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Everything posted by robbor

  1. What exactly are you after? Why other than Delmart? Anybody who makes aluminum mold should be able to make one for you. There was a guy(private individual) here that made me an aluminum 14 or 15 cavity mold about 2 years ago. You can also make your own out of RTV or heat vulcanized silicone. An easy way to make your own heat vulcanized molds would be to buy a jewelry mold frame and sprue formers(about $20), then but 2 alum plates(top and bottem) about $6-7 and then drill a few 5/16 bolt holes and vulvanized the silicone in your oven. The more info you give the more others can help.
  2. you guys missed out. I was watching an auction on ebay for 3 spincasting machines(2 were pretty new) a vulcanizer, 2 different sized mold frames and a lead pot. they just sold today for $3800. Not horribly bad but they sat as 1200 for a long while and for that price I would have bough them. I cant swing 3800 now though. Id love to get the equipment and start a little tackle business on the side. Pretty hard to find equip though, espically dirt cheap.
  3. I have a question for some of you more advanced moldmakers and tinterers. I am making heat vulcanized silicone molds and am thinking about making new prototypes. My though was to mold an object(such as a bead) stand alone by itself. then after the mold is made to insert a hook inbetween the mold halfs that was not cast in the mold. Use a little extra pressure to seal around the hook and pour lead creating a new jig.???
  4. I will second that. I have heard people say its east to powder paint SB/BB heads before but I just cannot see it. A pic would help my understanding.
  5. Contenenti tekcast or any local spincasting dealer or manufacture
  6. robbor


    The Jigs are made by turner jones. He's a very interesting guy. He showed a local tackle maker how he makes his jigs and they then stole his design and started mass producing his jigs for resale. These jigs are for ice/fly fishing. The jigs are like $3each and it is called "Scampi". I use them every now and then when i am trying to catch a ton of panfish for bait or stocking into a pond full of catfish as food. They are little ittiy bitty compared to Turner's normal micro jig. You will never find another jig this small or well done. Also he is an old guy and was looking to get out of the business years ago, I have no idea if he is still in business.
  7. robbor


    I am looking for a fly tying tutorial, I want to tie some really small 1/500 oz marabou jigs. I have no idea about what knots to ties, glues. thanks,rob
  8. Should be fine. You can use white(highest temp) silicone used in spincasting. And if you buy it in bulk sheet form(square cut to length) you could probably have enough silicone for atleast 8 molds for about $30.
  9. Have you considered doing it yourself with a homemade fluid bed, toaster oven and some protec powder paint.
  10. I just epoxied a small brass hose barb to the pvc, doesnt really matter if you thread it or not just as long as its sealed. Mine arent finished but i was thinking about using a inline fish tank pump valve or what ever is handy.
  11. That jig head style(other than the collar) looks similar to the strike king bitsey bug jig. So your choices are to have someone make you a mold $35-100, there was a guy on the east coast that would make molds for about 35. You may have to do alot of searching in the forum here. I think i posted about it so you may have luck doing a search under my name. Next is buying high temp RTV silicone and pouring your own mold. Last I made an aluminum frame to make molds out of unvulcanized silicone used in spincasting. But im out of silicone and they guy gouged me last time i boug some, was supposed to be $25 and it was $45. Anyways if you can go to a spincasting place and get some some white unvulcanized silicone( enough for 2 molds my small mold is about 2.5" x 3.5 x 1" thick) then I will make you one mold, you need to pay shipping also. good luck. go_rob_go@yahoo.com
  12. Hello, rob here. I recently made my own mold frame, kind of similar, at least in principal to the vulcamold. I dont know what the sold you exactly. You should use acorn nuts in about 10-32 size. Use plenty of mold release. If you force the master into one half of the mold before closing do it less than half way, if you go half way the lure will end up enbedded a little more than 1/2. Uncured silicone disks can be bought other places and then cut to size. Xact makes special blades for routing out gates/sprues. You will just have to make a few and see how it comes out. One nice trick is to bed the lure in abouy hale way then place a small strip across the hook shank where it comes out of the lure then put mold release over the whole thing as normal. When cured you remove on half and then cut through the silicone that is holding the hook and remove the lure, the outcome is a hook holder/grabber to hold it firmly in place. Let me know how the come out. I have made about 4 so far and have 2 uncured set yet to make. There is a pic of my frame in homemade tools. go_rob_go@yahoo.com
  13. robbor

