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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. whatever works for your style. every clear has good and bad points. i say fish and enjoy your free time
  2. if its yellow perch heres my pattern. base yellow then green on back and shoulder. template black bars. shoot gold scale over. spray belly color desired. a little red on throat and tail.. oh ya once again black down back only. it works for me.
  3. great color. browns are underated.
  4. woodieb8


    try your local window and glass shop. they may have scraps.
  5. look very sweet. now get back to work. i bet since you started your endeavours you now get less sleep eh
  6. its called fi####is. congrats its a good feeling eh.. now you need to advance to the next level. bathtub testing
  7. i would not worry about twisting the wire. it will never move its its haevy stainless.. once glued together i dont feel theres a musky that will hurt that baby
  8. wow. i gotta get the time for that. you have done very nice work ,,as usual
  9. a rough body approx 1 1.2 minutes. then we sand while still in the lathe.. naturally theres the other steps but it is fairly fast
  10. we run 2 duplicaters every day. they are much easier as you get to know them. as in anything else. the one i like and dont have is called the lathe wizard with a router over. im sure its very fast and efficient
  11. very different applications for different folks. i use sanding sealer but theres a whole variety
  12. its a tuff game if you want market space. if your into the business end be prepared to work crazy hours and weekends.. thats with a proven product. we have always looked at long term. the fun part is experimenting and creating. enjoy that part and life can be a lot less stressfull.
  13. first bait i imagine is hardwood. the sealing process if any failed. thats why the lift.. the 2nd bait looks as to much paint applied before allowing enuff dry time. 3rd bait no adhesion, metallics can be tricky a good hard clear is needed. these are just my opinions and yes ive been there before.
  14. crackle. put base coat on. then crackle. let dry for 45 minutes. then dip next color. as it dries it crackles. the paints i use for crackle are water based and the crackle is old village..
  15. put it on then apply your clear to protect the holo-tape. actually is you use a lot contact wtp company.
  16. theres a company in canada windsor ontario. its called mcdonald and white paint and varnish. they make sanding sealers and white lacquer primers. they also have a complete line on all based paints, waters, acrylics lacquers and epoxies.. a gallon of white lacquer primers is in the 40 can dollar range. we use their products and have excellent results. if intrested pm me i will get the needed ph. nu,s
  17. nice bait and a very nice pike. funny coloration compared to the ones on southern ont canada
  18. jed . the problem leaves me to question. what sealer?
  19. looks real good dan. are you worried of cherry splitting? as fer your question YES chickens have lips
  20. contamination. thats the thing. happens once and a while here also. to me it seems an oil bledd from somwhere
  21. woodieb8


    we use dremels for drilling screw holes. fantastic tool but we dont use for sanding. thats for the belt sanders
  22. very cool. we are in the ice age still. 2 more months
  23. after using brush i put brush in a bottle of lacquer thinners. blow it out with compresser and re-use.. no chunks or problems
  24. why not use a spring to hold the bait stretched out., or make a holder with 2 alligater clips.
  25. yepper it gets worse. i know a guy with a 3 legged table. he ran out of wood one day. have fun thats the way it should be
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