I agree with the common sense approach of reviewing laws and products that affect use. However; The Cal EPA has expanded and adding materials that the public uses every day that can be regulated. We all agree that lead is bad if consumed or during melting stage of off gassing. The expansions of some materials is ridiculous. For example; I list some that are common in everyday life, === leather dust, wood dust, tetracycline, marijuana smoke, sulfur. These are the recent trace materials and other that have a MSDS and listed on the Prop 65 now. So here we go; Fallow the Money-- Leather dust ( leather shop or Upholstery ) Wood dust ( cabinet shop ) tetracycline ( dairy) marijuana smoke ( state sale of trace residues ) sulfur ( wine making). All back door regulatory fees to up your RMP ( Risk Managment Program ) liabilities and CalArp enforcement. I work for a Hazmat Industrial Consultant and Action firm. I seen a miss-use of programs like Prop 65 to help, but mostly to regulate small business out of Cal. I don't mean to get on a rant, I'll leave you with this; this came across my desk early part of last year. A California Conservation Building ( let say big bird cage) in South Part of Cal- had a death of a California Condor of lead poisoning. A immediately action was taken, State officials put out Bulletin letter for more Lead Free Zones are needed to be expanded immediately. After twenty thousand dollars in testing, lead was the cause, but the Condor was born and raised in captivity. The bird never had a chance to fly free. Good example how many what to use the law to push their interest!.