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  1. i have had an idea for a while now and i was wondering if any of you guys could maybe save me a mess or some time. i work at ace hardware and to make different color paints we use glycerin based colorants. This is so the colorant will work in water and oil based paints. these colorants are extremely concentrated, and cheap (average of 15$ per quart)so i was wondering if i should experiment and see how it works in plastic.
  2. I also use the same line as del, i live in az as well and only fish with P-line flouroclear. The 100% flourocarbon just isn't as good of line. On top of that the flouroclear is cheaper
  3. i like a crawdad color ive been using dropshoting 3/4 cup lc plastic 4 drp brown 4 drops spiced rum super fine red flk touch of superfine blk and sometimes a touch of gold hilite
  4. thanks guys hopefully ill get some pictures up soon
  5. i know ive seen some post that talks about how to get a good picture of plastics but i couldn't find it using the search. Every time i take photos i can't see the veins or flake very well or i light them to bright with the flash. I know some of you guys take great photos like bass8baits, nova GAbassnerd. I was wondering if you guys could give me a few pointers like sun light vs flash or best background colors thnx
  6. i just poured some and the best ive gotten is one drom spiced rum and one drop purple plum, those are the colors i had but it is very very close and for the vein i used the same color just with alot of blu hilite
  7. thanx for bringing that up i need to pour some pb&js. early last fall for about 2-3 weeks Pb&j brush hogs were the only thing we could get bit on. we threw everything in the boat and we always enden up flippin the pb&j's.we also use pb&j trailers for flippin jigs
  8. ive been pouring stiks like crazy since i got my stick mold. im curious to see if any one has ever tried to find or use a sinking additive to make the plastic more dense than water. im using flouring salt now and seems to work well, but it would be nice to have transparent stiks
  9. Basscrack


    i bought a can of white glitter from michael's and it works real well i like to use it in my flukes. it hasn't melted or turned brown but it is pretty heavy so i have to stir ALOT but l8ly ive just sprinkled it on top of my cup of plastic after colored without stirring the glitter all the way in most is still on top, it actually pours pretty eveny
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