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Dink Mendez

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Everything posted by Dink Mendez

  1. I pour as a hobby / for myself and close friends. I'm leaning towards a total of sixteen cavities. It not to little or not to much I have plenty of hand poured molds/ injection I'm starting new on. 16 cavities of creatures grubs skirts would compliment my collection
  2. Great insight! 12 count shows up 20 count comes up on the mold used most Thanks These input gives me some ideas I didn't think about. Thanks Tackleunder ground Members
  3. Hey walking dead, when you shoot your 702-- molds what injection oz size do you use.
  4. Howdy Fellow members I've always wanted to ask this on the forum. This is more for the hobbyist or making plastic baits for yourself. I been purchasing aluminium molds and making RTV MOLDS. How many cavities do you pour of your favorite baits. creature molds stick baits molds lizard molds swim baits molds jerk bait molds drop shot molds trailers molds When you members pour; how many do you like to pour of a single favorite style of mold for yourself. I just trying to build a consistence to I know that I'm on the right track of amount of molds I have or may need for later issues I don't see at this time. Thanks
  5. I fished with a Friend for 20 years. A great Fisherman used plastic worms, hula grubs etc...... He passed away last year. Back to my point. He smoked 3 to 4 packs a day. He would burn 3 packs fishing with me. Some years ago I exercised a experiment. Same two rods and line lure. Hand poured worms tied on, however his nicotine stained hands and smoking while putting on the worm. He would catch 3 fish to my one. I thought that nicotine or smoke residue would put off a oil trace or residue trace that attracted the fish. I don't know.
  6. I spoke with Chris, very helpful. A pleasure to talk too. All my questions answered. The hobby industry should be grateful to have members like Chris & Rupert.
  7. I just want to be sure; who is going to sell this set up for injection. I know some one was going to on a small scale setup; like to know who to contact them and save up some money to purchase one.
  8. I have purchased some RTV Silicone rubber from ebay and a great price. For some reason you can get free shipping and a great price too. There seems to be about nine or so ebay stores that sell the rubber. I've had good luck purchasing the rtv rubber from ebay.
  9. I started using Lee pot back in 1998- once Lee pot went over seas for the heating control- I took a friends advice and purchase STA-WARM pots. I had them since 2004 and work great.
  10. I'm no pro; put I like to use Seal coat. Dip it three times. Just my two cents.
  11. Where are you ( members ) getting the balsa wood to make crankbaits. I would like to purchase my balsa from suppliers that are familiar to crankbait making. Also what density of balsa is best for flat side crankbait. I looking into 3/8 and 1/2 thickness of balsa would. I just would like to due business with a company that supports hobby makers and friendly contacts.
  12. Bob, thanks for the inside. Your experience and knowledge has helped a great deal. I appreciate your input and other Tackleunderground members. I'm glad I posted the question. I still have some researching to do. Thanks- I need to learn more before purchasing the unit. Thanks
  13. Thanks I will research the copy carver; I seen them before- maybe it would be well suited for what I'm wanting to do. Also I would be able to duplicate some round bait like bb1 and old poes
  14. I've always wanted to make my own flat side crankbaits. I cut mine on a jewelers scroll now, but I saved up and would like to purchase a cnc machine. I cut out about thirty cranks a year. I been looking into purchasing a Rockler CNC Pirana machine. Any member have a cnc machine to cut out cranks. Also would like to cut out my circuit board lips also. I normally us 3/8 , 1/2 , and some times 3/4 thickness to make the flat cranks. Any information or person I can talk to before I purchase the machine would be great. Thanks
  15. I have Delmart molds for years and I love them. However; getting the molds is a different story.
  16. I agree with the common sense approach of reviewing laws and products that affect use. However; The Cal EPA has expanded and adding materials that the public uses every day that can be regulated. We all agree that lead is bad if consumed or during melting stage of off gassing. The expansions of some materials is ridiculous. For example; I list some that are common in everyday life, === leather dust, wood dust, tetracycline, marijuana smoke, sulfur. These are the recent trace materials and other that have a MSDS and listed on the Prop 65 now. So here we go; Fallow the Money-- Leather dust ( leather shop or Upholstery ) Wood dust ( cabinet shop ) tetracycline ( dairy) marijuana smoke ( state sale of trace residues ) sulfur ( wine making). All back door regulatory fees to up your RMP ( Risk Managment Program ) liabilities and CalArp enforcement. I work for a Hazmat Industrial Consultant and Action firm. I seen a miss-use of programs like Prop 65 to help, but mostly to regulate small business out of Cal. I don't mean to get on a rant, I'll leave you with this; this came across my desk early part of last year. A California Conservation Building ( let say big bird cage) in South Part of Cal- had a death of a California Condor of lead poisoning. A immediately action was taken, State officials put out Bulletin letter for more Lead Free Zones are needed to be expanded immediately. After twenty thousand dollars in testing, lead was the cause, but the Condor was born and raised in captivity. The bird never had a chance to fly free. Good example how many what to use the law to push their interest!.
  17. I used to sell here local at a bait shop. Prop 65 is a Right to know law for the consumer. Also, in California helps establish any product with a MSDS or SDS information must be known, if used in the retail product. Here in CA regulations and prop 65 is one of the BACK DOOR laws to track and confirm registered use products and supplier of materials. TAX AND FEE GENERATOR! Just be sure all your ducks are in the roll. Here in Ca, I know a formal bait shop that got fined 18,000.00 dollars for not applying the prop 65 law. Just be glad your not in Ca, Good Luck!
  18. Thanks Dave for the info. Perfect, exactly what I was hoping for.
  19. Hey Smallmouthalholic, what size are the pot? Do you know how many 5 inch senko one can shoot of a equal pot mix. I use Sta-warm gravity pots for open pouring mold and top pour mold. I would like to purchase Shooting star for grubs and other injection molds.
  20. I stop adding scent to the pot during the pouring stage. However I spray all the mold just before pour with a fine mist of BANG-crawfish / shad scent.
  21. Just an idea; maybe you can put together a How to book on building one and supplies needed. I would be interested for sure. Or put some unit together for sale I would also would interested in one. Great effort and time for sure. I LIKE IT!
  22. There you go! I just surprised me to see the new first series mold for sale so fast. I don't own one, just curious why I see 7 different times for sale.
  23. Looks real good ! Glad you like it.
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