    Wheel weights

    So far I tried to melt down one pot full and it was very tough as I knew it would from previous experience. I tried to melt again on a BBQ side burner and it is not hot enough so I use a propane torch on the lead itself to get it going. I am going to have to build a furnace to really melt these wheel weights. My pot was about 1/2 to 3/4 full and I could not lift it. I poured 30#s of ingots (qty8) and then still had lead left over. I have seen sone nice berners that I am going to try to scale down and make the furnace. http://www.prismnet.com/~jrf/SubPics/image593.html
  14. Kman is right. I just read thay somewhere else and I went out and clanged togather two ingots I made from wheel weights and the really ring. The deader the sound the softer.
  15. robbor

    Wheel weights

    One of the scrap yards I called only paid 15 centst for soft lead but would not sell me any because of all the lead regs. I found another place and they wanted 40 cents a pound but I was not shure if it was soft or not.It did not seem to scratch to easy. I will look around more in the future. But I now need a bigger pot to mealt all this lead. I was looking for a cast iron dutch oven to do this crude hard dirty lead so I can pour ingots. But I would like to drill and tap the pan for a type of bottem(but really side pour). Also I was at walmart I ran across a mini loaf pan that has 8 cavaties for $3. So soon I will be pouring. Does anybody know if battery cable connectors or barrery terminals are soft lead?
  16. I went looking in my dods garage for his mek but he did not know where it was. I dipped them in Acetone and it did the trick. It did not totally disolve it but it made it alot easier to wipe off.
  17. Well I finally got around to trying to vulcanize the first mold. It was a trial and error effort. It turned out ok but I had made a few sprue forming rods that tapered down to about a .025 piece of needle for a small ice jig but it wanted to go under the silicone instead of being in the seem. So on the real small stuff I will have to just cut the gates. I was not shure about using mold release or how much. So I grabbed my mica used in reloading and a solvent brush and wiped down the 1/2 mold with the master in it then i wiped the other half and put them todather. I was tough to get apart but turned out well for the first try. PS the small hooks are size #20
  18. Well I went scrouging for wheel weights while Ive been out the last 2 days. So far none of the tire places have wanted to give me any weights or tell me what they were being paid for them by their recyclers. So I called around and all the yards here are only paying .05-.08 per pound. Any ways I ran across a shop, they had 3 buckets full when I asked him if i could have sum he said shure then when I went to grab a bucket, he said I could only have a hand full(?), any ways I went right next door and the guy was so nice. I asked him for lead weights for making fishing weights and he said how many buckets you wany? Well I was not prepared, all I had was some plastic bags. So we dumped one container of weights in the trunk of my car in a big bag. He was so nice. I asked him about what they get paind and he told me about $10 for all 3 containers, I only took one, but the largest. Got home and put them in a carboard box in a milk crate and weighed them. 137# I dont need to look for wheel weights for a long time, now to find some soft lead.
  19. I have some jigs I want to strip the powder paint off of, any ideas? I have them saoking in laquer thinner but they are not desolving.
  20. I saw a beer keg tap the other day that could easilt be convirted. Or try glass ones
  21. I'm shakey as can be also :oops: . On my camera I have so stay about a foot away to mold focus, the camera is just not meant to go closer. I would not think you are that close. So get back alittle and use the zoom. it may work. Take a few pics and see what you can do. here is one I was playing with the other night. How did the mold turn out?
  22. Why do you give more info? you and your partners names. The state or area you live. The kind of tackle you want to sell. From your post,"smily's bait"
  23. Ya its just to much of a temp differance, Im not goint to try it. I dont think anything will happen but the chance of shattering the pyrex,corning doesnt sound fun.
  24. Not measuring cup, but a baking container, Yes. They are supposed to be good for over 500 deg F. But im not shure of the actual temp.
  25. Has anybody ever used pyres as a lead ingot mold??? I was thinking I would give it a try the next time i hit the thrift store.
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