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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. you sat crothcety at 49 add a few years in my case. its hard to be civil in todays world. i never knew i knew so little about so much. by the way your flat sided baits are awesome
  2. aagh god let me know when brett i need a week to clean up the shop.. as for the fish there waiting. any species and lots of them. your baits would getem here
  3. bretts kinda modest guys. he does a mean bait
  4. man alive those are sweeet. i gotta stop giving out secrets.
  5. realistically i am not trying to dis-inheart you its the long hours in retail. if you can get your hands on a hot product and pre-sell to your customer base . thers many ways to approach a busines strategy. i hope it works out for you. if not you could have a very large tackle box at the least
  6. DELW your right. aagh riches for all. just make the work day 26 hrs and a week 9 days long yipee
  7. woohoo if your just getting into the game. get lots of experience. its a way of life, not a job which means many hours and holidays are gone. believe me any one in the biz will back up this statement. one more thing,,,,, grow thick skin.
  8. just a thought try wax paper over the dummy lip. i pull the dummies when the clears soft it works.
  9. i use a oil sump compressor for volume. 5 hp. 60 gallon. they are consistent and last years.. it depends if you have the room and need for volume air, and if you have a 220 line
  10. we buy the pearl powders from the auto paint shops and mix our own volume
  11. you could put a dummy lip in, or use a screw to hold your bait. we put lips in afterward the clear.
  12. once there painted clear acylic works fine. dip 2 coats. great on plastic.. wont gumup the joints. i have done thousands this way over the years. if you really want auto clearcoat also but much more expensive
  13. go to your local hardware or glass store. they mau have lexan scraps. its tuffer then plastic
  14. theres a fellow imn michigan he screws the front and wires his tails. . soft wire cable can be iffy on trollers though.
  15. whats worse then a bad bait. a beauty hitting the floor, right after you cleared it. . you can find all the dirt in one dropping
  16. river man i hide my evidence. my neigbor has a fireplace. im sure i have lowered his heating bills over the years
  17. it really depends on the size and shape of the bait. many are not weighted. is it a round or flat sided bait
  18. nice job. she looks like she need some teeth marks
  19. sorry i will be in the paint booth. i wish i could go but its work for me
  20. that really is a different twist, no pun intended. i should really try that tip. thanks for reminding me
  21. funny thing here we dont use rings on troll baits. the guys here want hooks to hang close to the bait. we T and bullhorn the hooks. it creates less hook rub. never had screws pull out yet. you nust have had a bad ring but muskies are crazy arent they. we use the 1/1/2 scres on baits. our pull screw goes thru the lexan lip. so theres never been a problem
  22. as stated the big screws 0.92. what really happens is torque when netted. a fish basically has little leverage till its actually against something like a net. many people tighten drags hard. if you are building definately overbuild
  23. yes Jed i use red cedar. after its sealed its a little tuffer. i love honduras mahogany but cant afford at the amount we cut. its a very good wood to work. its denser but still buoyant enuff for what we do.. i try to buy my cedar by looking at end grain of boards. the growth rings closer together give me a little better wood tuffness again. heartwood
  24. we at woodie baits use cedar wood for cranks for musky. its dusty use a dust collecter. its affordable and has a better density for larger baits then many soft woods.
  25. i sent to ask for a small sample from the canadian rep. i will see where this takes me. will keep you guys posted
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