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Everything posted by woodieb8

  1. have a great healthy new year folks..cant believe its2018..i remember the 1950,s. lol.
  2. its on youtube. cant see why he paints lure before cutting the lipslot though..very engenius jig setup.
  3. as travis stated. while its in block shape here we run the blank stock thru table saw. .I imagine your doing small cranks. once again as stated, make a small jig up. .lip slots the most critical part of making baits.
  4. many guys just throw used paint rags in trashcans. with thinners on them it can be dangerous..they are combustable big time.
  5. remember you need to vent outside..we have run squirrel cage blower system for over 30 years. vented outside thru the wall. always start your blower before spraying for the draw..using volatile thinners and paints its a must. also guys remember paint rags should be placed outside to avoid combustion fires..after painting always double check before locking up....cutting/sanding wood is another safety issue..shop vacs are bad for internal sparking. be carefull. after near 40 years we have not had a phoof,and hope to never have one....safety first .
  6. we use very thin lexan sheet. a little heat it forms well..mock up a blank bait and go at it..washing them is easy.
  7. merry Christmas folks, happy new year. its snowing here in Canada.
  8. old flatfish company was 5 miles from my home. the kwikfish was 1 mile away. as for the aussies,they make some tru beautys.Hazmail,has shown some true creations and how to build threads over the years. always enjoyed and read his posts. a tru builder and tinkerer,if that's a real word.
  9. if you cant solve it thru the resin supplier heres a tip. purchase lepage wood fill in tube,thin it a wee bit. spread over bait and light sand to fill the pinholes. that's a problem with resins and foams..
  10. woodieb8

    Next tool

    dremel ,a sander,.theres always toys to buy lol.
  11. our body baits hang by wire on a rack. painting 6 of a color we can go over each lure .using fast dry paints when using templates there set on side on an easel type board ,squirt 1 side when all done flip and repeat..sounds strange but that's how its done here. ,spinner blades are racked on pins and sprayed 250 on a rack.
  12. we build baits in many aspects. molded baits,and lathe baits to flat sided bandsaw baits. one major factor is WOOD. even after 40 years of this craziness I still feel wood is the holy grail.theres always a magic bullet in every batch of handbuilt wooden lures..thats what every fisherman seeks lol..as for pricing lol. yes years ago 1.99 was big money for a lure.,usually those were in dads box and you could only look and not touch.
  13. we have had mixed results with foils.as hazmail stated. if we need to put several coats over it sometimes the weight will affect bait action in water.. love the looks hate results after a few fish.
  14. we lathe lures . that's easy .sanding while in the lathe .its flat side shads that get my hands.
  15. build your master lure copy from that. we use table saws,bansaw for ruff cut. then belt sanders, and yes finish hand sanding. yep my hands hurt some days. repetition does take its toll.
  16. we do custom contract painting. I have seen tonnage of junk from asia. its upsetting for my folks when we show them crap. from leakers to substandard wire hangers a child can crush. as stated before know your supplier...saving money on imports can actually destroy your business, you have to protect your name.
  17. as mentioned rusteolum white primer . its fairly fast dry. you can use any paints over it,water,alkyd,lacquer based..let it set for an hour.
  18. were lucky. we test in Detroit river. gotta wash your hands after that. lol.
  19. I never tried it without primer..,my cured urethanes brownish,so we use white primer on all bodies.
  20. far ago I joined. try to help guys out. it really is a gr8 site WHY cause guys think outside of the box. that's whats so cool..im old school. what I enjoy is watching folks get into creating. sure glad the moderaters give us lotsa freedom. ..thanks again from Canada.
  21. we mic glitters in clearcoat. get a airbrush bottle add micro glitter with clear. use a large airbrush tip. put a ball bearing in bottle with clear. shake to keep glitter suspended..i spray at 40lbs....wear respirator with blower system running.
  22. joe flo ,is empty now. .there all gone at his store.
  23. we did a larger body mock up with several changes.. then we built a cnc program and cut molds.
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