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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. spike a pike . i am george i build the woodie bait. i am a de-ranged bait builder. lol. anyhow the guys here are great. its humbling to see folks from around the globe. the skills presented are mind boggling. well its off to reality. work.
  2. woodieb8

    Test Tank

    beer and my lab jumping in. hes a wood tester. sorry i could not resist
  3. embroidery hoop from the fabric store workd wonders.
  4. we pre drill before sealing the lure. there is no need to glue unless you use very short screws or very soft wood.. as stated a 0.92 screw will not pull out. even 1 inch stainless will hold big fish.
  5. we use 1/8 on the 5 and 6 inch lures. some 9 inchers also. if an orders requested we use 3/16th on others. some areas are rocky. some guys troll suspended musky.. a standard 10 inch table saw blade should give you the exact cut for 1/8. hope this helps
  6. we use lexan on all lures but metal on special oders. lexan resists shattering in colder temps and rock crashing. its expensive for sheets but very durable and can be cut easily on bandsaws.
  7. oh the choices. i find new lustre dries a little quicker and more clear. i use averaging a gallon a month.. theres many topcoats. for wood thats what we prefer. on plastics and metal i prefer automotive dupont 2500s. thats what works for us here.
  8. lacquers are great for production. as stated smells and vapours.. they are brittle and need a good topcoat. we changed our clear from lacquer to circa new luster 55. muskies destroy paint jobs.. as for pearls and lacquers . we use pearl powders from dupont mix with lacquer thinners and shoot. instant dry.
  9. im woodie bait. i have been at bait making and painting for many years. i try to help out folks. fishing like baitmaking has to be passed on. if not there,,in my opinion the great outdoors would be forgotten. the electronic revolution is swallowing the younger generations.
  10. we use electric. caution to be fumes and dust.. a little insulation as suggested would help. in todays world energy is quite expensive.. keronene heaters have bad fumes be carefull.
  11. lacquer clears are very thin and brittle. as for lacquer paints, thats what we use. it sets very fast. but as stated you need respiraters anda good blower to remove fumes. water based pearls we use for scaling is excellent with good dry times.. for the hobbyist water base is a very good choice.
  12. for mixing we use dollar store shooter cups 40 for a buck. stir sticks 250 . 1 buck. i am presently using a bottle of enviro. new lustre 55 from swing paints is in my opinion superior,in dry time and clarity.
  13. woodieb8

    New bluegill...!

    love the gill.its art work. brings back memories
  14. that post about the marathon sure humbles me. as for baits guys it is what the fish approve. my theory. is if its fugly its good. . after a musky chews a lure would you pitch it chewed and tattered, nope its the first out next time. you guys create great work and are talented.
  15. woodieb8


    have a great holiday guys. ours is over here in the north canada. enjoy and remember your freedoms. thank a vet.
  16. depending where in the u.s. or canada cedars are a good choice for a lively action lure. mahogany honduras is another excellent but pricey choice. pea####s would dstroy a lesser grain wood as pines. we use red cedar for musky cranks, as long as its sealed and a good hard clear coat they have a better fish life then clear acrylics or clear lacquers. hope this helps you out. definately glad to see more north american products being built
  17. jed... when its square stock run the blok thru a tablesaw. no wander. always correct.
  18. super job. a very well done tutorial. thank you.
  19. is it over a chrome base. if so its normally a candy color. try house of colors kandy paints
  20. muskys have a tendency to torque and roll in the net. thats when equipment gets destroyed. most fish can be handled. but when theres 3 trebles and a mouthfull of teeth it can get hairy.
  21. i had ulcers long before painting. i think its a viral problem.
  22. some guys need durability fishing toothy critters called mooskies. they have a way to bend and bust equipment.
  23. the best pears i use are dupont pearls. its a powder to be mixed. it can be shot with just thinners. its very pricey at 120 can for 6 oinces. but it makes gallons.
  24. on the side. you could inset them if there plastic. they would look like a worried baitfish slanted forward. thats what we do on our cranks for muskies
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