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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. anysize. as long as they fit and shake. even screws/bolts lol.
  2. woodieb8


    lol we have many pictures. im old school. lots of guys don't want them shown public..i am too busy now.
  3. woodieb8


    base yellow. top half dark brown. gold scale over body. white tail . that's how we do them.
  4. welcome back . in 1 month your new shop wont be that clean lol...all in fun.
  5. we use compresser oil from canadien tire. never had any issues. my big compreeser is actually a craftsman.,
  6. we use a oil compresser,not diaphragm. they last years. change oil yearly. never have any oil mist in my air supply.
  7. try luremaking.com. your in Canada.

    1. ddl


      they are the worst of all for price

    2. woodieb8


      how many you need?


  8. vacuum plated is best. but you would need numbers of blanks.
  9. I agree with chuck. fast and efficient. everyone has sawdust lol.
  10. I am the odd man out. I run a 7hp with 60 gallon tank. I know it sounds overkill. we use it for everything from air guns,chisels etc. branched off to my spray booth. oil compressers last years over diaphragm models. there normally quieter also.. change the oil yearly
  11. we build the trapezoid or square lip for shallow trollin cranks, more erratic wobble for muskies in peak summer
  12. we use transtar. a quart with hardener is approx. 29.00 canadien funds. .it dries in 6 hours. finish is ultra clear and is u.v protected.
  13. auto clear. wire both ends taught. spray let dry . just let dry firm. then wiggle joinyts loose. .automotive clears give thin hard coats. especially on plastic baits...we sprya dozens of the sebille swimmer copies here with 2 jointed sections.
  14. hi welcome. do you use a rtv mold? sounds like a mold box not secure. foams create expansion. if its not held back it will warp castings. .make sure your vent holes are sufficient also.
  15. well irregardless. I still use etex..lol..we still spray auto clears and lacquers. mind you we have blower systems,rubber gloves etc..was a welder for a living...still here a senior still building lures everyday. 40 years and counting. an old friend that passed last year painted till 90 years old,died at 92. his averages were over 150,000 spoons stamped and painted yearly..,he never even had a blower system and heated with kerosene .
  16. have you tried 26lb smooth on. its a heavier urethane?
  17. I use approx. 12 gallons of etex yearly. yes wear rubber gloves. I have developed a sensitivity issue over the years. the itch will drive you crazy. ...Benadryl works to resolve itch.
  18. olive gold metallic. check michaels in the metallic water base.
  19. hi we used the g finish baits here on lake erie on walleyes. when the g finish blew off we re painted . there primer never adhered to the blank. .we just re-painted them. other then the riplin redfin style ,as I said re-paint. that was back in the 1988-91 period.
  20. we tried. the issue with all g-finish from pradco was it flaked off .we re-painted hundreds . just need a blow from compressor all the g finish was gone.. never did quite get the original results to copy.
  21. Hazmail from down under is a great creator of things. I believe in years past he had some creative creations.
  22. most use epoxy. mix sawdust in helps.
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