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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. is it from crankbait corporation?
  2. we shoot glitter from components systens. it goes thru the 3 tip on a paashe just fine. if your are using glitter remember to put a couple ball bearings and shake frequently
  3. we use lacquer based white primer. it etchs the plastic well.
  4. woodieb8


    i use old village crackle. its reel good stuff. resutlts are very good following instructions
  5. use an explosion proof motor if you are using solvents and spraying close to the motor. one kaboom is more then enuff.
  6. big toothy critters. when i go to lakeland fla. i give them a wide berth. they are a majestic animal though.
  7. our own greed has led to the asian revolution. but if you want quality buy north american.. we send our dicards scrap pulp and metals to asia. now pricing of materials here increase. ever notice how screw eyes and many other things have been dictated. north americans business plans are based on short term profit. in asia everything is long term commitments.. unless folks take a good hard look north america is in a downward spiral in manufacturing.
  8. i tried ina musky size. due to not enuff time my efforts were dismal. i would love to see a good working model
  9. good god. its a different approach. nice work fool. its nice to see guys get creative. im sure the big girls here would eat that.
  10. you can buy 5 minute epoxy in the syringes here in canada. its only 1 buck. the thing is the stuff is great
  11. definately paasche h pattern. try hagens fishing supplys. for under 40 bucks and they last. not as finnese as others but there great for production work.
  12. old believers rock. if there not scratched to badly just re paint with a lacquer based paint. it bonds good. a pain to hang though.
  13. i have seem musky take a seagull. also have seen them hit large planer bioards. many times here guys reeling fish in lose there fish to muskies. but on days your fishing for them it can be lockjaw. truly an inspiring fish that can humble good fishermen. big baits small baits are all good. like ive stated before musky ugly is good. these fish rip lures apart
  14. i could never rate anothers endeavours. to me its the fish catching qualitys. ugly lures catch most. i never seen a fish buy a lure yet.
  15. we produce 3 standard sizes. on st clair 9 inches is the max.. good name for musky baits is called the money pit.
  16. you will never please a musky. there sorta like ex wives. great story
  17. anybody using behrs pearlescents. water based. whats your opinions
  18. if you become a baitmaker or a painter. its a lifestyle not a job. most can attest to this thru there bank accounts.. get the safety equipment.
  19. safety first. a good blower system for painting and a dust collecter helps. for paint the power vent motor for hot water heaters is great for smaller jobs. we use a large system. safety cant be compromised.
  20. thanks husky i will check it out.
  21. that tig wire is a bear to bend. im looking for rolls of 0.51 wire muself.
  22. sanding sealer. then primer. immerse the bait in the sanding sealer. water will find a way in regardless. trolling baits at 5 mph for miles and toothy critters chomping is the only way. remember to start with dry wood.. we seal and paint a minimum of 1 dozen daily and this process has proven to be reliable over a couple decades.
  23. bob p. excellent advice PATIENCEwhen cutting. forcing a cut makes scrap material.
  24. breaking a blade theres vey little chance of being cut. the blade is incompassed within the guards. i go thru several blades a year occasionally breaking one or 2. over 20 years and never an injury. do remember to use safety glasses with all power tools. stuff in the eyes is no fun.
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