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Everything posted by robbor

  1. I would like a little info guys, how is it done with out having paint all over the form wire and hook?
  2. with a resales lic. I was thinking of just something small to pay for my tackle and allow me to get it at wholesale but as you guys stated it doesnt sound to promising.
  3. Right now on ebay there are some firetiger skirts, the terminator type I belive. do a search for silicone skirt
  4. I saw the component systems air powered eye dotter and wondered who really makes the machine for them?
  5. I have a guy that did one for me, go_rob_go at yahoo.com also del-mart molds-bobs tackle shack
  6. I was poking around looking at them online and they seem really simple. I even saw some made out of wooden boxes but thay dont list the size of the holes on the bottem plate. Question #2 anybody tried slightly heating the air into the fluid bed so the lures stay warmer longer or not a problem. Im thinking like 75-80degrees F.
  7. They are very expensive from what ive heard and a little over hyped. Im shure they work good ,but small pueces of WIRE(almost like a hook point) poking into soft plastic will tear out. I have heard the claim of 75 fish on one plastic body, that all depends. I think the cost about $1 each for ball heads.
  8. no body is going to want to pay you any real money for your idea. You cant make any money pouring one at a a time, your labor will kill you along with the cost of equipment. You can try going in with some one else already in business,CONTRACT IN WRITING. It is to expensive to patent but cheaper to copywrite or trademark through a lawyer. All anyone needs to do is make slight changes to your design and theres nothing you can do. To do it your self you probable need 2 or 3 molds that hold about 10-20 lures each filled with 1 pour. 1 pour equils 20 lures and you move on to the next mold. The smaller the lures are the more you put in a mold. an idea would be to make the first mold out of aluminum say hopefully for about $200. then pour or inject hard plasic into that mold to make a master and then make some plastic molds using the new hard master.
  9. I was wondering about the costs of business lic and resale lic? Where do you buy tackle from when you have a resale lic???? Is it much cheaper to buy components if you have a resale lic? thatnks just thinking out loud I may persue in a few months.
  10. I hit the local metal shop and was unable to fing anything with a 9" ID so im still looking.
  11. You answered most if not all of my questions. I can see how putting 25-35 psi on the mold when casting will make them flatter, and I know almost all silicones have shrinkage. Off the top of my head I can only think of adding a large weight to the top of the mold while casting to achieve the pressure. I am aslo aware the you do not pour in the vulcanizing frame. My main concern is getting the mold vulcanized and if I can do it in an oven or pot of water? I already figured I would have to make my vulcanizing frame from steel to get the pressure applied evenly and either put c-clamps on it or make it larger and have bolt holes around the outside to clamp it. I have no desire to send out for lures, I want to be able to cast when I have free time. I spoke to a guy a while back that made small ice fishing spoons(along the lines of a custom jigs and spins 2-spot) on a spincaster so they did not have to solder each one and seeing a mold for a small lure like that would give me alot of insight into gating a mold. I have seen a few images of gates and it looke like they use larger gate to get the lead closer to the lure for less heat loss and better flow if the lure are not already twards the center. I also did not realize how big 9" in diam is, its pretty big. I think I will be able to cast multiple sizes/styles of lures in one mold. such as buzzbaits out aways from center and them micro jigs in closer. A quick question on your small ball jig mold, would less pressure provide less gate deformation and thus better flow or would it just causeflow ito the parting line of the mold? Sorry about all the questions I would just like to know what Im in for. You guys need to get togather and come up with a spincast mold making tutorial. I ran across a web site a long time ago of a guy that made his own spincasting equipment but I was not able to find it recently. Oh, just thought of another question??? What indication do you normally get when a mold is becoming worn out??? Does the parting ling increase until you get flow or do the cavities become larger and sloppy. I am guessing less pressure for a newer or better mold and more for a poor quality or won out mold?
