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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. hey man split the difference try using jump rings and silver solder them on. then you can pull orca in.. we use what you are using. tig wire, welding, and it is not cheap here in canada
  2. hi ken. here on st clair the rule of thumb is clean waters wh/belly dark or dirty yellow belly. for natural baits as 9 dollar bass , baby bass and such we use a creme wh/ belly. rember musky can not see down only up and there vision they cannot see dead ahead
  3. i would love to see a picture. it would really help the guys. as for the waters to warm. it hit 82.5 on st clair. its starting to cool down now. tuff on skies, for releasing
  4. is it a straight bait or jointed. if it rolls to hard it will just roll if trolled. you may have to play with belly lead. might be time to play with the egg sinkers
  5. we use 9mm animal eyes. they have a stem so pre drilling first 9/64 drill. a little glue and there in. 6 bucks a 100
  6. woodieb8

    Lure Testers

    cool name for sure. it tells thestoryline where you are located
  7. woodieb8

    Lure Testers

    what we do at woodieb8s is . we have the local charterboat captains run product. introducing a new color to a complete new design. the problems in the market are all with there hands out. feedback on product befofer it hits the markets is worth a million bucks. just a few thoughts from the great white north.
  8. the key thing is to establish a good track record with the local stores and guides. beginning word of mouth is an exellent start. stand behind your product always.. do a few fishing shows, get pictures, its endless, use your creativity and in time it will come. many guys are ivernite sucesses after 10 years or so. good luck woodie baits
  9. all i can say is cool. many dont realize the hard work into a piece of art like that
  10. that looks exellent for sure. one day im gonna do the foam thing. xellent work
  11. i used rubber tubing, slit into whisskers. firm, but flexible
  12. congrats jed. now when you get so busy you wont be able to fish.. you do make some cool stuff
  13. cliff we use a lot of lacquer based paints. we are in canada though. one thing it does have the qualities of dry fast but you would have to be very careful. toxidity and acceptability to other finishes. as for suppliers its a demographic thing but if you have any questions on using feel free to pm us.
  14. definately screw eye placement. either go lower or go to the pull from the lip. this means using wire thru the front half. take a look at the tuff shads
  15. 5 minute epoxy or seal all works well. when putting lips in scuff the part that goes into the bait. it will hold 10 times better
  16. hi just noticed your post. poplar is not a good woodfor water. it swells lika a ball park frank. one thing you can never completely seal a bait. water will get in after some usage. apply a good sealer after your lips cut and screw holes drilled. harder clear coats have a tendency to crack over time. eg. automotive clears. if on plastic they are fine but with wood theres always the moisture factor
  17. scugogs more weedie but some guys luv the big 9 for there. good luck
  18. mcdonald and white paint company walker rd. windsor ont they carry all of the paints needed in lacquer or enamels. they make 2 styles of lacquer sanding sealer. one has 30 percent more solids.. quarts, gallons or 5 gallon pails. this when applied will eliminate paint lift , haze, cracking. we dip all of our bodies after all of the screw holes are drilled, lip cut. i hope this helps it a very cheap product to use and insure a fine product and its totally dry in less then an hour
  19. try bass pro, gander ,cabelas or lakeside tackle in st clair shores for small amounts
  20. man are you lucky. should go buy a lotto ticket. if ya run out seeing your in canada try mcdonald and white sanding sealer. awesome and cheap
  21. self promotion and egos. i have been at it a very long time. i have learned long ago never get up on the soapbox. there always someone to kick it out from under you. this site and all of its luremakers are a very iniative group of adventerous people.. we do production and customs and believe mei would rather be a custom adventerous person as all on this site. remember where did the wheel comefrom guys. keep on and thanks for the info and the sharing of many GREAT ideas. george woodie b8s
  22. hey man if ya want muskies come to lake st clair canada. not only an incredible amount of fish,good beer and your dollar goes further. get ahold of chartertalk guide service and hold on.
  23. sorry we use a lacquer sanding sealer. we immerse the bait and dry 2 times. then we immerse in lacquer white primer , then dip in lacquer base coat ex. yellow. artwork next. final 2 coats of circa polymer clear. on the smaller baits we use a clear acrylic 2-3 dips for final coats
  24. we use western red. the key soak in dealer. we also use a hard lacquer prime2 coats. then base color dipped then artwork. 2-3 coats of clear. toothy critters have big teeth.
  25. any body got a line on clear plastic extruded tubes 3.5 inch by 12 inch. new product packaging. im stuck in the great white north looking
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