Sealers vs topcoating. I use propionate pellets (tks Swede!) and it works great as a wood waterproofer when disolved in acetone. Dip it, hang it and it dries in 10 mins. But I personally think it's too soft to use as a topcoat and it usually has a milky sheen. If you want tough, I think the 2 current best choices are either epoxy or water cured polyurethane. Epoxy has more consistent results (no bubbles, great leveling, durable, etc) while the poly is harder, slicker, thinner, and glossier (but levels poorly and is prone to bubbles). I have several repainted DLN's in my tackle box - none sink. I know Norman used to sell Suspending DLN's. Maybe a couple of those are in your batch? If so, you have to remove the old finish completely and use thin clearcoat.