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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. with alletch has been thru and being the great guy he is i hope he wins.
  2. i run a delta 10 inch. its been used daily and abused.
  3. i just voted. etch is a deserving guy. plus hes a baitmaker.
  4. you can also buy a hair comb . heat the tines on the comb to bend. spray thru for a fire tiger pattern. works great.. use your imagination. you will be surprised at the results. thats whats so neat about this site. ideas and energy is boundless.
  5. we use very thin lexan for templates to shoot thru.. the templates last for years with a little clean up occasionally
  6. a simple way for squared coffin style is a bandsaw. you can rough cut approx 500 an hour. de-burr on a fine belt sander.
  7. gi guys thats a great deal. ive been using plastic shooter cups from the buck store. they are 40 for a dollar
  8. are you drilling and pinning the lip from behind to hold it in? bye the way sweet job good work
  9. why not clear coat then assemble your lures. we use joiner wires on jointed baits. pull them out them assemble your lure, using a little epoxy in the screw holes.. clening hardened epoxy is a pain ,no doubt
  10. great stuff mr j. i know hard efforts are rewarded. just wait till musky season.
  11. try green yellow and black. . makes a good olive frog
  12. not fair that frogs staring at me. great job man. you do wonders
  13. one more thing if your trolling try using mono in heavier line class. it will keep your baits higher in the water column.. good luck im sure you will suceed and get those higher fish. it works here on st clair daily
  14. go with the woodie style but insert a shallow lip.. try a lip that only extends 1/2 inch. it will give you that depth in a bait at 8-10 inches, using cedar or pine.
  15. cut the slot when the wood is square for best results.
  16. try real pro tackle. there in hepworth ontario. shipping creates no problems at all.
  17. the reality is guys. those muskies have a hunger. it will get bit
  18. ogh its a biggie. i like the color. seems that baby will pound
  19. if you dip twice there should be no problems. i mmerse ours for 1 minute twice let dry then sand lightly.
  20. i do know theres plenty of the old style around michigan. very popular walleye bait.
  21. honduras mahogany is very sweet wood to work with. its pricey. african mahogany sinks. honduras has a beautiful float to it.
  22. i would be concerned on adhesion problems. why not go to ordinary sanding sealer. its designed for exactly the job required . .
  23. got a dog. a great way to start my day. i love it.
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