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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. depending on paint types. lacquers will cure in cool weather but as the above post use a hair dryer or at least try to get a small warm working area. clear coating is what really slows us up, being it was 2 below zero outside. its a pain to keep a shop heated . good luck, theres some very talented craftsmen on this site, with very good info.
  2. woodieb8

    wire thru

    ok cool john. i have been using 1/16 or 0.63. its pretty tuff to bend
  3. woodieb8

    wire thru

    how heavy is your wire for your wire thru musky lures.
  4. ha ha. thats a snack. addicted is a good thing. i love making woodpeckers homeless.
  5. absolutely deeper. take notice of line tie placement and the legnth of the lip. most guys building deeper cranks use that system. they must per 100 per-cent or rollover occurs.
  6. very very nice work. realism for sure
  7. if the paints in decent shape. you could use epoxy white primer overtop. it holds and does not flake.
  8. we install lips after painting.. as for epoxy rough the lip thats installed in the bait. another way is to drill and install 2 brass brad pins from the throat holding the lip in. our lure also have the pull screw passing thru the lexan lip. its never overkill for toothy critters.
  9. wooho wheres my fillet knife. nice work
  10. i prefer the new lustre products. yo me it seems to dry more clear. but yo each there own. i have been using the new lustre for a few years now on thousands of lures.
  11. for my experience it would be fine. it will take a bit longer to set. everything depens on how warm it is where your baits are drying.
  12. you could try the dollar store. they have laundry bags that are mesh. just a thought. all fer a buck
  13. woodieb8


    its great to see guys thinking outside of the box. thats called progress.
  14. woodieb8


    very cool. i wonder how she reacts
  15. hi as stated drill a pilot hole thru buy a countersink the size you need . set your drill press for desired depth.. so many great ideas from all.
  16. we put a moisture trap in because of higher summer humidity conditions. as ststed above also occasionly drain you compressor tank.. if you use a fair bit of air you would need a trap in michigan or ontario due to weather conditions.
  17. you couold try using a plastic gallon bottle. cut out your stencil. i personally use very thin lexan and cut my stencils. some stencils are 10 years old.
  18. TUis far better then any thing printed. im surprised the bass boat wasnt created from this site. great info and no egos.
  19. recovery is going fine folks. no feeling yet but as long as i can use the fingers and hand i will be happy. my better half will be glad to see me go back to the shop.
  20. wow thank you very much sir. that certainly exposes the truths.
  21. thaks for the kind words guys. i am presently delegated to having a very limp handshake. as for how it happened it was pure stupidity. i was using a drill it was locked in the on button. it slipped outa my gnarly hands. i grabbed it on the way down. the bit went thru my right ring finger at the baseof my palm. man ive been hammered before but its the first time ive been drilled. when i can close my hand i will be back at cutting down the rainforest. i may need to get a few bone chips removed.. moral of this story. forget shortcuts
  22. the absolute best primer is by basf epoxy primer. i personally use lacquer primer due to cost efficiency. on plastics and metal basf epoxy primer is incredible. its a 2 part but cooked on chrome its indestructable
  23. baits and tackle for a living. it becomes a lifestyle to make an meager living. when i started out it was a hobby. you would have to be willing to do the near impossible. hours.. lifestyle changes and a family behind your efforts. . it can be done
  24. woodieb8

    First lure

    looks cool. thats an erie walleye color.
  25. well from the north country canada. have a great new year eh.
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