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Everything posted by BAMA BASSER

  1. 18ft nova ultrajon with 50hp rigged for bass fishing
  2. Thanks glad you like it. For this one I just used a red sharpie to see how it looked. It dont hold up very well but I am going to try blade dip to see how it will do also made some jigs with red hooks and painted them with red chrome spray paint.but it dont hold up well either. Maybe theres some way to prepare them so that they will hold the color better?
  3. Posted a pic of a spinnerbait I made with a lumaflex skirt, not the best of pics but it will have to do. I really like this stuff I like it on jigs as well because of the way it stands out. Hope to get out and try some of my baits next week if possible.
  4. Glad to hear that you didn't get burned. Everone should always be aware of the dangers of working with lead. My dad was a plumber well still is a plumber so I had someone with experince with working with lead when I started doing this.
  5. I've got a few made up but will have wait till I get someone where I work to take the pics for me.
  6. Markell just wanted to tell you I got some lumaflex and that I really like it. haven't had a chance to fish it yet but I can tell that it will breaht well in water and that it will last longer than rubber and silicone.
  7. thanks for the replies. I tried the soot or smoking thing and it worked. I had already done this but not good enough I guess It's amazing what a little soot can do for you. Again I want to say thanks and good fishing to all in 2005.
  8. Got a style H spinnerbait mold with 1/4 3/8 1/2oz sizes as a gift and I'm having a problem pouring. The 1/4 and 3/8 pour fine but the 1/2 is not working so well when I try to pour the 1/2oz it seams to set up before the cavity is full resulting in a half poured spinnerbait. anyone else ever had this problem.
  9. Wanted to wish everone a merry Christmas and happy new year hope all who are traveling are safe.[/b]
  10. sorry to hear about your theft hope you can still have a merry christmas. people who do things like this should not be allowed to walk the streets again if they ever catch them
  11. wondering what some of you thought. Mine is a spot they pull harder than any bass species I catch and almost never surrender.
  12. I'm from north Alabama close to Dectur and the Tennessee River
  13. Wanted to say hello to everyone and thanks for the help I got this is a great sight with lots of helpful info
  14. Thanks for the tip celticav. Do you use clothing dye to dye it with or something else also I looked at some of your photos and was wondering if any of those were lumaflex and I want to say thanks again for helping the new guy
  15. Thanks for the help Markell I think i'll Try the lumaflex I'll let you know how I like it
  16. Thanks for the welcome and info Markell. I'm form north bama close to Decatur. I saw the lumaflex somewhere what kind of material is it and does it come in strips like silicone and rubber.
  17. I've started making my own jigs and was wondering about the kind of skirts some of you prefer. I have used silicone skirts on a few but have some rubber skirt material odered. :
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