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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. we use wire0.62. .building cost effective in numbers of lures wire is less expensive then screw eyes...as for screws its an easier process. .both will hold up to musky,s..
  2. dam. its older then me.
  3. one other thing. etex hates sharp edges on lures..
  4. wire thru we wire install ballast/hook hangars. warm the bait and apply etex. .when dry scuff and primer.....todays build and seal is tommorows primer. 3 days before hooked and water tested. patience is the key.
  5. woodieb8

    T Trebles

    guys here that troll baits T there belly hooks. it does reduce hook rash. ..you can t your hooks easily..
  6. we use flux brushes. they get trashed after 1 use. at 5 for 1.00 its worth less aggravation. to eliminate hairs we put 5 minute epoxy where the bristles enter the handle. that secures loose hairs..
  7. move the pull eye downward. you will see big changes.
  8. woodieb8

    Select Pine

    envirotex will stop bleed on pine .
  9. what are the lures made of ..7 ounces?.
  10. most guys build there own.different styles of baits large/small.
  11. I am far from an expert on gliders. I do know neutral buoyant lures can be very fickle. I have not relished the fact of making anymore. its truly truly a labor of love.. I will stick with cranks for toothy fish. but I'm sure someone here has been there done that. a lotta mad scientist here lol.
  12. try denser wood. mahogany. even then larger bodymore ballast.
  13. turn back or your doomed. once you start its all over. theres no point of return..lol..my hobby turned into 70 hours a week.
  14. on a wheel or not. etex will soak into the cedar very well.
  15. envirotex is thebest sealer on softwoods as cedar.it ges into the pores and then holds primers and paint very well.
  16. epoxy primer is good BUT the bait still needs to be sealed before..expansion and contraction will cause issues. .
  17. most box stores have kiln dried cedar. problem is .much of it sits in a lift outside. .red cedars very common to buy in Ontario Canada..we actually prefer white cedar. which is not common in lower Ontario..when you check lowes or homie depot,check weight of boards. some are holding lots of water even kiln dried.
  18. why cant you purchase automotive clear coats? autobody supply should sell quarts. .you can mix it and dip ..spray is best. it wont interfere with plastics either.
  19. just as above. works for us . other then wired thru.
  20. one thing,with lacquers. its a brittle coating. if theres expansion/contraction.in time crazing will happen..very notable in wooden lures. that's why so many changed up to epoxy coatings.sometimes winning the race is not being the fastest...
  21. douglas fir might be a bit heavy. we use cedar,honduras mahogany when available. heavier the wood less buoyancy and wobble,plus some woods don't like immersion.
  22. I use cheep 5 minute epoxy as you stated. I tell guys they got a lucky hair lol..we buy our brushes at the dollar tree. cheapest around here. one use and trash can.
  23. definatly mix epoxy and sawdust... we all have done that or will lol.
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