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Everything posted by sducoach

  1. Skeeter, Bingo. Many people call any type of "motion" chine walk. Older Rangers were prone to a little chine walk when guys were over powering the boats but I run a 99 518 right now and it's solid up to my max of 72 GPS. Rigging is a big part of performance and that's where many shops fall short.
  2. F. Send me a PM with the following info. Year of motor. Prop you are turning. Engine height, trim setting when the chine walking starts. RPM's at that setting, weight i.e. tournament load or half gas and empty except for yourself. Are you reading speed of of speedometer or GPS? I run a 99 518 VX with a 200 E on the back. Good hull even with an average set up. J.E.
  3. 518 Ranger VX Comanche, or anything else that floats and I'm invited!
  4. sducoach

    Free Airbrush...

    Just received my new VL today. Nice thing to do though........ You must have a good heart.
  5. Litterbug..................... Pssstttt. get a patent on your Winston's!
  6. Magic, You da man! My only thought is "totally"? Do they help? Yeah. Are they required? No. Never say never........... Let's go fish. J.E.
  7. If in fact the lure manufacturing industry was as concerned as some on this forum appear to be then I agree Bass Pro would spend a great deal of time in court. Do most small inventors make small amounts off selling patent rights to larger manufacturers? Rockhopper as the apparent owner of a few patents did you make your fortune or, enough to fund a few law suits protecting them? Does anyone believe U.S. patents are enforcable overseas? Big Fish / Little Fish........
  8. I attended the Springfield MO. weekend at Bass Pro. I'm glad yours went well. The one here did not. If you were looking for war stories from Denny B. it would have been great or if you were a complete newbee you would have been entertained. David F. did a good job on crankbaits and the funny surfer guy from CA seemed to shoot straight but the rest was just dock talk here. J.E.
  9. Badfish, Thanks. I knew someone would jump up and "tell me where to go"! LOL I appreciate your response and Dave's PM! J.E.
  10. Okay guys. I'm brand new at painting and this post caught me. Give me some suggestions on airbrush systems, paint, and stencils for patterns. Brand new so be nice....... please
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