truly what we hope every one experiences for the holdays.
  23. drain the tank weekly you wont have issues.. we are in a hi humidity area.
  24. we tried the red vmc trebles years back. while the hooks were good,they never increased catch rates. thats on 6 inch muskie baits.. most buyers prefer nickel plated here in the great lakes region.
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