  12. Hello Ive been thinking about tackle making and spincasting for a while but was discouraged after talking to tekcast about silicone for molds. I recently ran across Contenti spincasting mold silicones and rubbers and the prices were very reasonable and I would rather spend less time making more lures that casting one at a time. Can some tell me more about cutting vents and gates and sprues, why not cast them into the mold? I would really be interested in gate sizes needed for small jigs. How about vulcanizing, I figure i could come up with come type of metal form to compress the mold onto the masters but is ther an easy way to vulcanize without a vulcanizer? I have heard of boiling in water to vulc small molds but go me thinking about air boiling inside the mold or trying in the oven. And how much should I compress the silicone when making a frame? I was tinking about just going with the 9in rubber. Next is does the mold need to be in a frame when casting? I am guessing yes but on on the outside circumfrance to keep the mold centered as it spins so it doesnt fly off and spray lead. How about spinnerbaits and the like, in a small 9" frame? I was thinking that I could have the mold hold more if i had the wire forms sticking out of the mold(like casting them with the frames straight and not having the what ever holds the mold go up past slightly less than center. I would have to cut the wires on the origional masters to have them inside the frame for vulcanizing. I remember seeing some tutorials on making spincasting molds but cannot find any. As for the actual casting I was thinking about a homemade setup like a big disc sander with a vari ac power supply or geared for speed? What rpm is normally used? I was thinking along the lines of 100-300 rpm. Silicone mold thickness??? The mold silicone come in 1/4 in sheets and some of the lures I want to cast are only 1/100 oz so the or only about 1/8" round or less, do I need the mold to be a full 1" thick to support itself? I was even thinking of a dual material mold. Using cheap $11 organic rubber on the bottem and top and then the better super high temp silicone where the lead actually flows? No clue if the organic and silicone will bond? I will ask the manufacture when ordering, just thought someone might mave tried. If someone knows any links showing homemade spincasting equip for ideas i would be very interested. Lastly the big question is enlarging masters? how can I do it. I have heard of materials to make enlargements buy do not remember if the mold enlarged or the actual part. I would like to increase the size of some lures by say 10-30% anybody know of a good method and materials? I am very interested in all the little details to make the best molds I can. Sorry so long
  13. That is so tough to please everybody. Like the others said most people only want a hundred or so of one thing and sometimes less. Then you go to the "thats what i ordered but not what i wanted" stuff that happens. To really make a differance you would probable need to buy it wholesale or whatever you want to call it because you get the price break for that then you get the quantity price break and now you can easily afford to buy more quantity wise. An example would be say stamina gets $20 for a 100 blades and the co-op price is $12 per hundred bu you dont have enough people to take 100 each for a 1000. You may tell them they each need to purchase 150 for $16. Its still a deal but awfully tough to please everyone all the time and then someone is kind of giving up there time for almost free. It is a great idea and I would be interested its just alot of trouble to unite a bunch of small time(just making for me) tackle builders. And ther is a resale lic fee and who knows what else. Yell if you get a plan togather go_rob_go at yahoo.com
  14. Ive never painted jig heads before. I was thinking about giving it a try. Can I just dip them into the vinyl paint?? Heat them?? I would appreciate ant info. It would be small jigheads from 1/32 to 1/8 oz single color and was going to try paint from component systems.
  15. I used to have a catalog for a company that sold ice spoons and they were way cheaper than Stamina but I cant find the company any more. They had a big catalog like 3/8" thick, any ideas?
  16. I was just thinking about using the automotive RTV for a lead mold, anybody tried it???
  17. Yes, I put out my feelers also and came up with skirts plus, I figure I will get the same answer and am going to call them in the morning. Thanks though. Rob
  18. I could use any skirt manufactures phone numbers I am trying to track down info on who makes terminators quickskirts, somebody has to know who makes them. thanks Rob
  19. I never got to but skirts from them does anybody else carry silicone quickskirts other than okiebug at a reasonable price???
  20. Hey Guys. I'm looking for other sources for spincasting silicone or bulk silicone. I tried Tekcast, but am not ready to dive into 75#s of bulk silicone yet. Any ideas?
  21. There is a guy there that sells new ones for like $265, and forget stamina, try midsouther shooters supply or natchez shooters supply.
  22. Go ahead and post here or send me an email. I poked around a little and found that Lee sells the heaters for $9 and I am going to check with RCBS(they probably dont sell them), I think I found some rheostats, so slowly but shurly. I am thinking about an avaition ss ball valve for the bottem pour, I was not able to find any pics of the lee bottem pour mechanism on net. I am now thinking about making two bottem pour locations one with a very small output and one that is large. I want to pour a bunch of ice jigs as well as normal stuff.
  23. Anybody ever consider a homemade lead pot? I was thinking about making one, the toughest part I can think of is finding a heating element. Anybody have a source for heating elements? Also I would appreciate someone posting some pics of the bottem pour mechanism for me or send to rolling35@netzero.com. I was thinking of making the pot out of 316 stainless steel on my lathe then everything else would just be scrounging parts.
  24. Has shoumi red jig hooks and I believe matsuo also, eagle claw also make the 570 in red L570R or something but they are just as expensive as the better hooks and I havent seen them many places. Barlow's also has red mustads.
  25. I have always been addicted to ice jigs for panfish, and have never fished on the ice. They work great for bluegill in spring and summer on floats and just dangling. They work better than splitshots because if you put them on a float(a thill balsa mini stealth #2) if a gill picks up the jig he will either take the float under or come up a little and your float will fall onto its side in the water. They are great. About The biggest company out there is Custom Jigs and Spins, and for the smallest is Turner Jones who make a 1/500th oz. jig called the scampi. The CJAS 2 spot is great but hard to fish deep with out adding shot. 2 pound test line is a must. Try a homemade silicone mold of the ones you like. I but the infisherman ice guide every year to see the lure avail. Also try thorne bros tackle online they carry tons of ice jigs
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