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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. we use lacquer based white primer over sealer. hope this helps.
  2. hey jed. my dust collecter dumped on me. hard to believe after this just being posted. off to spend hundreds tommorow.. oh ya the banks got lots of money riiight
  3. jed i use a dust collecter from mastercraft. its beat up and noisy. one lesson. put screening over the outlet. i sucked up a chunk. 2x. replaced the impeller.
  4. be proud. i can only wish my kids would be involved... its very enjoyable to see young folks with intrest of the passion.
  5. spike a pike i wish thats the case. i have been curious as the incedental cayches here. i have no intent on infringinj on anyones ideas or styles lol i cant keep up to my own process. i am like everyone here. i do have a friend that is an indepent field tester for several large companys and his statements were bigger for the big bass in the south. texas, california and being a musky guy i had to ask.. being older i gotta stik to big wood soi can see what im painting lol.
  6. thanks guys. we manufacture a 5 incher. i just needed great thoughts from the group that does know. this site rocks.i enjoy being humbled from all the talent here.
  7. i do maufacture lures. thru the years theres folks who claim monster incedental catches on the cranks we build. this peaked my curiousity.. being north in ont canada we dont have the monster largies the southern folks have..
  8. im curious at the largest size of bass lure you would build or use. any bait including what you build. are we missing out?. just a thought.
  9. whats the longest bass lure you folks belive is best..
  10. the bait shape itself would influence action. you will need to experiment at whats needed. screw placement for line attachment has influence also.
  11. normally a guy tries his paint or primer on a small area. we do many re-paints and customs from factories. in past we order cases of white baits. them we do artwork.laquer primers in white have done very well. on a older bait from your tackle box, we prime over the color laquer etchs in to the base coat as long as its stable, not peeling or flaking. then color then clearcoats.. clear acrylic is a good finish coat or automotive clear. it has a thin durable consitency not affecting action.
  12. wow guys. we need sunshine and better weather.
  13. absolutely can. one requirment is thick skin and lots of stamina for long hours. all the best
  14. woodieb8


    makes me chuckle. all the above has happened to me. i haver never seen a fish purchase a lure.. boy it sure would be sad if we only had black or white, colors
  15. incompatible paint or they were not set hard enuff. thats the only issues i see.
  16. woodieb8


    one trick we use is if you are using lacquers. we put glitter from components in bottle with lacquer thinner. add a couple ball bearings shake and spray thru a nu. 5 paashe tip. it etches onto paint. then clear coat the lure. hope this helps someone out
  17. can you post a pic of what you have been using. it may help
  18. i like that . happy new year folks. may your paint never sag in 08.
  19. try a drywall store. they use metal mesh.just a thought
  20. i never had a problem with the s.s. i dip in for 2 minutes. let dry then dip in white lacquer primer. after drying i san do the colors then apply my clear,,, new lustre. never had a lifting issue yet. even with water absortion after multiple fish, and water penetration. i use cedar or mahogany for woods. hope this helps a little.
  21. they look great. thats a very nice touch
  22. why is it all i can think of. whers the batter. they look real. great job.
  23. great holidays to you and your family. and while im at this merry christmas to eveyone at T. U. its been a great year.
  24. i have been using lacquer sanding sealer for years. you will enjoy the results. primer adhere well and the finishes are much smoother. good luck. we use mc donald and white in canada. cheep and efficient.
  25. for cheep mesh scale. go to the dollar store for a buck get the fabric laundry bags. they work great.
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